Criminal ‘canned fox hunting’ in Britain

This video from Britain says about itself:

Kidnapped for Cruelty – Hunting Exposé 2015

11 June 2015

Hunts try to justify their cruelty of chasing and killing foxes by claiming that they need to keep the fox population down.

In May 2015 the League Against Cruel Sports carried out an undercover investigation on land linked to the Middleton Foxhounds hunt, near Malton in North Yorkshire.

What we found was shocking.

After canned lion hunting in South Africa, canned fox hunting in Britain

From daily The Morning Star in Britain:

16 fox cubs ‘reared for the hunt

Saturday 13th June 2015

A MAN has been arrested after hand-reared fox cubs were found feet away from hunt dog kennels, sparking fears they were raised to be hunted.

An investigation by animal rights group the League Against Cruel Sports (Lacs) discovered the 16 cubs in a barn near the Middleton Hunt Kennels in Malton, North Yorkshire.

Fox hunting was banned in 2004 and the Middleton Hunt denies any wrongdoing.

“There were no vixens or adult foxes, which suggests the cubs were forcibly removed from their earths,” said Lacs spokeswoman Ginny Reid.

“We’ve known for a long time that this is a practice carried out by many hunts, but this is the first footage that graphically shows the scale of what they are doing, and links it directly to members of the hunt.”

Images were given to the press hours before police raided the barn and rescued the cubs, which are now in a sanctuary.

See also here.

In fact, as more foxes were needed for hunting than were present, large numbers of animals were imported from Europe to be sold at markets in England: here.

More details of the sickening badger baiting incident from Flintshire are here.

22 thoughts on “Criminal ‘canned fox hunting’ in Britain

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