British Jewish socialist solidarity with Pittsburgh massacre victims

London vigil for Pittsburgh

By Marcus Barnett in London, England:

Monday, October 29, 2018

Jewish socialists hold vigil for Pittsburgh victims

JEWISH socialists condemned Donald Trump yesterday for having “lifted the lid” for racists and fascists in the United States.

Julia Bard of the Jewish Socialists’ Group (JSG) warned that
the far right feels emboldened by the US president.

She was speaking ahead of a vigil at the Battle of Cable Street mural in east London last night, organised in solidarity with the Jewish community of Pittsburgh, Philadelphia, where a shooting at a synagogue killed 11 people on Saturday.

Suspect Robert Bowers is in custody over the attack on a Hebrew naming ceremony at the Tree of Life synagogue in the city’s Squirrel Hill area.

Most of the victims were elderly, with Rose Malinger, a 97-year-old Holocaust survivor, and retired twins Cecil and David Rosenthal among them.

Ms Bard’s statement reads in full: “We send our solidarity, condolences and love to the Jewish community in Pittsburgh.

“Robert Bowers, a nazi sympathiser, targeted these particular Jews because the Tree of Life congregation are local partners of the Hebrew Immigrant Aid Society, which works to resettle refugees.

“The most extreme fascistic and white supremacist ideas and movements had been marginalised in the US by the success of the civil rights movements of the 1960s and ’70s, but racism remained part of the fabric of American life.

“Now, though, Trump’s vicious hostility to all America’s minorities, including people of colour, Muslims, Jews, indigenous peoples and Hispanics, has lifted the lid, and hardcore racists and fascists once again feel free to declare and act on their inhuman beliefs.”

JSG said on its Facebook event page for the vigil that it would collect funds for Nelma (North East London Migrant Action) “to show that the far right can not break us apart with fear or turn us against each other.”

Pittsburgh Synagogue Murder Spree Latest In 4 Decades Of Organized Anti-Semitic Attacks. By J.J. Goldberg, October 28, 2018: here.

How Trump’s Anti-Immigrant Hate Led To A Synagogue Shooting. By Ari Ne’eman, October 27, 2018.

Former president of Pittsburgh synagogue says Trump not welcome: ‘He is the purveyor of hate speech’: here.

More than 22,000 people have signed an open letter to President Trump telling the president to stay away from the grieving city following the mass shooing at a local synagogue that killed 11, the Washington Post reported. Read more here.

THE WORLD MOURNS The Empire State Building and the Eiffel Tower turned out the lights in honor of the 11 people killed in an anti-Semitic shooting at a Pittsburgh synagogue. Eight men and three women were slain by suspected gunman Robert Bowers, including two brothers and a husband and wife. In response, Muslim groups have raised thousands for victims of the atrocity, and leaders of a Pittsburgh Jewish organization said President Donald Trump should not visit the city because he’s “not welcome.” [HuffPost]

A crowdfunding campaign formed by two Muslim groups has raised more than $100,000 for the victims of the Pittsburgh synagogue shooting, which killed 11, the Times of Israel reported: here.

After Khashoggi murder, still Canadian weapons for Saudi regime

This 28 October 2018 video says about itself:

‘Khashoggi was to reveal info on chemical weapons use in Yemen

Sources close to Jamal Khashoggi say the murdered Saudi journalist was to reveal details of Riyadh’s use of chemical weapons in Yemen.

British media say intercepts of internal communications by the kingdom’s General Intelligence Directorate reveals that a member of the Saudi royal family has ordered to abduct Khashoggi and take him back to Saudi Arabia.

The media also say that the UK government knew about the plot against Khashoggi three weeks before he was killed in the Kingdom’s consulate in Turkey. London, however, has urged Saudi officials to abort the plan.

By Roger Jordan in Canada:

Canada upholds $15 billion Saudi arms deal after Khashoggi murder

29 October 2018

In the nearly four weeks since the Saudi regime had journalist Jamal Khashoggi murdered, Canada’s Liberal government has gone out of its way to avoid criticizing Riyadh, while insisting Canada must fulfill a $15 billion arms deal with the kingdom—a linchpin of US imperialism’s domination of the oil-rich Middle East.

