Blackwater mercenary boss Erik Prince, Trump crony

This 6 May 2019 video from the USA says about itself:

Ex-Blackwater CEO Erik Prince Makes a Comeback Under Trump, Selling Mercenary Armies Around the World

The House Intelligence Committee has sent a criminal referral to the Justice Department for Erik Prince, founder of the mercenary firm Blackwater. House Democrats are accusing Prince of lying to Congress during his November 2017 testimony before the Committee, when he described a meeting in the Seychelles with a Russian banker before Donald Trump’s inauguration as a chance encounter.

… The move is one of the latest actions placing Erik Prince in the spotlight after more than a decade of largely working in the shadows after Blackwater shut down. In a major new report, The Intercept looks at Prince’s latest actions, including his pitch to privatize the war in Afghanistan; his creation of a mercenary army for the United Arab Emirates; a history of mismanaged projects that have soured his relationships with leaders around the world; and his comeback, made possible with the help of the Trump administration.

We speak with Matthew Cole, the investigative journalist who wrote the story. It’s titled “The Complete Mercenary: How Erik Prince Used the Rise of Trump to Make an Improbable Comeback.”

This 7 May 2019 video from the USA says about itself:

How Trump’s election put Blackwater founder Erik Prince “back in the game”

Blackwater founder Erik Prince has been denied the ability to sell tanks or planes, explains investigative reporter Matthew Cole, who just published a new piece exposing Prince’s involvement with the Trump administration.

This 7 May 2019 video from the USA says about itself:

The Complete Mercenary: Matthew Cole on Erik Prince’s Improbable Comeback Under Trump

Blackwater boss Prince and Trump’s Iran war plans

This video from the USA says about itself:

Erik Prince and the Case for Active, Documented Collusion Against Iran

2 June 2018

Jeremy Scahill breaks down the Trump Tower meeting Blackwater founder Erik Prince [the brother of Trump’s Secretary of Miseducation, Betsy DeVos] set up with a representative of the Saudi and Emirati royals and an Israeli who runs propaganda and media manipulation operations.

There is one major common link that runs through the agenda of all the participants in this Trump Tower meeting, and it is one which has gotten very little attention. And that is their shared hatred of Iran and their desire for regime change.

We shouldn’t force everything into the box of Russia, Russia, Russia, especially when the evidence is so overwhelming that there are also motives relating to Iran that may explain part of the agenda that these nations and Erik Prince were pushing when they embarked on a campaign to secretly support Donald Trump’s election.

TRUMP POSTS INCENDIARY IRAN THREAT President Donald Trump has posted a tweet threatening Tehran and warning Iranian leader Hassan Rouhani against using “demented words of violence and death” toward the United States. The all-caps rant concluded: “BE CAUTIOUS.” [HuffPost]

Iran’s communists condemn Rouhani and Trump’s Twitter spat. The Tudeh Party of Iran says both ‘deceitful leaders’ would‘ lie to their people to stay in power and pursue their own narrow interests’: here.

Beloit College students protest speech by Blackwater founder Erik Prince, prompting cancellation: here.

Blackwater-Dick Cheney United States assassination program discovered

This video from the USA says about itself:

Congresswoman Confirms Erik Prince Tied to Assassination Program Run Out of Dick Cheney’s Office

14 March 2018

On one of the latest episodes of Jeremy Scahill’s podcast “Intercepted”, he interviews Democratic Congress member Jan Schakowsky about Erik Prince, the founder of Blackwater, who is now under investigation by special counsel Robert Mueller. For more, we speak with Jeremy Scahill, co-founder of The Intercept.

Blackwater-Academi mercenaries’ contract on Iraq?

This video from the USA says about itself:

On September 16, 2007, Blackwater military contractors shot Iraqi civilians killing 17 and injuring 20 in Nisour Square, Baghdad.

Jeremy Scahill on the Blackwater security scandal. This video was uploaded from an Android phone.

The Blackwater scandals set to the Talking Heads’ classic Psycho Killer. The video is inspired by Jeremy Scahill’s book Blackwater: The Rise of the World’s Most Powerful Mercenary Army.

From daily The Morning Star in Britain today:

… more signs that the US plans to take over the the oil-rich Syrian-Iraqi border region in its entirety.

Last Saturday, the New York Times reported that Iraqi Prime Minister Haider alAbadi had handed a contract to run the the Freeway 1 motorway from Baghdad to the Jordanian capital Amman as a toll road to military services corporation Constellis.

Under the plan, which has attracted criticism from the Iraqi media, Constellis subsidiary Olive Group would manage the road and stablemate Academi would provide armed escorts for convoys travelling along it.

Academi is the latest rebranding of mercenary firm Blackwater, four of whose operatives were jailed in 2015 for the 2007 massacre of 14 Iraqis in Baghdad’s Nisour Square.

The motorway forks east of Jordan and continues to the Syrian capital Damascus through the at-Tanf border crossing.

The road dominates the deserts of western Anbar province on the Saudi Arabian border, and could serve as a route for arms and recruits for Riyadh-backed extremists.

