Mother deer saves fawn from bear

This video from the USA says about itself:

Bear vs. Elk

21 May 2017

Captured at “The end of the world” in Flagstaff, Arizona.

By Ed Mazza in the USA:

05/30/2017 04:46 am ET

WATCH: Mama Elk Fights Off A Bear To Save Her Calf

The rare battle is caught on video in Arizona.

Never get between a mama elk and her calf.

A black bear in Arizona learned that lesson the hard way in a scene caught on video.

Footage that Shannon Seville of Flagstaff filmed and posted on Facebook and YouTube last week shows the bear taking a swipe at the calf when its mother isn’t looking in East Pocket, aka “The End of the World”.

The calf’s cries alert its mother, who comes running to the scene. The bear first climbs a tree, then comes down and takes another shot at the calf with its mother watching.

That wasn’t a good idea:

The calf runs off, and its mother follows. Seville said they didn’t seem injured, but she didn’t know what happened next.

“The animals left our line of vision and we weren’t about to get out of the vehicle to follow,” she told the Republic. “I imagine nature took its course, however, it was meant to.”

Murdered Portland, USA anti-racist’s last words

This video from Portland, USA says about itself:

Family of MAX attack victim says his heart was ‘as big as the world’

27 May 2017

Taliesin Myrddin Namkai Meche was stabbed to death after defending a young woman [two young women] who was being harassed on the MAX.

By Mary Papenfuss in the USA:

05/30/2017 05:13 am ET

Dying Portland Train Hero’s Message Of Love After Standing Up To Hate

“Tell everyone on the train I love them,” he reportedly told a woman comforting him.

A man fatally injured on a Portland train after intervening in a hate attack shared a message of love with the woman who comforted him.

Taliesin Myrddin Namkai-Meche, 23, and father-of-four Ricky John Best, 53, were both fatally stabbed Friday when they confronted a man abusing two teenagers on the MAX train, one of them wearing a hijab. A third passenger who also tried to intervene, Micah David-Cole Fletcher, 21, survived a stabbing but remains hospitalized. All three have been hailed as heroes.

Jeremy Joseph Christian, 35, who police say has ties to white supremacy, has been arrested on suspicion of carrying out the attack. He faces charges including two counts of aggravated murder. Law enforcement authorities say the suspect targeted the girls for “religiously and racially motivated reasons.”

Passenger Rachel Macy told Oregon Live Namkai-Meche confronted the man berating the girls and said, “You have to get off the train.”

That’s when Namkai-Meche was suddenly stabbed in the neck, Macy said.

“It was just a swift, hard hit,’’ she said. “It was a nightmare.’’

When Namkai-Meche turned to face Macy, she saw that his shirt was covered with blood and his face deathly pale.

She recalled he was clutching his neck as he told her, “I’m going to die.”

Macy responded, “We can handle this. Lay down.‘’

He lay on the floor of the train as Macy and a male passenger did what they could to calm him and stop the bleeding, she said. Macy pulled off her shirt and helped him press to the gash in his neck, she recalled.

“I just kept telling him, ‘You’re not alone. We’re here,’’’ Macy said. “What you did was total kindness. You’re such a beautiful man. I’m sorry the world is so cruel.’’

When paramedics arrived to take Namkai-Meche away, he turned to her and said, “Tell everyone on the train I love them.”

Macy met Namkai-Meche’s parents at a vigil for the victims the following day.

His mom, Asha Deliverance, remembered her son on Facebook as a “bright shining star.”

“Taliesin Myrddin Namkai Meche, My dear baby boy passed on yesterday while protecting two young Muslim girls from a racist man on the train in Portland. He was a hero and will remain a hero on the other side of the veil. Shining bright star I love you forever.”

In fact, only one of the two girls was Muslim. However, racist murderer Christian thought she was Muslim too.

News media do under-report some terror attacks – just not those involving Islamist extremists. Attacks by Muslims are written about 4.5 times more as other attacks: here.