A Saudi citizen, Khashoggi disappeared after entering the Saudi consulate in Istanbul October 2 to obtain divorce papers needed to marry his Turkish fiancé. In the three weeks since his disappearance became internationally known, the Saudi regime has desperately attempted to deny responsibility. Initially it claimed that Khashoggi left the embassy, then that he had died during a “fist fight.” More recently, it has said he was the victim of a premeditated murder carried out by “rogue” elements in the Saudi security forces.

Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan has avoided publicly accusing Crown Prince Mohammed Bin Salman, the kingdom’s effective ruler, of ordering Khashoggi’s murder. But Turkish authorities have systematically leaked information contradicting Riyadh’s claims, including video of the arrival in Turkey of a 15-man Saudi assassination squad. Everything points to the Saudi journalist having been tortured and beheaded inside the consulate, then his dismembered body being smuggled out of the premises.

With public outrage over Khashoggi’s gruesome murder mounting, Prime Minster Justin Trudeau and his Liberal government have spent the past two weeks twisting and turning in the face of mounting criticism from sections of the media and opposition over its insistence that Canada must fulfill its $15 billion contract to supply Riyadh with 740 LAVs (Light Armored Vehicles), manufactured at a General Dynamics plant in London, Ontario.

For the first week, Trudeau and Foreign Minister Chrystia Freeland claimed, as they have in the past, that Canada’s international reputation would be damaged if it failed to “honour” the contract, while emphasizing that it was the Harper Conservative government that entered into the deal—Canada’s largest ever arms contract—with Riyadh in 2014.

However, Prime Minister Justin Trudeau has now come forward with a second argument. Cancelling the contract, he insists, would result in massive financial penalties. Initially, Trudeau spoke of a billion dollars, but by Thursday he was claiming Canadian taxpayers would be on the hook for “billions of dollars.” According to Trudeau, the deal is subject to stringent confidentiality clauses such that the government cannot make the financial penalties section, or any other part of it, public. In other words, the government must be taken at its word.

Trudeau’s claims to be in a legal bind are a callous and hypocritical subterfuge.

The reality is he and his government have issued no more than pro forma statements of concern about Khashoggi’s horrific fate. The strongest language Ottawa has been willing to employ is to describe the obvious stream of lies coming from Riyadh as “not credible.”

Bourgeois commentators have noted a contrast between Ottawa’s tepid response to Khashoggi’s death, and Freeland’s tweets of last August denouncing Riyadh’s jailing of human rights activists. The latter triggered a bitter diplomatic spat, with the Crown Prince demanding an apology and Riyadh recalling its ambassador to Canada and announcing a series of economic reprisals.

In reality, in both cases the Liberals have been pursuing the same reactionary aims.

In August, the Liberal government was not seeking a confrontation with Riyadh. It saw the tweets as a way of providing it political cover at home for the controversial Saudi arms deal, and calculated the criticism would be interpreted by the Saudis as nothing more than the usual human rights rhetoric Western governments use to camouflage their imperialist intrigue and aggression.

After all, Trudeau and his government had never voiced a word of criticism of the brutal war the Saudis have been waging in Yemen since 2015, and which has produced the world’s greatest humanitarian crisis. When evidence emerged of Canadian-built LAVs being used in the Yemen war and to suppress Shia protesters in eastern Saudi Arabia, the Liberal government willfully ignored it. Nor did Trudeau or Freeland ever make any issue of the Saudi absolutist regime’s beheading of over 150 people in 2017, or its executing 48 prisoners in the first four months of this year.

That Ottawa is eager to maintain the $15 billion arms deal with Riyadh is incontrovertible. But the Trudeau government’s muted response to Khashoggi’s murder is about more than just the Canada-Saudi relationship.