At-Tanf is occupied by US, British and Norwegian special forces backing Free Syrian Army (FSA) guerillas in their bid to seize the eastern city of Deir Ezzor and prevent Syrian government forces capturing it from Isis.

On Wednesday, coalition spokesman Colonel Ryan Dillon confirmed reports that Syrian government troops and allied militia … had not retreated from the Damascus-Baghdad road.

That was despite propaganda leaflets dropped by US planes warning them to leave and rocket artillery barrages by the FSA — which were met with Russian air force raids.

Col Dillon claimed the Syrian forces — which US jets bombed earlier this month in support of the FSA — were a threat to the illegally occupying coalition troops.

One of the biggest private security firms in Iraq has created outrage after a memo to staff claimed it is ‘fun’ to shoot people. Emails seen by The Observer reveal that employees of Blackwater Security were recently sent a message stating that ‘actually it is “fun” to shoot some people’: here.

On December 19, Nick Slatten, former Blackwater mercenary and US Army-trained sniper, was convicted of first-degree murder. It was the second time Slatten had been convicted of murder for his role in the September 2007 massacre in Baghdad’s Nisour Square, during the US military occupation, which left 14 Iraqi civilians dead and another 17 injured. Slatten was convicted by a jury of firing the first two shots that killed 19-year-old Ahmed Haithem Ahmed Al Rubia’y and touched off a shooting spree by US mercenary troops that killed and wounded unarmed innocents, including women and children. While no sentencing date has been set, the murder conviction means Slatten faces a mandatory sentence of life in prison: here.

Blackwater mercenary boss Prince, Trump adviser

This video from the USA says about itself:

Erik Prince in the Hot Seat: Blackwater Founder Under Investigation for Illegal Mercenary Biz

25 March 2016

In a major new exposé, The Intercept has revealed that the Justice Department is investigating Blackwater founder Erik Prince for possible money laundering, ties to Chinese intelligence, and attempts to broker military services to foreign governments. Prince is currently the chairman of Frontier Services Group, an aviation and logistics firm specializing in shipping in Africa. But documents obtained by The Intercept show that Prince has also set up shell companies to offer paramilitary services to at least a half-dozen African nations, including Libya.

Both the United States and the United Nations have imposed a series of restrictions on military dealings in Libya. Prince is also suspected of attempting to open Chinese bank accounts to move money for his Libyan associates. As part of its investigation, The Intercept obtained an internal slide presentation showing Prince’s private force would operate in Libya for the stated purpose of stopping the flow of refugees to Europe.

Prince has also long been interested in raising a private military force to battle Islamic militant groups in a variety of countries. We spend the hour with The Intercept’s Jeremy Scahill and Matthew Cole, the reporters behind “Erik Prince in the Hot Seat.” “In a lot of ways, Erik Prince is like a Mafia don,” Scahill says. “He has been able to avoid any criminal charges against him personally for activities that his companies have engaged in. … Whether or not the U.S. government will actually seriously go after him is still to be seen.”

Scahill is the co-founder of The Intercept and author of the best-seller, “Blackwater: The Rise of the World’s Most Powerful Mercenary Army.” His most recent book, “Dirty Wars: The World is a Battlefield,” is out in paperback, and his film “Dirty Wars” was nominated for an Academy Award.

By Jeremy Scahill, The Intercept:

Notorious Mercenary Erik Prince Is Advising Trump From the Shadows

January 17 2017, 9:42 p.m.

Erik Prince, America’s most notorious mercenary, is lurking in the shadows of the incoming Trump administration. A former senior U.S. official who has advised the Trump transition told The Intercept that Prince has been advising the team on matters related to intelligence and defense, including weighing in on candidates for the defense and state departments. The official asked not to be identified because of a transition policy prohibiting discussion of confidential deliberations.

On election night, Prince’s latest wife, Stacy DeLuke, posted pictures from inside Trump’s campaign headquarters as Donald Trump and Mike Pence watched the returns come in, including a close shot of Pence and Trump with their families. “We know some people who worked closely with [Trump] on his campaign,” DeLuke wrote. “Waiting for the numbers to come in last night. It was well worth the wait!!!! #PresidentTrump2016.” Prince’s sister, billionaire Betsy DeVos, is Trump’s nominee for education secretary and Prince (and his mother) gave large sums of money to a Trump Super PAC.

In July, Prince told Trump’s senior advisor and white supremacist Steve Bannon, at the time head of Breitbart News, that the Trump administration should recreate a version of the Phoenix Program, the CIA assassination ring that operated during the Vietnam War, to fight ISIS. Such a program, Prince said, could kill or capture “the funders of Islamic terror and that would even be the wealthy radical Islamist billionaires funding it from the Middle East, and any of the other illicit activities they’re in.”

Prince also said that Trump would be the best force to confront “Islamic fascism.” “As for the world looking to the United States for leadership, unfortunately, I think they’re going to have to wait till January and hope Mr. Trump is elected because, clearly, our generals don’t have a stomach for a fight,” Prince said. “Our President doesn’t have a stomach for a fight and the terrorists, the fascists, are winning.”

