Donald Trump and women, parody song

This 20 October 2016 satiric music video from Britain about Donald Trump and women is called Madonald – “I Like a Virgin“.

It is a parody of the song ‘Like a virgin’, by Madonna.

The lyrics are:

20 October 2016

I made it through the primaries with record numbers
I just don’t know how to lose, ‘cause I’m a winner
Won’t be beat, ‘cause I’m neat
I’m a star, I’m a real big star
So I had a feel, yeah I had a feel
A fun little fondle

Of a virgin, groped for the very first time
I like a virgin, put a roofie in her wine

Gonna have my way with you, girl
I’m allowed ‘cause I’m a star
And if you ever try to sue
I’ll say I’ve never heard of you

You’re so fine, and you’re mine
I’ll come on strong ‘cause I’m feeling bold
I’ve got nice, big hands
I’ve got larger than average-sized hands
And they’re ready for a touch

Of a virgin, groped for the very first time
I like a virgin, put a roofie in her wine
Like a vermin stepping across the line
I like a virgin, put a roofie in her wine

Dutch Geert Wilders’ spokesman’s financial fraud

Translated from NOS TV in the Netherlands:

Heemels spent PVV political party money on Madonna concert

Today, 08:22

Former PVV politician Michael Heemels used party money for a luxurious life. Tickets for a concert by Madonna,

The sister party of Geert Wilders and Heemels’ PVV, their fellow racists of the French National Front, won’t like that.

As Madonna at her concerts denounced National Front boss Marine Le Pen for nazism.

This video says about itself:

27 July 2012

American pop singer Madonna is defending her use of an image depicting French far-right politician Marine Le Pen with a swastika superimposed on her forehead after Le Pen‘s party threatened legal action. Madonna said the image was meant to highlight intolerance toward immigrants and religious minorities and she refused to remove it from a video played during her live performances.

Heemels paid 900 euros of PVV party money on going to the Madonna concert. All PVV money stolen by Heemels is taxpayers’ money.

The NOS article continues:

engagement rings, an overnight stay at the luxurious Hotel Adler in Berlin and traffic fines were paid out of party money.

This is evident from 1Limburg broadcasting corporation according to the audit report on Heemels’ expenses. He was the leader of the PVV party in the Provincial Council of Limburg, as well as the spokesman for Geert Wilders. Between 2012 and early this year, he abused 176,000 euros in party money. He then departed, when that became known.


Heemels himself said that he therewith funded his alcohol and drug addiction, but there was much more spending. What he did with tens of thousands of euros of his cashpoint money that he withdrew from the PVV account is unclear.

Public prosecutor will prosecute Heemels for fraud: here.

Madonna warns against French neo-fascism

This video says about itself:

Madonna Defends Use of Swastika on Marine Le Pen‘s Forehead: Front National Party Threatens Suit

27 July 2012

American pop singer Madonna is defending her use of an image depicting French far-right politician Marine Le Pen with a swastika superimposed on her forehead after Le Pen‘s party threatened legal action. Madonna said the image was meant to highlight intolerance toward immigrants and religious minorities and she refused to remove it from a video played during her live performances.

From daily The Independent in Britain:

Madonna: France feels like Nazi Germany

6 hours ago by Lewis Smith

Madonna has renewed hostilities with France’s far-right National Front (FN) party in outspoken comments in which she lambasts France and the rest of Europe for intolerance.

The singer, fresh from her tumble at the Brit Awards, said in a radio interview that racial intolerance and other forms of discrimination had risen to “scary” levels.

Three years ago, she was drawn into a row with the FN leader Marine Le Pen, whom she portrayed as having a swastika on her forehead in a concert video, but said the level of intolerance today is even worse than in 2012.

“It’s happening all over Europe but particularly in France. The level of intolerance is so enormous, it’s scary. We’re living in crazy times. It feels like Nazi Germany.

France was a country that embraced everyone and encouraged freedom in every way, shape or form – artistic expression of freedom.

Now that has completely gone. It used to accept people of colour, and was a place artists escaped to, whether they were Josephine Baker or Charlie Parker.”

Madonna to Europe 1 radio

France, from Vichy regime to Le Pen dictatorship?

