Cuckoo, meadow pipit, spoonbill and flowers

Ferry, 28 April 2018

After 27 April 2018 to the Palmerswaard nature reserve, again there on 28 April; by this ferry across the Rhine. Like other photos in this blog post, this is a cellphone photo. In the background of the photo is the 82 meter high tower of the Cunera church in Rhenen. It is a 15th century late Gothic church. The name of the church refers to Saint Cunera; who, however, appears to be no more than a legend.

Bottlebrush plant, 28 April 2018

At a restaurant close to the ferry landing in Rhenen were these bottlebrush flowers; originally from Australia.

As we enter the Palmerswaard, a lesser black-backed gull flying. A spoonbill flying.

A mute swan and a tufted duck couple swimming.

Like yesterday, a reed warbler sings.

Palmerswaard, 28 April 2018

This photo from the northern, Palmerswaard, bank of the river Rhine shows a lake, behind it a dike, behind the dike the (invisible) Rhine, and behind the Rhine (visible) the southern bank.

As we continue, two whitethroats.

A dunnock.

Palmerswaard, on 28 April 2018

There are smaller and bigger lakes all over the Palmerswaard.

A greenfinch sings.

On a branch, we see a cuckoo sitting and calling.

A green-veined white butterfly.

A meadow pipit on a pole.

Finally, two shelducks and a gadwall couple.

Morning dew flowers photos

Flowers, 27 April 2018

Before we went by ferry on the morning of 27 April 2018 from Lienden to Rheden, there were these morning dew flowers.

Flowers, on 27 April 2018

Here they are again, a bit closer …

Dandelions, 27 April 2018

and still closer, these dandelions …

Lady's smock, 27 April 2018

… and these lady’s smock flowers.

Cuckoo, reed warbler, other birds of Palmerswaard nature reserve

This May 2017 drone video is about Palmerswaard nature reserve, west of Rhenen, in Utrecht province in the Netherlands.

After 26 March 2018, on 27 March we went to Palmerswaard nature reserve.

First, the ferry from Lienden to Rhenen.

An oystercatcher flying.

A blackbird.

A male reed bunting sings from a bush.

A coot on its nest.

In shallow water, water mint grows.

On land, lilac flowers.

A mute swan, and a tufted duck couple swimming.

A gadwall couple.

A grey heron flying.

A cuckoo calls. So, he is back from Africa.

Two great cormorants flying.

A great crested grebe on its nest.

A greenfinch sings.

Willow warbler song, chiffchaff song.

A female, and later a male pheasant.

Two magpies.

A moorhen running fast along a bank,

As we walk back, two common sandpipers land.

Reed warbler singing.

Just before the ferry landing, a carrion crow.

Little owl and Ouwehand’s zoo, 26 April

Little owl, 26 April 2018

26 April 2018 started with the same little owl on the same willow as on 25 April (with a little more sunlight).

This 2017 video is about Ouwehand’s zoo in Rhenen in the Netherlands.

We went to Ouwehand’s zoo later on 26 April.

Part of the zoo is the Bear Forest.

This is a 2012 Dutch rap song about that Bear Forest.

In the Bear Forest, brown bears which used to be mistreated, forced to perform tricks on streets, bears which would not be able to survive in the wild, can recover in a big area with trees, a waterfall, rocks, a pond, etc.

We asked a Bear Forest information lady: there are twelve brown bears here, do they quarrel? No, they never quarrel, as there is enough space. One thing is especially moving about the bears. When they were forced to perform tricks, they had to do that the whole year, summer or winter. But as soon as they arrived here, they were able to have their natural rhythm of hibernation again.

The lady showed several replicas of bear skulls. The biggest one was of an, extinct, cave bear. The second biggest one was of the biggest bear species alive now: the polar bear. And the smallest skull replica was of a red panda.

Butterflies, flowers and little owl

Lady's smock, Lienden, 25 April 2018

After the morning of 25 April 2018 around Lienden in the Netherlands, the afternoon in the same area.

An orange-tip butterfly. A speckled wood butterfly.

Cow parsley, 25 April 2018

There were flowers, like cow parsley

Buttercups, 25 April 2018

… and buttercups and grass …

Dandelions and horsetails, 25 April 2018

and faded dandelions. And horsetails (a plant group, older than the dinosaurs and still alive).

Little owl, 25 April 2018

The little owl was still present at the polled willow.

Green-veined white butterfly, 25 April 2018

Finally, this green-veined white butterfly.

Lapwings, redshank and great crested grebes

This 2010 video is about the Tollewaard area, south of the river Rhine, north of Lienden village in the Netherlands.

After 24 April 2018 around Lienden and Rhenen came 25 April.

We walked, first to the Tollewaard.

A magpie.

Near a farm along the river, a kestrel in its nestbox.

Oystercatchers flying.

A white stork on its nest.

Carrion crows.

An Egyptian goose. A lesser black-backed gull.

Barn swallows flying.

A blackbird sings,

A gadwall couple.

Above a meadow, a northern lapwing drives a redshank away.

Canada geese.

A moorhen couple.

Three barnacle geese.

Two mute swans.

We arrive in the Marspolder area.

A great crested grebe swims.

A speckled wood butterfly.

Blauwe Kamer nature reserve

This 2013 video is about Blauwe kamer nature reserve in Utrecht province in the Netherlands.

Green woodpecker, 24 April 2018

Before we arrived at the Blauwe Kamer today, 24 April 2018, the day after 23 April, we saw this green woodpecker. Not a great photo (through a window), but unmistakable.

A grey heron flies. A wren sings.

A jay.

At the ferry from Gelderland province to the Blauwe Kamer, barn swallows fly over the river Rhine.

Gadwall and mallard ducks swim.

This September 2017 video is about nature reserve De Blauwe Kamer in the Netherlands. It shows osprey, white stork, great egret and other birds. Also konik horses and red deer.

On the Blauwe Kamer bank, a male pheasant.

From the Blauwe Kamer bird hide, we see nesting spoonbills, grey herons and great cormorants. Also tufted ducks and Egyptian geese.

Green trees, 24 April 2018

There were fresh green spring leaves on the trees; even on a tree which had fallen down.

As we walk on, a willow warbler sings.

On the chimney of the old Blauwe Kamer brick factory, a white stork.

A whitethroat sings.

Chaffinch, 24 April 2018

Back on the southern bank of the Rhine, this chaffinch sings.

To Marspolder nature reserve in Dutch Gelderland

This September 2017 video, from the air, is about Lienden village in Gelderland province in the Netherlands.

North of Lienden is the Marspolder nature reserve; where we went on 23 April 2018.

Much of this area became a nature reserve recently.

We arrived at Rhenen railway station. House sparrow. Blackcap singing. Ribwort plantain growing.

Arriving at the Marsdijk, a jay flying.

A chaffinch sings.

In the Rhine river swim two great crested grebes,

Grey lag geese. An oystercatcher on the bank.

Two great cormorants fly past.

Lady’s smock flowers.

White dead-nettle flowers.

Edible frog, 23 April 2018

Edible frogs in a ditch. Like this one.

In the nature reserve, male and female tufted ducks. And a great crested grebe couple.

Great crested grebe, 23 April 2018

As we walk back, green woodpecker and greenfinch sound.

A little owl on a polled willow.

In a pond, a mallard couple and a male mandarin duck.