For the Liberal government and for the Canadian bourgeoisie as a whole an even more fundamental consideration is sustaining and strengthening the Canada-US military-strategic alliance, which is the cornerstone of Canadian imperialism’s global strategy.

Ottawa was rattled when the Trump administration, which has stepped up its strategic partnership with Riyadh as part of its plans for war with Iran, refused to come to Canada’s support in last August’s spat. In what was seen as a slap in the face in Canadian ruling circles, Trump administration officials repeatedly urged Ottawa and Riyadh to settle the dispute among themselves.

In the intervening period, Canada has reached an agreement with Washington on a “modernized” North American Free Trade Agreement, but to do so it had to make significant concessions. These include changes aimed at making NAFTA a more effective instrument for waging trade war, such as a clause that for all intents and purposes prevents Ottawa and Mexico City from concluding free trade agreements with China without first receiving Washington’s approval.

The Trudeau government has got the message. If Canadian imperialism is going to rely on the might of Washington’s military and geostrategic influence to pursue its predatory interests around the world, it needs to bend more to Washington, at least on issues that it does not view as core interests.

The Trump administration has all but publicly announced that it is looking for the quickest and most effective way to sweep the Khashoggi affair under the proverbial carpet, so it can resume open and active collaboration with Saudi Arabia in bullying and threatening Iran.

Consequently, the Trudeau government is raising only the most muted criticisms of the Saudi murder of Khashoggi, who was a regime insider until a recent falling out with the Crown Prince.

NATO is led by none other than Washington, the country that not only has back-stopped the Saudi regime for decades, but which over the past quarter century has led a series of illegal wars that have destroyed entire societies from Afghanistan to Libya, and which with Canada’s support is today pursuing military-strategic offensives against nuclear-armed Russia and China. Other NATO states include Britain, Washington’s chief ally in the Iraq war; France, which, again with Canada’s support, is waging its own neo-colonial war in north Africa; Germany, which is today frantically rearming; and a coterie of other lesser imperialist powers.

Canada’s Liberals spending tens of billions on battleships, warplanes: here.

TRUDEAU ‘WORE BROWNFACE AT SCHOOL PARTY’ Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau wore brownface at a 2001 party documented in a yearbook photograph obtained by Time magazine. The photo was reportedly taken at an “Arabian Nights” gala at a private school in Vancouver where Trudeau was teaching at the time. [HuffPost]

Bonaire coral spawning, video

This 2011 video says about itself:

How does an animal like coral that lives attached to the bottom (and can’t move around) create new colonies far away? Jonathan spends a week in Bonaire studying coral spawning. He learns how these animals release eggs into the water at the right time of the year to create new coral colonies. But they only do it at night, at certain times of the year. Jonathan’s film expedition requires careful timing.

A new study has found that a common coral species might have evolved unique immune strategies to cope with environmental change: here.

Corals know how to attract good company. New research finds that corals emit an enticing fluorescent green light that attracts the mobile microalgae, known as Symbiodinium, that are critical to the establishment of a healthy partnership: here.

‘Boycott tennis, football in bloody Saudi Arabia’

This 25 October 2018 video from England says about itself:

Demonstrators gather outside Saudi embassy to protest Yemen bombings and Khashoggi killing

Dozens of people gathered outside Saudi Arabia’s embassy in London on Thursday evening to protest against the gulf state’s war in Yemen and the killing in Turkey of journalist Jamal Khashoggi.

Translated from Dutch NOS TV today:

Amnesty calls on Djokovic and Nadal to avoid Saudi Arabia

The murder of journalist Jamal Khashoggi at the Saudi consulate in Turkey has also put Rafael Nadal and Novak Djokovic in a difficult situation. The best two tennis players in the world at present would play a demonstration match in the Saudi city Jeddah on 22 December, but the pressure on both tennis players to abandon that lucrative performance increases as the political tension around
the Khashoggi case increases. …

Already a year ago, Nadal and Djokovic signed a contract stating that they will play a lucrative demonstration contest in Jeddah on 22 December. The match is financed by the Saudi government.