This video says about itself:

Madonna Defends Use of Swastika on Marine Le Pen’s Forehead: Front National Party Threatens Suit

27 July 2012

American pop singer Madonna is defending her use of an image depicting French far-right politician Marine Le Pen with a swastika superimposed on her forehead after Le Pen’s party threatened legal action. Madonna said the image was meant to highlight intolerance toward immigrants and religious minorities and she refused to remove it from a video played during her live performances.

By Joseph Kishore and Alex Lantier:

Charlie Hebdo and the specter of Vichy: From Laval to Hollande

16 January 2015

The past week’s events in France—the systematic promotion of racist propaganda by the state, President François Hollande’s invitation to fascistic National Front (FN) leader Marine Le Pen to the Elysée Palace, and the resurgence of the FN in the aftermath of the terrorist attack on Charlie Hebdo—have a troubling resonance with an earlier era of French history: the period of the Vichy regime.

In June 1940, less than two months after it invaded France, Nazi Germany defeated the French military forces and successfully entered an undefended Paris. On June 22, France and Germany signed an armistice and divided the country in two between the Nazi-occupied north and west, centered in Paris, and a formally unoccupied but collaborationist regime in the south, centered in Vichy.

The very rapid capitulation of the representatives of French business and the military to the Nazi onslaught was the outcome of a decision—mirroring one made 70 years earlier during the Franco-Prussian War—that the occupation of France was the best means of dealing with social opposition at home. Both the Nazi occupiers and their French collaborators carried out a brutal war against the working class. In addition to a vicious campaign that particularly targeted socialist opponents of social reaction and imperialist war, the Vichy regime participated fully in the racist and anti-Semitic propaganda of the German fascists, and helped deport tens of thousands of Jews to concentration camps.

The two principal figures in the Vichy Regime were Marshal Philippe Pétain, the “chief of state,” and Pierre Laval, who served first as vice president of the Council of Ministers, and later as head of government. Pétain embodied the reactionary, anti-Republican traditions of the French ruling class and military. Hailed for leading French troops at the battle of Verdun and crushing anti-war mutinies during World War I, he was an ardent anti-Semite, tied to the regime of Spain’s fascist dictator Francisco Franco.

Laval personified the corruption of the French “left,” a man whose political career easily transitioned from the Socialist Party to collaboration with the Nazis. Laval joined the 1920s “Cartel of the Left” government, before emerging in conservative governments during the Great Depression of the 1930s. He left parliament and shifted far to the right amidst an upsurge of working-class struggle, eventually positioning himself as a chief fascist collaborator. It was noted at the time that Laval’s name was spelled the same backwards and forwards—a suitable expression of his spineless opportunism.

Following the war, Laval was put on trial and shot. Pétain was sentenced to death, but the sentence was suspended due to his old age. As a matter of fact, only a small number of the Nazi collaborators were held to account for their role in the Vichy government, for the simple reason that so much of the French political apparatus was implicated.

For the past 35 years, what is erroneously called the French left has undergone a long downward spiral, culminating in the current President François Hollande and his prime minister, Manuel Valls, a man known above all for his mass deportation campaign against the Roma. For his right-wing policies, Hollande has justly become the most hated president in post-war French history. Support for Hollande plunged to 12 percent in the polls last November—lower even than the current 16 percent approval rating in France for the Al Qaeda-linked Islamic State of Iraq and Syria.

While there are still many unanswered questions about the terrorist attacks on Charlie Hebdo, it is absolutely clear that the French government is determined to utilize the atrocity to shift French politics even further to the right, implementing far-reaching attacks on democratic rights while ensuring that the French ruling class has a stake in the imperialist re-division of the world.

To create the political framework for this shift, the most reactionary social and political elements are again being mobilized—though, at least for the time being, the attack on Muslims has replaced the anti-Semitic propaganda of Vichy. Charlie Hebdo is being used as a tool in this project. In particular, the cartoons that the magazine has published, and that it published yet again in a state-financed issue released on Wednesday, are part of the deliberate whipping up of anti-Muslim racism.

