Good grey heron and moorhen news

This is a grey heron video from Belarus.

On 17 January 2014, all over the Netherlands, water birds were counted. By now, about 80% of the results are in the computer database. That means about 4.5 million birds. Some important areas, like the Scheldt delta in Zeeland province, IJsselmeer lake and Lauwersmeer, are still missing; so, figures are provisional.

About 30% more great egrets were counted compared to 2014. Grey herons rose 50%, as there are plenty of rodents.

There are 57% more moorhens than last year, after years when things did not go well for this species.

So far, great crested grebe numbers are 21% up compared to 2014.

Variation in the diet of Common Moorhen (Gallinula chloropus) at Lake Réghaïa, Algeria: here.