Black Republican expelled from Trump rally

This video from the USA says about itself:

Black Republican Kicked Out Of Trump Event

26 June 2016

This is such a Trump move. A rising star of the Republican party was kicked out of a Trump event. Why would that be? Cenk Uygur, host of The Young Turks, breaks it down. Tell us what you think in the comment section below.

“A rising star with the Georgia Republican Party was barred from a meet and greet with presumptive GOP presidential nominee Donald Trump at the candidate’s rally in Atlanta on June 15.

According to BuzzFeed’s Darren Sands, Michael McNeely was proceeding with other high-ranking Georgia Republicans to meet with the real estate tycoon backstage when he was intercepted by the Secret Service and hustled out of theater.

Multiple witnesses saw Trump’s Georgia campaign director Brandon Phillips stop McNeely and tell him there was “no more room for you” backstage with Mr. Trump. A Georgia GOP official reported the incident to BuzzFeed but asked that their name not be used since they are not authorized to speak on behalf of the party.

When Sands attempted to reach McNeely for comment, McNeely hastily said, “I’ll have to get back to you,” then never returned calls or issued a statement.

The Trump campaign, the Georgia Republican Party and Phillips have all declined to address the incident.”

Read more here.

35 thoughts on “Black Republican expelled from Trump rally

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