Prince founded the notorious private security firm Blackwater, which rose to infamy in September 2007 after its operatives gunned down 17 Iraqi civilians, including a nine-year-old boy in Baghdad’s Nisour Square. Whistleblowers also alleged that Prince encouraged an environment in which Iraqis were killed for sport. At the height of the Blackwater scandals in 2007, another prominent Trump backer, Representative Dana Rohrabacher, praised Prince, who once worked in his congressional office. “Prince,’’ Rohrabacher said, “is on his way to being an American hero just like Ollie North was.’’

Ultimately, Prince sold Blackwater and now heads up a Hong Kong-based company known as Frontier Services Group. The Intercept has previously reported on Prince’s efforts to build a private air force for hire and his close ties to Chinese intelligence. One of his latest schemes is a proposal to deploy private contractors to work with Libyan security forces to stop the flow of refugees to Europe.

Prince has long fantasized that he is the rightful heir to the legacy of “Wild Bill” Donovan and his Office of Strategic Services, the precursor to the CIA. After 9/11, Prince worked with the CIA on a secret assassination program, in addition to offering former SEALs and other retired special operators to the State Department and other agencies for personal security.

Blaming leftists and some congressional Democrats for destroying his Blackwater empire, Prince clearly views Trump’s vow to bring back torture, CIA-sponsored kidnapping, and enhanced interrogations, as well as his commitment to fill Guantanamo with prisoners, as a golden opportunity to ascend to his rightful place as a covert private warrior for the U.S. national security state. As we reported last year, “Prince — who portrays himself as a mix between Indiana Jones, Rambo, Captain America, and Pope Benedict — is now working with the Chinese government through his latest ‘private security’ firm.” The Trump presidency could result in Prince working for both Beijing and the White House.

… Prince described Democrats as “anti-Catholic, anti-Evangelical” …

Prince has a close relationship with Breitbart News and Steve Bannon, Trump’s senior counselor and chief strategist. Prince has appeared frequently — and almost exclusively — on Breitbart Radio. In August, Prince offered praise for Trump’s candidacy, telling Breitbart’s Milo Yiannopoulos: “I even like some of his projects that have gone bankrupt, because people that do things, and build things, and try things, sometimes fail at doing it, and that’s the strength of the American capitalist system.” Prince added: “We have kind of turned our back on the fact that hard work, sacrifice, risk-taking, innovation, is what made America great. Washington did not make America great.”

In September, Prince backed Trump’s proposal to commandeer Iraq’s 2 million barrels of daily oil output. “For Mr. Trump to say, ‘We’re going to take their oil––certainly we’re not going to lift it out of there and take it somewhere else, but putting it into production, and putting a tolling arrangement into place, to repay the American taxpayers for their efforts to remove Saddam and to stabilize the area, is doable, and very plausible,” Prince said on Breitbart Radio.

Prince’s sister, Betsy DeVos, is Trump’s nominee for education secretary and she has all but vowed to embark on a crusade to push a privatization and religious agenda in education that mirrors her brother’s in military and CIA affairs. Prince has long been a contributor to the campaign of fellow Christian warrior Mike Pence, and he contributed $100,000 to the pro-Trump Super PAC Make America Number 1. Prince’s mother, Elsa, pitched in another $50,000. That organization, run by Rebekah Mercer, daughter of billionaire hedge funder Robert Mercer, was one of the strongest bankrollers of Trump’s campaign.

According to New York Times columnist Maureen Dowd, in December Prince attended the annual “Villains and Heroes” costume ball hosted by Mercer. Dowd wrote that Palantir founder Peter Thiel showed her “a picture on his phone of him posing with Erik Prince, who founded the private military company Blackwater, and Mr. Trump — who had no costume — but joke[d] that it was ’N.S.F.I.’ (Not Safe for the Internet).”

Not even Trump is brazen enough to give Prince a public post in his administration. But Prince is operating in the shadows, where he has always been most at home.

Two bombshell reports dropped Monday from The Washington Post and BuzzFeed. The first alleged that the United Arab Emirates set up a secret meeting in January between Betsy DeVos’s brother, Erik Price — the founder of Blackwater — and a Russian who was close to President Vladi­mir Putin “as part of an apparent effort to establish a back-channel line of communication between Moscow and President-elect Donald Trump.”

Blackwater boss wants riches from anti-refugee violence in Europe

This video from the USA says about itself:

24 April 2013

Watch the full interview with Jeremy Scahill on Democracy Now! here. In his new book, “Dirty Wars: the World is a Battlefield,” Jeremy Scahill charts the expanding covert wars operated by the CIA and the Joint Special Operations Command from Somalia to Pakistan. “Dirty Wars” is Scahill’s follow-up to his New York Times bestseller, “Blackwater: The World’s Most Powerful Army.” In 2010, Scahill was the first to reveal the plans of Blackwater founder Erik Prince to move to the United Arab Emirates amidst mounting legal troubles. The New York Times confirmed the story two months later. Speaking on Democracy Now!, Scahill reveals his source at the time was none other than military whistleblower Bradley Manning.

Erik Prince is the little brother of Betsy DeVos; Donald Trump’s nominee as Secretary of (anti-)Education.

