Brown bear bones discovery in the Netherlands

This video says about itself:

17 March 2014

The awe-inspiring brown bear lives in the forests and mountains of northern North America, Europe, and Asia. It is the most widely distributed bear in the world.

Translated from Staatsbosbeheer in the Netherlands:

Thursday, May 28, 2015 12:12

During recent archaeological field surveys in the dunes of the Kop van Schouwen bones of the brown bear were found by archaeologists of the AWN Association of Volunteers in Archaeology. This find is spectacular to mention, because since 1940 only a pierced bear’s tooth had been found in the province of Zeeland until now.

Living locally

A pierced bear’s tooth may have been brought as an amulet by people from elsewhere, but the discovery of the bones probably reflects the actual local occurrence of the brown bear. Expert Dick Mol ruled that the remains are indeed of a young brown bear.


When the bear was living in Zealand must still be precisely determined. Until now it was known that until the High Middle Ages (10th to 12th century) bears still lived in the Benelux countries. C14 dating can clarify the precise age of the bones.

See also here.

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