Amnesty International, among others, has now called on both tennis players to refrain from playing there, since this would give a wrong signal. By playing tennis in Jeddah, Nadal and Djokovic, according to Amnesty International, give credibility and approval to a controversial regime. …

Incidentally, Amnesty International not only appeals to the tennis players. Eg, the Italian football clubs Juventus and AC Milan received a letter from the human rights organization asking them not to play the Super Coppa match in Saudi Arabia. That match – between the national champion and cup winner of Italy – is scheduled for January 2019.

Pro wrestling stars John Cena and Daniel Bryan have reportedly pulled out of an event in Saudi Arabia following the killing of journalist Jamal Khashoggi.

Pittsburgh, USA synagogue massacre mourners speak

Over 2,500 people packed the Soldiers and Sailors hall in Pittsburgh for Sunday's memorial for those killed in the Pittsburgh, USA synagogue on Saturday

By Samuel Davidson in Pennsylvania in the USA:

Thousands attend memorial for victims of mass shooting at Pittsburgh synagogue

29 October 2018

On Sunday, several thousand people attended a memorial service for the 11 victims of the mass shooting the previous day at the Tree of Life Synagogue in Pittsburgh. The memorial was held at the Soldiers and Sailors Hall in the city’s Oakland section.

An overflow crowd numbering about 2,500 packed the hall and hundreds of people stood outside in the rain to listen to the eulogies and speeches and pay respect to those struck down by Robert Bowers, an anti-Semitic and anti-immigrant fascist.

The 46-year-old shooter walked into the Tree of Life Synagogue in the Squirrel Hill neighborhood of Pittsburgh shortly before 10 am Saturday with three handguns and an AR-15 assault rifle. He shouted, “All Jews must die” as he began shooting. Bowers’ social media posts show that he specifically targeted the Tree of Life Synagogue because it works with HIAS [Hebrew Immigrant Aid Society] to resettle refugees from Syria and Central America in Pittsburgh.

Bowers, wounded in an exchange of fire with police, reportedly shouted anti-Jewish epithets as he was being taken into custody. He has been charged with 11 counts of criminal homicide and 13 counts of ethnic intimidation.

The anti-Semitic atrocity occurred the day after the arrest of Cesar Sayoc, a 56-year-old avid Trump supporter, on charges of sending 14 mail bombs to 12 prominent Democrats and critics of the president. These terrorist acts have come in the wake of a series of fascistic campaign speeches by Trump denouncing the Central American men, women and children in the caravan heading toward the US border as “invaders” and criminals, calling himself a “nationalist,” and attacking Democrats as “cosmopolitans”, an epithet long used by the far right to malign Jews.

Trump accused the billionaire Democratic donor George Soros, who is Jewish, of funding the caravan. Soros was one of those targeted in last week’s wave of mail bombs.

In addition to the large turnout for the memorial service Sunday evening, thousands participated in other events held Saturday and Sunday throughout Pittsburgh and in New York, Oakland, California, Washington DC and other locations.

Hundreds who couldn't get in the overflowing memorial listened to the service in the rain in Pittsburgh

The names of the 11 victims were released early Sunday morning. The victims ranged in age from 54 to 97. There were eight men and three women.

The oldest victim was Rose Mallinger, 97, from Squirrel Hill, who, according to some reports, was a Holocaust survivor. A married couple from the city’s Wilkinsburg section, Bernice and Sylvan Simon, 84 and 86, were among the dead. Two brothers from Squirrel Hill, 59-year-old Cecil Rosenthal and 54-year-old David Rosenthal, were also among the victims.

Also killed were: Richard Gottfried, 65, of Ross Township; Melvin Wax, 88, of Squirrel Hill; Irving Younger, 69, of Pittsburgh’s Mount Washington neighborhood; Dr. Jerry Rabinowitz, 66, of Edgewood Borough; Daniel Stein, 71; and Joyce Fienberg, 75, of Oakland.

Two other worshippers were shot, one of whom is in critical condition. Four police officers were injured, two of whom remain hospitalized.