By Belen Fernandez, Thursday 5 January 2017 12:20 UTC:

Blackwater founder returns to save Europe from refugees

Erik Prince, the former CEO of the firm responsible for opening fire on Iraqi civilians, has the militarised solution to Europe’s migrant problem

Starting the new year off with a bang, the Financial Times has just published a dispatch by Erik Prince, notorious founder and former CEO of the private security contracting firm Blackwater, the outfit responsible for projects such as the 2007 Nisour Square massacre of Iraqi children and other civilians.

In peddling his alleged antidotes to the crisis, Prince is symptomatic of a far more profound one

The company has undergone a series of rebranding efforts over the years as an apparent means of distancing itself from overtly toxic connotations.

Prince’s Financial Times bio discreetly identifies him as simply “a former US Navy SEAL [and] executive chairman of Frontier Services Group,” a Hong Kong-headquartered entity.

According to its website, FSG offers “security and logistics services in frontier markets”.

In an investigation by The Intercept, Prince’s activities at FSG were reported to include endeavouring to sell weaponised crop dusters in Africa as part of “what one colleague called his ‘obsession’ with building his own private air force”. As with many of Prince’s operations, a facade of legality has often proved elusive.

Suffice it to say that the Financial Times isn’t racking up huge points on the ethical front by promoting a man whose modus operandi has essentially been to make a killing off of killing.

In his memoir, Civilian Warriors: The Inside Story of Blackwater and the Unsung Heroes of the War on Terror, Prince writes that, by 2009, his company had received more than $1bn for its services in Iraq from the US State Department alone.

This is not counting copious other contracts in Afghanistan and elsewhere, including contributions to the CIA’s drone strike programme.

Saving the EU

In his Financial Times debut, Prince sounds the alarm that Europe has been overwhelmed with refugees and that the “very existence of the EU is in danger”. Luckily for humanity, however, Prince has “a solution that will restore stability to Libya and mitigate the crisis” – a solution he says is “based on many years’ experience in military and civilian business”.

Call me a party pooper, but I wouldn’t file the regular imprisonment, torture and rape of migrants in Libya under the category ‘travelling unchecked’

Never mind that Prince himself is implicated in a fair amount of destruction and havoc-wreaking in Iraq, Afghanistan, and other locales that now serve as primary sources of – you guessed it – Europe-bound migration.

Prince’s proposed refugee “solution” involves a “public-private partnership” – a euphemism of sorts for what appears to boil down to a privatised war on refugees. He envisions “base camps” for security personnel “alongside a new border fence” in Libya, with border police “consist[ing] of mentors with a European law enforcement background, supported by locals trained in key basic skills”.

Prince writes: “All personnel would be armed and have agreed-upon rules of engagement and migrant detention and repatriation policy. Each base would have airborne surveillance and search and rescue as well as armed vehicle quick reaction forces. Air operations would be provided by third-party professional providers, as would medical evacuation services.”

The “mentors”, Prince specifies, “would be the skeleton structure of the unit providing key leadership, intelligence co-ordination, communications, medical and logistics expertise”.

As for what global entity might be called upon to supervise the whole shebang, maybe something with the words “frontier services” in its title?

So much for paid advertising.

In Prince’s reality, the present dearth of Libyan border security means that any old migrant can “travel unchecked” to the coast and hop on a boat for the “short, if dangerous” ride to Europe.

Call me a party pooper, but I wouldn’t file the regular imprisonment, torture and rape of migrants in Libya under the category “travelling unchecked”.

Free market obsession

Meanwhile, Prince’s fervent commitment to stanching the flow of certain humans naturally does not translate into an across-the-board opposition to human movement.

Perhaps mercenaries also hold the key to other persistent global issues like climate change and snoring and erectile dysfunction

Private security mercenaries, for one, should evidently be permitted to transcend borders at will – as should persons with the last name of Prince who relocate to Abu Dhabi to set up secret armies.

In his memoir, Prince reminisces fondly about Ronald Reagan’s free market obsession and anti-communist “aggressive military policy”, quoting Reagan’s 1985 State of the Union address in which the president once again obliterated any pretences to a separation of church and state in the US: “Freedom is not the sole prerogative of a chosen few; it is the universal right of all God’s children.”

But just as the anti-communist version of “freedom” meant freedom for capital rather than people, Prince’s conception is similarly exclusive.

While Prince and his bank account are apparently eligible for unfettered intercontinental exploitation of conflict and misery, poor folks fleeing war and economic persecution must be stopped at all costs.

Nor is “freedom” a detectable option for Iraqis slaughtered by US security contractors or Pakistanis killed by US drones.

In the end, Prince’s refugee “solution” is hardly surprising coming from someone who has also proposed combating Ebola with private contractors.

And who knows: perhaps mercenaries also hold the key to other persistent global issues like climate change and snoring and erectile dysfunction.

One thing is for certain, though: that Prince’s “solutions” aren’t aimed at any sort of resolution but rather at the perpetuation of strife in the interest of financial gain.

In peddling his alleged antidotes to crisis, Prince is symptomatic of a far more profound one.