The most direct political beneficiary is the fascistic National Front (FN) and Marine Le Pen, who was invited by Hollande to the Elysée Palace last week under the banner of “national unity.” Le Pen’s father and the founder of the FN, Jean-Marie Le Pen, has repeatedly hailed the Nazi occupation of France during World War II, calling the Holocaust a mere “detail” of history.

Changing what needs to be changed, the union of Hollande and Le Pen reproduces that of Laval and Pétain. More than political opportunism is involved in this new alliance. The essential character of the French ruling class is re-emerging. In a period of deepening political crisis, it is recreating in new forms all the filthy practices in which it engaged when it stood side-by-side with Nazi Germany. The stench of Vichy hangs over the Elysée Palace.

FREE SPEECH PARADOX? “The French authorities are moving aggressively to rein in speech supporting terrorism, employing a new law to mete out tough prison sentences in a crackdown that is stoking a free-speech debate after last week’s attacks in Paris.” [NYT]

80% of Anti-Muslim Attacks in France Against Women, Says Report: here.

French Marine Le Pen can be legally called a fascist

This video says about itself:

Madonna Defends Use of Swastika on Marine Le Pen‘s Forehead: Front National Party Threatens Suit

27 July 2012

American pop singer Madonna is defending her use of an image depicting French far-right politician Marine Le Pen with a swastika superimposed on her forehead after Le Pen’s party threatened legal action. Madonna said the image was meant to highlight intolerance toward immigrants and religious minorities and she refused to remove it from a video played during her live performances.

A music video, no longer on YouTube, used to say about itself:

Madonna performed her song ‘Nobody Knows Me‘ in front of a giant screen showing Marine Le Pen with a swastika on her forehead.

Skip to 1:32 in the footage below to see Marine Le Pen in Madonna’s show.

Marine Le Pen then threatened to sue Madonna for this.

The truth evidently hurts for racist French politician Marine le Pen; who inherited her Front National party leadership from her holocaust-denying father Jean-Marie Le Pen.

Though that other video is gone, this one is still on YouTube.

It is called Madonna Stade de France (Nobody Knows Me Interlude). After 56 seconds, the video shows Marine Le Pen with swastika, leading to much sound from the audience.

From Radio France International:

Thursday 10 April 2014

Front National‘s Le Pen can be called fascist, court rules

French far-right leader Marine Le Pen has failed in a bid to prevent political opponents called her a “fascist”. The Front National (FN) leader sued hard-left leader Jean-Luc Mélenchon for use of abusive language over remarks he made during the 2012 presidential campaign in which both were candidates.

“Why do you think that the French people would be the only people to want a fascist as leader?” was Mélenchon’s response to an opinion poll putting Le Pen in the lead in the first round of the presidential race.

The Paris court on Thursday threw out Le Pen’s case, ruling that this was fair comment in political debate.

“If the term ‘fascist’ can have insulting connotations when used outside of any political context or if accompanied by other demeaning terms, it has, on the other hand, no insulting character when employed between political opponents on a political subject,” it declared.

Mélenchon could “legitimately make his opinion known … without transgressing the limits permitted to freedom of expression on the question”, its judgement said.

“The whole FN policy of trying to silence journalists and political opponents … has failed,” commented Mélenchon’s lawyer, Raquel Garrido. “Madame Le Pen has today been condemned to put up with being called a fascist.” …

Le Pen, who is trying to clean up her party’s image, has threatened to sue anyone calling her “extreme”.

Last week she lost another legal battle with Mélenchon when she was fined 10,000 euros because her party distributed a fake leaflet in his name during a by-election in northern France.

Ms Le Pen herself had called Islam ‘green fascism’ and anti-National Front bankers ‘gold fascists’.

Marine Le Pen attacks British UKIP: here.

The efforts of Marine Le Pen to organise an alliance of Eurosceptic parties to disrupt the European parliament have been damaged by her father’s latest anti-Semitic remarks on the Front National website: here.

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Madonna’s Le Pen video

This video says about itself:

Madonna Defends Use of Swastika on Marine Le Pen’s Forehead: Front National Party Threatens Suit

27 July 2012

American pop singer Madonna is defending her use of an image depicting French far-right politician Marine Le Pen with a swastika superimposed on her forehead after Le Pen’s party threatened legal action. Madonna said the image was meant to highlight intolerance toward immigrants and religious minorities and she refused to remove it from a video played during her live performances.