Five of those killed had been alive during the holocaust. A holocaust survivor who was late for the service was walking up to the building when he heard gunfire and people screaming inside.

Reporters for the World Socialist Web Site spoke with several of the people in attendance at the Sunday evening memorial.

One University of Pittsburgh student from the School of Social Work said: “I consider myself a socialist. Bowers targeted the synagogue because of their work with refugees. It is not just about Pittsburgh. There needs to be more emphasis on anti-Semitism as a global issue. I find it upsetting that Trump called himself a nationalist. He then said he didn’t know anything about the history of the word. He’s the president. It’s his job to know this.”

George Hughes, a retiree, told the WSWS, “There are hateful people in this world. Trump is the gasoline for their fire. Not just Trump, but other politicians are fueling this. We created the immigrant problem. In Honduras we didn’t like the leader. The US organized a coup and the people are fleeing a leader who oppresses them.

George Hughes, a retiree who attended the Pittsburgh memorial

“These are problems and chaos our country has created. It is the same thing in Iran and Iraq. We created the problems. Why are we in the Middle East? Why were we in Vietnam? For the same thing—the oil. Innocent people have to flee a country because of problems created by the policies of this government.”

A Brazilian immigrant who has lived in Pittsburgh for the last 26 years and is now a US citizen asked that his name not be used for fear of the anti-immigrant sentiment being whipped up by the Trump administration. “Trump is making all these statements against immigrants and it’s getting people to hate them,” he said. “He is seeking to blame the problems of the country on the immigrants. I came here to show that we can unite to prevent this.”

Trump and prominent Republicans are consciously appealing to anti-Semitic and fascistic elements in response to the growth of working-class opposition and popular hostility to capitalism. Last Tuesday, a day after Trump’s racist anti-immigrant rant in Houston, House Majority Leader Kevin McCarthy posted an anti-Semitic tweet singling out three prominent Jewish critics of Trump: “We cannot allow Soros, [Tom] Steyer and [Michael] Bloomberg to BUY this election! Get out and vote Republican November 6th. #MAGA.” The tweet was deleted the next day.

The Democrats are complicit in the growth of far-right and anti-Semitic forces. They refuse to defend immigrants and refugees and have made Trump’s sending of troops to the US-Mexican border and jailing of tens of thousands of immigrant workers in detention camps a nonissue in next week’s midterm elections. They oppose Trump on the most right-wing possible basis—denouncing him for being “soft” on Russia and insufficiently supportive of the FBI and CIA.

On the Sunday talk shows, Democratic representatives responded to the synagogue massacre by criticizing Trump for “dividing the nation”, not for making fascistic appeals and carrying out police-state measures. At Sunday’s memorial service in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania Governor Tom Wolf, a Democrat, avoided any mention of Trump.

Charleston Black Church Mourns Jews Killed In Pittsburgh Synagogue. October 28, 2018. By Harriet McLeod.

Turkish journalist deported from Germany for criticizing Erdogan regime

Turkish journalist Yigit expelled from Merkel-Erdogan press conference, EPA photo

Translated from Dutch NOS TV today:

Critical Turkish columnist is expelled after 36 years in Germany

A critical Turkish columnist must leave Germany after 36 years. The man, Ertugrul Adil Yigit, says that the expulsion is the result of his protest at a press conference by German Chancellor Merkel and Turkish President Erdogan in September in Berlin.

Yigit is known for his critical approach to President Erdogan. He wore a T-shirt during the press conference with the text ‘Freedom for all journalists in Turkey.’ The action led to unrest and Yigit was dragged out of the room by security.

Problems with residence permit

Yigit says he has lived in Germany for 36 years. His residence permit has been extended several times, but last year there were problems with the extension. According to the columnist, the head of the immigration service in Hamburg promised him that these problems would be resolved. This weekend he has been told that he has until 22 January to leave Germany.

The German authorities say that Yigit is being deported because he has no paid job and because his children no longer live with him. The columnist himself is convinced that the decision has to do with his protest action. He is considering legal action.