– Belen Fernandez is the author of The Imperial Messenger: Thomas Friedman at Work, published by Verso. She is a contributing editor at Jacobin magazine.

The views expressed in this article belong to the author and do not necessarily reflect the editorial policy of Middle East Eye.

EXPANDING THE FORTRESS: The policies, the profiteers and the people shaped by EU’s border externalisation programme, by MARK AKKERMAN.

Betsy DeVos, Amway and Blackwater

This video from the USA says about itself:

Public (School) Enemy No. 1: Billionaire Betsy DeVos, Trump’s Pick for Education Secretary

1 December 2016

Donald Trump has tapped conservative billionaire Betsy DeVos to serve as Education Secretary. DeVos is the former chair of the Michigan Republican Party and a longtime backer of charter schools and vouchers for private and religious schools. In response, American Federation of Teachers President Randi Weingarten said, “In nominating DeVos Trump makes it loud and clear that his education policy will focus on privatizing, defunding and destroying public education in America.”

Since 1970, the DeVos family has invested at least $200 million in various right-wing causes. DeVos’s father-in-law is the co-founder of Amway and her brother is Erik Prince, founder of the mercenary firm Blackwater. For more, we speak to former Assistant Secretary of Education Diane Ravitch, Center for Media and Democracy executive director Lisa Graves, and elected member of the Detroit Board of Education Tawanna Simpson.

By Nancy Hanover in the USA:

Betsy DeVos: Religion and profit in the war on public education—Part 2

14 December 2016

Earlier this month, President-elect Donald Trump chose Betsy DeVos for the cabinet position of education secretary in his incoming administration. DeVos is a virulent opponent of public education who has long promoted religious obscurantism and bigotry. This is the second part of the political profile of DeVos and her family. The first, published on December 13, can be found here.

“The New Right” and the Council for National Policy

On the other side of Betsy DeVos’s family tree, her father-in-law Rich DeVos, Sr., was the co-founder of the Amway Corporation. He is largely credited with establishing “The New Right” in 1970s and funding it over decades. During this period, DeVos played leadership roles in a wide range of right-wing groups, including Focus on the Family (designated as a “hate-group” by the Southern Poverty Law Center for its “font of anti-gay propaganda”), the American Enterprise Institute, Alliance for School Choice, and FreedomWorks Foundation.

The elder DeVos notoriously served on Ronald Reagan’s first AIDS commission and blamed patients for their illness, saying, “You are responsible for your actions, too, you know. Conduct yourself properly, which is a pretty solid Christian principle.” He also denounced dying people for “requests for special treatment.”

Rich DeVos, Sr. was also an early funder and past president of the Council for National Policy. The Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC) describes the group as a little-known club of a few hundred of the most powerful conservatives in the country, an organization so tight-lipped that it tells its people not to admit membership or even name the group.

Included in the shadowy alliance of the CNP, containing both the Prince and DeVos families, are many of the most right-wing figures in American politics. These include Oliver North (responsible for the illegal Iran-Contra paramilitary operation directed out of the basement of the Reagan White House, as well as Rex 84, a plan for the roundup of immigrants and political activists), former Moral Majority leader and ultra-right evangelical Tim LaHaye (author of the religious fanatical Left Behind series on the apocalypse), oilman Nelson Bunker Hunt (a former member of the John Birch Society’s ruling council), and Paul Weyrich (cofounder of the Heritage Foundation and the American Legislative Exchange Council). It also includes former KKK leader Richard Shoff and televangist Pat Robertson (who has defended assassination as a foreign policy tool and described Muslims as “worse than the Nazis”), and other proponents of hate politics against gays, Jews, blacks, Latinos, Islam, etc., according to the SPLC.

Erik Prince


DeVos’s sole sibling, younger brother Erik Prince, is the former CEO of the mercenary supplier and private military contractor Blackwater, which has played a major role in the criminal wars conducted by the CIA and US military from 1997. It has received highly lucrative contracts from the Clinton through Obama years.

This is of particular significance in that Erik Prince put into practice, in the military, the privatization and profiteering which Betsy has sought to do in education with her bottomless pit of political contributions. It is notable that Erik Prince was an early and generous supporter of Trump, substantially prior to his sister.

Developing the “free enterprise” model in the military, Blackwater created a “parallel” operational force, offering private fighting corps, logistics and security teams to the US government–and being paid handsomely for it. The firm netted $1 billion in US government contracts and became the largest of the State Department’s three private security companies.

Blackwater provided guards for embassies and bases abroad, and was pivotal in the wars against Afghanistan and Iraq, where Prince ran more than 100,000 missions. Legally, the mercenary organization was permitted greater latitude in its military conduct than the US military, which made it a prized conduit for US special operations.

In its most infamous action, the firm’s personnel opened fire with their automatic weapons on stopped traffic in Nisour Square, Baghdad in 2007, murdering 17 Iraqi civilians and injuring another 20. While running Blackwater, Prince was also using his personal wealth and expertise to recruit a worldwide network of spies to track al-Qaeda in “hard target” locations on behalf of the CIA.