From dinosaurs to birds, new theory

From dinosaurs to birds. Credit: Koji Tamura (Tohoku University), Ryohei Seki (National Institute of Genetics), and Naoki Irie (University of Tokyo)

Tohoku University researchers and their international collaborators compared the genomes of 48 avian species with other vertebrates to identify genetic sequences specific only to birds. Many of these highly conserved genetic components appear to help control traits as cis-regulatory elements. Because they are common to all avian species one of them, at least, likely dates as far back as dinosaurs, which could mean that dinosaurs acquired these sequences before and during their transition to birds.

From Tohoku University in Japan:

How dinosaurs may have evolved into birds

May 29, 2017

Summary: A possible genetic mechanism underlying the evolution of birds has been discovered by scientists. Studies of dinosaur fossils that show bird-like traits, such as feathers, light bones, air sacs and three-digit forelimbs, clarified evolutionary kinship of birds and dinosaurs. However, identifying genomic DNA changes during this evolutionary transition has remained a challenge.

Evolutionary biologists have suspected that anatomical differences within and between species are caused by cis-regulatory elements (CREs). CREs are regions of genome DNA that do not code for proteins, and control morphology and other traits by regulating genes.

The international group of researchers analyzed the genomes of 48 avian species that represent the evolutionary history of modern birds and compared them to many other vertebrates to find DNA sequences specific to avians.

They identified millions of genomic regions named ‘avian-specific highly conserved elements’ (ASHCEs) that appeared to function as CREs. They found certain modifications in histones associated with the ASHCEs; histone modifications are known to indicate active and repressed states of corresponding DNA regions.

They also analyzed the ASHCEs sequences and found they are very similar. This means the emergence of ASHCEs can possibly be traced back all the way to the era of dinosaurs.

ASHCEs also appear to be linked with evolution and development of bird-specific traits. For example, the researchers showed that a gene known as Sim1, which contains an ASHCE, may be associated with the evolution of flight feathers. The ASHCE functions as an enhancer that regulates Sim1 gene expression in an avian-specific manner.

Because the ASHCEs in genes such as Sim1 were highly conserved and therefore largely unchanged by evolution since the dinosaur era, this suggests CREs such as ASHCEs were vital in developing bird-specific traits and may have driven the transition of dinosaurs to birds.

The report on this is here.

British corporate media censor anti-Conservative hit song

This video from Britain says about itself:

Chart Show Refuses to play Liar Liar GE2017

28 May 2017

Listen to the moment Captain Ska’s song accusing Theresa May of being a ‘liar’ hit no.10 in the download chart (Sunday 28 May) but the official chart show on Capital FM and Heart refuse to play it.

By Felicity Collier in Britain:

Liar, Liar May remix hurtles into charts

Tuesday 30th May 2017

But commercial stations refuse to play anti-Tory hit single

A SONG condemning Theresa May as a “liar” hit number 10 in the official online charts over the weekend — but commercial stations are refusing to play it.

Capital FM and Heart both opted not to play the track, performed by Captain Ska, despite the fact its sales propelled it into the top 10.

During the chart show, hosts Marvin Humes and Kat Shoob announced the song and its chart position but instead of playing it went straight to number nine.

The track Liar Liar features samples from speeches and news interviews given by the Prime Minister followed by a chorus of: “She’s a Liar, Liar… you can’t trust her, no no no no.”

It attacks the Conservative Party over failings including crises in the NHS and education, and levels of poverty.

Another lyric runs: “When there’s nurses going hungry and schools in decline/I don’t recognise this broken country of mine.”

The song has been available for download since last Friday.

In response to the radio ban Jake Painter from Captain Ska said: “This can only be seen as an attempt by the media owners to undermine public opinion.

“Thousands of people have downloaded this track and we demand that it is aired as any other song would be.

“We’ve written Liar Liar GE2017 for this general election because we want to do all we can to expose the horrific effects Tory policy has had on ordinary people.