A COURT in Turkey has sentenced a journalist working for Syria’s official news agency, SANA, to more than four years in prison for allegedly insulting President Recep Tayyip Erdogan but indeed exposing the Ankara government’s support for foreign-sponsored Takfiri terrorists operating inside Syria: here.

Pittsburg synagogue anti-Semitic massacre, its context

This 28 October 2018 video from the USA says about itself:

The HATE CRIME You Didn’t Hear About

White Man Guns Down Two Black Grandparents Before Saying ‘Whites Don’t Kill Whites’. Francis Maxwell Asks, Why Nobody Is Talking About This?!!

By Joseph Kishore in the USA:

Mass shooting at Pittsburgh synagogue

Anti-Semitic violence erupts in America

29 October 2018

The anti-Semitic massacre at the Tree of Life Synagogue in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, has raised the crisis of American politics and society to a new level. More and more, the conditions in the United States have the character of a civil war, in which the most backward and reactionary forces are being encouraged and promoted.

Eleven people were killed in the slaughter in Pittsburgh, which occurred during religious services Saturday morning. Among the predominantly elderly victims were two brothers and a husband and wife, aged 84 and 86. Another victim was Rose Mallinger, 97, a survivor of the Holocaust. The shooter, Robert Bowers, has been charged with 11 counts of criminal homicide and 13 counts of ethnic intimidation.

While the United States is no stranger to anti-Semitism, an act of mass violence targeting Jewish people on this scale is unprecedented. As one commenter in the Israeli newspaper Haaretz wrote, the “illusion that ‘this can’t happen here’ has been shattered. American Jews will wake up the next day to a new and far more frightening future, knowing not only that it has happened here, but that the attack could portend similar assaults in the future.”

To understand the significance of this act it is necessary to place it not only in its domestic, but also its international and historical context.

The attack is a direct product of the open appeals to fascist violence by the Trump administration. Bowers was evidently motivated by a combination of rabid anti-Semitism and anti-immigrant chauvinism. He posted comments on social media just prior to the attack linking his hatred of Jews to the efforts of the Hebrew Immigrant Aid Society (HIAS), with which the Tree of Life synagogue is affiliated, to assist refugees fleeing Central America. “HIAS likes to bring invaders in that kill our people”, he wrote. “I can’t sit by and watch my people get slaughtered.”

The language he employed, including the use of “invaders” to refer to migrants fleeing poverty and violence in Central America caused by US imperialism, is that of the Trump administration. In a speech last week, Trump referred to the caravan of migrants heading for the US border as “an assault on our country.” He called it an invasion that threatened to destroy “your neighborhoods, your hospitals, your schools.” In remarks laden with anti-Semitic and fascistic tropes, Trump denounced those who “want to turn the clock back and restore power to corrupt, power-hungry globalists…”

The attack on the synagogue follows the string of pipe bombs sent by a Trump supporter to prominent Democrats.

Trump himself is a symptom, however, not an explanation. What brought Trump to power?

The consequences of the financial crisis of 2008 and the pro-Wall Street policies of the Obama administration, which enabled the right wing to posture as defenders of the “forgotten man.” The impact of more than a quarter-century of unending war, 17 years under the banner of the “war on terror.” The turn by the ruling class and both Democrats and Republicans to ever more authoritarian forms of rule in response to growing resistance from the working class.

While Trump seeks to cultivate an extra-parliamentary movement of the far-right, the Democrats promote the FBI, the CIA and the military as the guarantors of stability against those who “sow divisions” and discontent.

The international context underscores the fact that far more is involved than simply the Trump administration. The growth of far-right and fascistic movements and governments is a global phenomenon.

In the Philippines, it has produced Rodrigo Duterte, who has praised and helped organize vigilante death squads.

In India, Prime Minister Narendra Modi is a member of the fascistic RSS. As chief minister of Gujarat, he helped organize the 2002 riots that killed hundreds of Muslims.

In Brazil, elections held yesterday elevated to power the far-right candidate Jair Bolsonaro.