Subsequent to his mild legal fallout from the Nisour Square case, Prince sold the lucrative company and was hired by the United Arab Emirates to establish a private army just prior to the eruption of the Arab Spring. He has a new firm, Frontier Services, another highly lucrative publicly-traded corporation involved in worldwide operations, with a specialty in Africa. He presently trains Somalis and is conducting operations in South Sudan.

Jeremy Scahill’s book Blackwater documents the close friendship (and financial support from) Prince and his family to some the country’s most militant Christian extremists, such as former Watergate conspirator Chuck Colson, a pioneer of faith-based prisons, and Gary Bauer of the Sovereign Military Order of Malta, whose mission is defending “territories that the Crusaders had conquered from the Moslems.”

Prince has roundly criticized Obama for his “half-hearted” strategy against ISIS, demanding that the US should “let the private sector finish the job.”

Privatization and profiteering

In a similar vein, Betsy DeVos’s “education revolution,” which she considers a mission “from God,” is no doubt equally motivated by mammon, specifically the determination to crack wide open the $600 billion edu-business market.

The blending of politics, religion and profits is a core aspect of Amway, Rich DeVos’s pyramid business, originally based on selling soaps and vitamins. Rebranded as Quixtar, it was named by Forbes as the 29th largest private corporation in the US, with annual sales of $9.5 billion and a presence in over 100 countries. In The Cult of Free Enterprise, Stephen Butterfield, drawing on his personal experience, wrote “[Amway] sells a marketing and motivational system, a cause, a way of life, in a fervid emotional atmosphere of rallies and political religious revivalism.”

The family’s “philanthrophic” activities are largely made possible by the family fortune amassed in these (at best) sordid enterprises or (at worst) criminal ones. The company was among the first and certainly the most successful to use the labor of “Independent Business Operators” or independent contractors as a means to avoid federal taxes, overtime payments and labor regulations. It has been the subject of numerous federal investigations in its pursuit of profits and political influence.

In 1982 DeVos was forced to plead guilty to a criminal scheme in which he had created dummy invoices on imports into Canada, which defrauded that government of $22 million in custom duties. In 1994 the DeVos family gave $2.5 million to the Republican Party, which was the largest known soft money donation from a corporation in the country’s history, raising legal alarm bells. “By 2009, DeVos’s son Dick and daughter-in-law Betsy were …facing a record $5.2 million civil fine of their own for violating Ohio’s campaign finance laws,” explained Jane Mayer in her book Dark Money.

To push back against her legal difficulties, Betsy DeVos became a founding board member of the James Madison Center for Free Speech to spearhead the effort to end restrictions on soft money in politics. This collaboration, Mayer documents, laid the basis for the infamous 2010 Supreme Court decision in Citizens United vs. Federal Election Commission. A profound attack on democracy, Citizens United gave the oligarchic bourgeoisie a blank check to “purchase” candidates and install them in office.

How is it that such “soft soap” hucksters from Ada, Michigan loom so large in American politics?

A product of the decline of capitalism and crisis of American democracy, the DeVos clan represents the rise of a filthy rich oligarchy determined to eliminate the gains of the working class won over decades and to turn the historical clock backwards. As the WSWS has repeatedly explained, democratic political forms and such rights as access to quality public education are incompatible with the growth of immense social inequality and endless militarism and imperialist wars.

Social opposition will grow as the character of the incoming Trump administration—a government of billionaires, generals and ultra-right opponents of basic democratic rights—becomes clearer to workers and young people.

Bernie Sanders Asks Trump’s Education Nominee If She’s Only Getting The Job Because She’s A Billionaire. It was part of a long grilling Senate Democrats gave Betsy DeVos in her confirmation hearing: here.

Trump leaves education to Blackwater, Amway cult

This video from the USA says about itself:


6 July 2015

Amway parody showing America’s continued obsession with success and the Ponzi schemes that still trick millions into believing they will become millionaires.

Written by James Michael Angelo & Jonathan Warren.

Directed by Justin Herman.

From the Huffington Post in the USA today:

Donald Trump Taps Billionaire School Voucher Advocate To Run America’s Schools

The president-elect rewarded GOP megadonor Betsy DeVos with the position of education secretary. …

“In nominating DeVos, Trump makes it loud and clear that his education policy will focus on privatizing, defunding and destroying public education in America,” American Federation of Teachers president Randi Weingarten said.

The National Education Association, which represents teachers and school administrators, said the pick shows how “out of touch” the Trump administration is with what’s best for students and educators.

“She has lobbied for failed schemes, like vouchers — which take away funding and local control from our public schools — to fund private schools at taxpayers’ expense,” the labor union said in a statement. “These schemes do nothing to help our most-vulnerable students while they ignore or exacerbate glaring opportunity gaps. She has consistently pushed a corporate agenda to privatize, de-professionalize and impose cookie-cutter solutions to public education.”

Progressive Michigan executive director Lonnie Scott said the nomination “proves that having a shortage of experience means nothing as long you don’t have a shortage of money.”

“The DeVos family education plan has been a disaster for Michigan and we are truly saddened that Trump decided to import their failed ideas to Washington D.C.,” Scott wrote in a statement.