Theresa May lies her way through interview after interview without addressing the real issues. We’re sick of her and her party of millionaires privatising and cutting our public services while the rest of the country faces deteriorating living standards and poverty.

“The money is there to improve the lives of the majority but it’s in the hands of the wrong people.”

The track, which the band says has since soared to number two in the charts, is available to buy online with all money from sales up to June 8 being shared between foodbanks around the country and the People’s Assembly Against Austerity.

In another example of election censorship the NHS Singers, who pen songs against health cuts, were pulled off stage at Farnham festival in Surrey after singing their track Stand Up For The NHS.

The song’s chorus goes: “It’s not safe, it’s not fair, but they just don’t care, we did not sign up for this.”

The group also attacked Health Secretary Jeremy Hunt, whose South West Surrey constituency covers Farnham.

But as the group were about to launch into their second track, the host told them “we’re moving on, sorry guys” to boos from the crowd.

NHS singer and junior doctor Rishi Dhir claimed the “stage-managed censorship” and “media blackout” was because local Conservative councillor and mayor Mike Hodge did not like political songs.

‘did not like political songs’ … except, very probably, pro-Conservative songs. But are all seemingly pro-Conservative songs really pro-Conservative songs?

This 19 July 2016 music video from Britain is called The National Health Singers/NHS Choir – still got fighting spirit! Singing to the tune of ‘Eye of the tiger’.

It says about itself:

Fantastic rehearsal with the delectable Jenny Deacon!

We’re raising money and singing our hearts out for the NHS. The recent political upheaval continues to jeopardise our healthcare system. Please join us to sing and ensure ongoing awareness of this plight. We’re singing to save your NHS and we’re watching the government with the eyes of tigers!

Desperate Tories frantically witchhunt Corbyn – put them out on June 8th: here.

It is said the Financial Times is read by those who own the country. ROB GRIFFITHS takes it to task over the accuracy of its reporting as well as politically reactionary agenda behind it: here.

Great grey owls in Sweden, many videos

This is a July 2008 great grey owl video from Sweden, including a young bird.

This is a great grey owl video from Sweden.

This is another great grey owl video from Sweden.

This is yet another great grey owl video from Sweden.

This is a June 2008 great grey owl video from Sweden, including a young bird.

This is an April 2008 great grey owl video from Sweden.

This is another April 2008 great grey owl video from Sweden.

This is yet another April 2008 great grey owl video from Sweden.

This is yet another April 2008 great grey owl video from Sweden.

This is yet another April 2008 great grey owl video from Sweden.

This is yet another April 2008 great grey owl video from Sweden.

This is yet another April 2008 great grey owl video from Sweden.

This is a July 2008 great grey owl video from Sweden

This is yet another April 2008 great grey owl video from Sweden.

Stop British Conservative fox-hunting plans

A bloody Theresa May with a dead fox around her neck, cartoon

Blood will wash the land again. Theresa May has promised that if elected, the next Tory government will offer MPs a free vote on bringing back fox-hunting, of which she’s ‘always been in favour’: here.

By Felicity Collier in Britain:

Public tells fox-hunting fan May keep the ban

Tuesday 30th May 2017

ANIMAL LOVERS marched on Downing Street yesterday to tell bloodthirsty Theresa May not to repeal the Hunting Act.

Campaigners wore fox masks and carried placards saying: “For Fox Sake” as they marched through central London.

The Tory manifesto promises a free vote in Parliament on repealing the ban, while the PM told recent hustings: “Personally, I’ve always been in favour of fox hunting.”

And Tory peer Lord Mancroft, chair of the Council of Hunting Associations, has been salivating at the prospect of a majority of 50 or more “giving us a real opportunity for repeal of the Hunting Act.

“This is by far the best opportunity we have had since the ban,” he claimed in emails leaked to the Daily Mirror.

Speaking at yesterday’s march, Downton Abbey actor Peter Egan said: “The Conservatives are becoming the nasty party if they vote to repeal the hunting ban.”