Throughout Europe, far-right and fascistic parties have been systematically promoted by the ruling class. Particularly significant are the developments in Germany. In the country that produced Hitler and the most horrific crimes of the 20th century, including the slaughter of six million Jews in the Holocaust, fascism is once again a major political force.

The fascistic Alternative for Germany (AfD) is the main opposition party, deliberately cultivated by the parties of the political establishment, the Christian Democrats and the Social Democrats, which have at every turn adapted to and embraced its anti-immigrant chauvinism.

Last month, AfD head Alexander Gauland published a column in the leading newspaper Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung that paraphrased a speech by Hitler. The state, meanwhile, in alliance with the AfD, has moved to criminalize left-wing opposition to fascism.

The significance of the rise of fascism in Germany has been almost entirely ignored by the American media, including the New York Times. The efforts of reactionary historians to rewrite German history and relativize the crimes of the Nazishave provoked no opposition from the liberal establishment, including a corrupt academia in the United States.

… Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, who recently oversaw the passage of the “Nation-State Law” enshrining Jewish supremacy, has made common cause with far-right and fascistic forces in Europe, including Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban.

Finally, the international growth of fascistic movements must be placed in its historical context. What is the significance of the reemergence of fascism, 85 years after the coming to power of Hitler and nearly 80 years after the outbreak of the Second World War?

Today, approaching 30 years since the dissolution of the Soviet Union by the Stalinist bureaucracy, the essentially reactionary character of what transpired in 1989–1991 is exposed before the entire world. The fascist disease, which was somewhat in remission during the period following World War II, has powerfully reemerged. The end of the USSR produced not a flowering of democracy, as the propagandists of capitalism prophesied, but an explosion of inequality, imperialist war, authoritarianism and a revival of fascism.

Fascism is a political expression of extreme capitalist crisis. Trotsky explained in “What is National Socialism?” (1933) that with the rise of Nazism, “capitalist society is puking up [its] undigested barbarism.” Fascism, he wrote, “is the most ruthless dictatorship of monopoly capital.”

So too today, capitalism is vomiting up its undigested barbarism. The most immediate targets are migrants and refugees who are fleeing the consequences of imperialist war and capitalist exploitation. In the United States, concentration camps have been erected on the US-Mexico border that are holding immigrants—including children—under the most barbaric conditions.

In one of his last major writings, the “Manifesto of the Fourth International on Imperialism and War”, published in May 1940, Trotsky wrote: “[D]ecaying capitalism is striving to squeeze the Jewish people from all its pores; seventeen million individuals out of the two billion populating the globe, that is, less than one percent, can no longer find a place on our planet! Amid the vast expanses of land and the marvels of technology, which has also conquered the skies for man as well as the earth, the bourgeoisie has managed to convert our planet into a foul prison.” Such is the condition facing millions of immigrants today.

As the massacre on Saturday has once again demonstrated, a period of political reaction and war is inevitably associated with the revival of anti-Semitism, one of the oldest forms of chauvinism. Among the illusions that must be dispelled is the notion that the existence of Israel is some sort of protection against anti-Jewish persecution and violence.

The most fundamental target of right-wing reaction is the working class. Just as fascism arises out of capitalism, so does the class struggle. The development of the class struggle and the growing interest in socialism terrify the ruling class. Masses of workers are moving to the left, not the right. There is deep and growing hostility to social inequality and the preparations of the ruling class for war.

It is a sign of the desperation of the ruling class that, at the first sign of social opposition, it calls forward fascist violence. In the 1930s, while fascist movements acquired a mass base, what made possible their ascension to power in Germany, Italy and Spain were the political conspiracies of the ruling elites. Today, the deliberate instigation of fascism from above is an even more dominant factor.

Capitalism is again posing before mankind the alternatives: socialist revolution or capitalist barbarism. All the talk in the media about the need to “restore civility” and end “divisive political rhetoric” are empty platitudes that evade all the critical issues. What must be abolished is the capitalist system itself.