Talking about the DeVos family: who are the family of Donald Trump’s new education czarina?

Her brother is Erik Prince, boss of the infamous Blackwater mercenary corporation, involved in war crimes in Iraq and elsewhere.

Ms De Vos‘ husband is Dick DeVos, super rich heir to the fortune of Amway corporation.

Amway is not an ordinary business.

Amway cartoon

Associated Press reports:

LANSING – 09/21/06–The writer-director of an independent movie razzing direct sales companies such as Amway didn’t realize when he was finishing up his film that former Amway President Dick DeVos was running for governor. …

The movie [“Believe“] was shot in 2004, a year before DeVos began running for governor.

Filmmaker Loki Mulholland says it shows the pitfalls of multi-level marketing companies.

Multi-level marketing is often called, uncharitably, pyramid or Ponzi schemes.

Amway is often considered to be cult-like as well as a multinational corporation.

This video from the USA is the trailer of the movie Believe. It says about itself:

13 September 2006

The theatrical trailer for the hilarious comedy about Multilevel Marketing. Coming to exclusive theatres nationwide in Oct. 2006.

Trump’s Disastrous Education Pick: A Billionaire Heir of Right-Wing Dynasty and Champion of School Privatization Efforts: here.

Group Funded By Trump’s Education Secretary Pick: ‘Bring Back Child Labor’. This raises serious questions about the woman who would potentially be in charge of U.S. public schools: here.

Husband Of Trump’s Education Secretary Once Promoted Intelligent Design [creationism] In Schools. In 2006, Dick DeVos thought Michigan students should be exposed to “more ideas”: here.

4 University Of Kansas Cheerleaders Suspended For ‘KKK Go Trump’ Snapchat Post: here.

Alarm In Germany And Israel At Emboldened U.S. White Supremacists. Neo-Nazis and white nationalists have vocally backed Trump: here.

Blackwater mercenaries and Donald Trump news

This video from the USA says about itself:

Donald Trump‘s Top Foreign Adviser, Joseph Schmitz, is a Former Blackwater Executive

25 March 2016

When asked this week about how he would approach foreign policy, Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump told MSNBC, “I’m speaking with myself, number one, because I have a very good brain, and I’ve said a lot of things.”

He also announced his lineup of little-known foreign policy advisers, including Joseph Schmitz, a former Pentagon inspector general with ties to the Center for Security Policy, who was forced out of his job amid accusations that he protected high-level officials in the George W. Bush administration who were suspected of wrongdoing. We get reaction from The Intercept’s Jeremy Scahill, who notes Schmitz is a radical Christian supremacist with an “insane worldview” who was a former executive with Blackwater.

This video from the USA says about itself:

Blackwater Founder’s Latest Scheme: Money Laundering for Libyan Officials Through a Chinese Bank

25 March 2016

The Intercept reports that what began as an investigation into Blackwater founder Erik Prince’s attempts to sell defense services in Libya and other countries in Africa has widened to a probe of allegations that he received assistance from Chinese intelligence to set up an account for his Libya operations through the Bank of China. The Justice Department is also seeking to uncover the precise nature of Prince’s relationship with Chinese intelligence.

We get details from Matthew Cole and Jeremy Scahill about what they uncovered in their joint story, “Erik Prince in the Hot Seat: Blackwater’s Founder is Under Investigation for Money Laundering, Ties to Chinese Intel, and Brokering Mercenary Services.”

This video from the USA says about itself:

Erik Prince in the Hot Seat: Blackwater Founder Under Investigation for Illegal Mercenary Biz

25 March 2016

In a major new exposé, The Intercept has revealed that the Justice Department is investigating Blackwater founder Erik Prince for possible money laundering, ties to Chinese intelligence, and attempts to broker military services to foreign governments. Prince is currently the chairman of Frontier Services Group, an aviation and logistics firm specializing in shipping in Africa. But documents obtained by The Intercept show that Prince has also set up shell companies to offer paramilitary services to at least a half-dozen African nations, including Libya.

Both the United States and the United Nations have imposed a series of restrictions on military dealings in Libya. Prince is also suspected of attempting to open Chinese bank accounts to move money for his Libyan associates. As part of its investigation, The Intercept obtained an internal slide presentation showing Prince’s private force would operate in Libya for the stated purpose of stopping the flow of refugees to Europe.

Prince has also long been interested in raising a private military force to battle Islamic militant groups in a variety of countries. We spend the hour with The Intercept’s Jeremy Scahill and Matthew Cole, the reporters behind “Erik Prince in the Hot Seat.” “In a lot of ways, Erik Prince is like a Mafia don,” Scahill says. “He has been able to avoid any criminal charges against him personally for activities that his companies have engaged in. … Whether or not the U.S. government will actually seriously go after him is still to be seen.”

Scahill is the co-founder of The Intercept and author of the best-seller, “Blackwater: The Rise of the World’s Most Powerful Mercenary Army.” His most recent book, “Dirty Wars: The World is a Battlefield,” is out in paperback, and his film “Dirty Wars” was nominated for an Academy Award.