Animal Welfare Party candidate Andrew Knight, a vet who is standing against Ms May in Maidenhead, said it was “profoundly disturbing” that Ms May thinks fox hunting is acceptable.

“We need to have leaders of our country that have basic compassion for animals and other vulnerable members of our society,” he said.

“Theresa May clearly, I think, is unfit to lead this country, if she clearly and demonstrably lacks these basic qualities.”

Labour brought in the Hunting Act in 2004, making it an offence to hunt wild mammals with packs of dogs for sport.

A recent Ipsos-Mori poll revealed that 84 per cent of people in Britain are against fox hunting while the charity League Against Cruel Sports says that in rural areas the figure is as high as 82 per cent.

The policy has not even been a hit with Tory voters, with 72 per cent saying they are against it.

The league found that voters are seven times more likely to vote for a candidate who backs the ban over one who doesn’t and that since the 2004 Hunting Act, the lives of 100,000 animals have been saved — though that figure would be 2.8 million if it had been properly enforced.

Shadow chancellor John McDonnell has pledged in a video for the Labour Animal Rights Group that the party would not only keep but properly enforce the hunting ban.

The Conservatives pledged in 2015 to ban ivory imports into Britain but Ms May dropped the idea this time around. Labour on the other hand has vowed a blanket ban.

The League Against Cruel Sports has set up campaign website Votes for Vinny, where voters can send letters to their local candidate ahead of the general election.

Fox cub Vinny reputedly says: “A Vote for Vinny means that you think humans should protect animals like me by punishing those bad peoples who hurt us.”

Wading birds in Sweden, videos

This is a redshank video from Sweden.

This is another redshank (the caption wrongly says: wood sandpiper) video from Sweden.

This is a wood sandpiper video from Sweden.

Brazilian music against coup president

This 28 May 2017 video from Brazil is about a big protest concert against coup president Temer and his corrupt administration.

From daily The Morning Star in Britain:

Brazil: Beach protest calls for Temer to quit

Tuesday 30th May 2017

Brazilians keep up pressure on corruption-tainted president

THOUSANDS of Brazilians marched through Rio de Janeiro on Sunday before gathering in dense fog on the world-famous Copacabana beach to demand coup-installed President Michel Temer’s resignation and new elections to choose his replacement.

The Diretas Ja (Direct Elections Now) protest concert featured Brazilian music icons Caetano Veloso and Milton Nascimento as well as nationally acclaimed artists Maria Gadu, Criolo and Mano Brown.

The people crammed around the stage to sing along with the performers and to chant: “Temer out. Direct elections now” between songs.

“This concert is neither of the right nor of the left. It is for the right of the Brazilian people to choose their next president,” declared leading actor Wagner Moura, who introduced the artists on stage.

However, there was a multitude of red union banners and flags representing the Workers Party of ousted president Dilma Rousseff.

Mr Temer’s standing has sunk even lower after recent revelations that he endorsed paying bribes to ensure the silence of a former MP who is in prison for corruption.

A wiretap caught him on tape backing bribes to keep former lower house speaker Eduardo Cunha — the chief mastermind behind Ms Rousseff’s impeachment — from testifying in government corruption cases.

The president’s already deeply unpopular government sparked further criticism last week when it authorised the military to crack down on anti-government protests in Brasilia.

The decree, which gave soldiers police powers to quash demonstrations, was revoked the next day, having provoked widespread outrage.

The country’s highest court is investigating Mr Temer for obstruction of justice and involvement in passive corruption.

If he resigns, the Chamber of Deputies speaker serves for up to 30 days until Congress decides who will finish the term, which runs until October next year.

“It is legal, but it is not ethical,” Mr Moura said of Congress picking a new leader. “Morally, we have to elect our next president.”

While 85 per cent of the Brazilian population favours direct elections, according to recent polls, the political elite in Congress opposes it.

About 60 per cent of the members of both chambers of Congress are under investigation for various crimes including corruption.