UAE government sending conscripts to die in Saudi war in Yemen

This video from the USA says about itself:

American Mercenaries Hired by United Arab Emirates

16 May 2011

American expatriate Erik Prince‘s Blackwater mercenaries have been paid 500 million dollars by the United Arab Emirates (UAE) dictators. Cenk Uygur lays out why this is a very bad idea.

From Middle East Eye:

Emirati families shocked as UAE sends conscripts into Yemen battle

The UAE introduced military service in 2014 and sources in the Gulf state have claimed that conscripts are now being sent to fight in Yemen

Tuesday 11 August 2015 10:54 UTC

The United Arab Emirates is sending conscripts to Yemen as part of military operations to support the Saudi-led coalition in reinstating the exiled government of President Abd Rabbuh Mansour Hadi.

Sources close to families who have had their sons sent to Yemen told Middle East Eye that they are shocked young men doing their military service would be sent to a war zone, as they have no combat experience.

The UAE is estimated to have deployed at least 1,500 troops to Yemen, although no official numbers have been released. The troops are said to be part of a 3,000 strong Saudi-UAE force, which is rumoured to also include Egyptian soldiers, and is equipped with French battle tanks, Russian fighting vehicles and American troop carriers.

Saudi Arabia launched a coalition in March to launch airstrikes against Houthi militiamen, who had seized large swathes of Yemen and forced President Hadi into exile in Riyadh. The conflict has plunged the Arab world’s poorest nation into a dire humanitarian crisis, with 80 percent of the country’s 25 million people requiring aid assistance, according to the United Nations.

Gulf Arab states view the Houthis as being backed by Iran and the conflict in Yemen is often described as being a proxy war for regional rivalries. The Houthis have admitted their alliance with Iran but denied acting as their proxy in Yemen – the Saada-based group is rooted in local grievances and have long complained of political and economic marginalisation.

A private secretary to President Hadi recently told a Saudi newspaper that the Emirati soldiers deployed in Yemen are in the south-west city of Aden and will protect the port’s airport as well as provide support to the Yemeni army in operating “sensitive devices” that they are not familiar with using.

Two Emirati sources who are independent of each other told Middle East Eye that conscripts are being deployed to Yemen as part of the UAE force.

“To us this is a shock,” said one source, who asked to remain anonymous due to the sensitivity of the issue.

“These young men are forced to do military service and should not be taken to hot conflict areas. They are civilians who are supposed to go back to their lives and work after finishing their service.”

The UAE introduced mandatory military service in June last year, which the government said was designed to “instil values of loyalty and sacrifice in the hearts of the citizens”.

Men between 18 and 30 years of age, who have completed high school, serve nine months and those without a high school diploma serve two years. Military service for women is optional.

The Emirati sources said “many” conscripts have been sent to Yemen but neither knew the exact number of conscripts deployed. They added that a number of families have recently been told that their sons will be sent to Yemen while completing their military service.

The UAE has suffered multiple casualties since deploying troops to Yemen. Although there is no official death toll, Yemen’s exiled Vice President Khalid Bahah said on 3 August that a “number” of Emiratis had “sacrificed their lives while supporting legitimacy in Yemen”.

On 8 August the official WAM news agency announced that three Emirati soldiers had been killed after their armoured vehicle was hit by a landmine. Two others were killed in July according to state owned media.

The latest Emirati casualties – who were not conscripts – have been described as “martyrs” by the country’s leaders.

“They have written glory and heroism with their blood for the sake of peace and backing trodden people [in Yemen],” said Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid al-Maktoum, ruler of Dubai and vice president of the UAE, while visiting the soldiers’ families to offer his condolences.

Sheikh Mohammed said the country’s leaders would “spare no effort for the welfare of their families” and Saudi Arabia’s Deputy Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman has pledged to treat the three slain Emiratis as “Saudi martyrs financially and morally”.

The treatment of the three men as martyrs was criticised as a distraction by the Emirati source close to families who have had their loved ones sent to fight in Yemen.

“Whenever an Emirati dies in war they [the authorities] make the announcement quickly, call him Shaheed (martyr), and top leaders start tweeting about them,” they said. “The leaders then visit the victim’s family and promise them money.”

“They [the authorities] do all that to have people forget the basic question: Why are these guys taken there? Their country is the UAE but they are not defending here. This is their way to divert people’s attention away from this important question.”

Official media said the soldiers’ families were “proud” to have been visited by the country’s leaders, adding that the families had said they “would remain faithful to the UAE and its wise leadership”.

But Emiratis whose sons are being sent to fight in Yemen as conscripts are allegedly taking a different position on the UAE’s military activities.

“Families are angry their sons are being forced into war,” said an Emirati source, again asking to remain anonymous, fearing reprisals from authorities. “But they can’t do anything about it – if they speak out then they will be sent to prison.”

“People will not speak about this in public because it is very dangerous to do so, but in private those affected are not happy.”

Rising tensions between Yemen’s Southern Movement and UAE forces: here.

The mercenaries commanding UAE forces in Yemen. The UAE has brought in experienced foreign military officers to command an elite force reporting to Crown Prince Mohammed bin Zayed: here.