A music video, no longer on YouTube, used to say about itself:

Madonna performed her song ‘Nobody Knows Me‘ in front of a giant screen showing Marine Le Pen with a swastika on her forehead.

Skip to 1:32 in the footage below to see Marine Le Pen in Madonna’s show.

Marine Le Pen now wants to sue Madonna for this.

The truth evidently hurts for racist French politician Marine le Pen; who inherited her Front National party leadership from her holocaust-denying father Jean-Marie Le Pen.

French anti-racism group SOS Racisme expressed its support for Madonna on Sunday, commending her for her “resolutely anti-racist and feminist discourse”: here.

From Nazis to nudity, Madonna often courts controversy. See her top 10 most provocative moments here.

Madonna whitewashes British royals-nazi history

Wallis Simpson, ex-King of England Edward VIII, and Hitler

By Paddy McGuffin in Britain:

Madonna‘s immaculate ‘correction’

Friday 28 October 2011

It was reported this week that a playwright has taken the unusual step of scrapping his own work – a stage drama drawing on the events of World War II – after the body that commissioned it decided he was not allowed to mention the nazis, the Jews or the invasion of Poland.

Now it could be said that penning an opus about the 1939-45 war without at least one of those elements appearing, even fleetingly, would be rather tricky.

In fact it would be akin to attempting to write a definitive biography of Robert Maxwell without the words crook, pensions and overboard.

The Halloween play was originally approved to be performed as part of “ghost tours” at Pendennis Castle, in Falmouth, Cornwall, over four nights for an “adults-only” audience, with scenes showcasing difference periods in the Tudor castle’s history, including its second world war gun batteries.

According to the scribe himself, the reason given by English Heritage, the august organisation in question, for its frankly baffling decision was apparently that it was concerned that the mention of the Third Reich, the semitic race and/or the birthplace of a former pope might “offend people.”

Am I the only one who thinks that failure to mention the fight against fascism and the murder of six million Jews might also get a few backs up…

Someone with no such qualms regarding self-censorship and blatant revisionism however is Madonna.

Yes, the Material Girl has – in keeping with her latest incarnation as a member of the landed gentry – entered into that noble British tradition of completely airbrushing out of history the fact that our royals were about as pally with Hitler as you could get without actually being Eva Braun.

Her new hagiographical biopic of Wallis Simpson, W.E, it has been noted, not so much skirts around but veers violently away from any suggestion that La Simpson and her other half Edward VIII were – how shall we put it? – somewhat rose-tinted in their view of the Fuhrer and his project.

About all she didn’t do was turn up with pom-poms and shout “give me an ‘A’…”

What’s a holocaust or two between friends, eh?

The ex-Mrs Ritchie, showing that she shared her erstwhile spouse’s eye for period detail, said she found no “empirical evidence” that Simpson was a nazi sympathiser.

Well thank you, pop’s answer to Simon Schama.

No doubt she employed the same forensic level of research she did when cobbling together Evita, which now I come to think of it also involved reinventing a dodgy old fascist.

At this juncture it’s important to note that there is absolutely no truth in the rumour doing the rounds that David Cameron is to appoint Madonna as his new PR guru.

Although this column understands there is a script in the pipeline for a bold reimagining of the life of a certain grocer’s daughter from Grantham which tells the hitherto undocumented story of how she discovered the Falklands and saved Arthur Scargill from a pit disaster by digging him out with her bare hands.

When it comes to rewriting the traditional version of events however, Madge is a mere amateur. There is only one true contender to the crown this week – the Anglicans.

Yes the CofE – with the honorable exception of Canon Giles Fraser – in cahoots with the London Corporation, has this week decided on a radical reinterpretation of the parable of Jesus casting the money lenders out of the temple.

At the same time as it was revealed that grasping company directors trousered average pay rises of 49 per cent last year the church showed in no uncertain terms where its sympathies lie.

The new version appears to be, “It’s true Jesus said: ‘My house shall be called the house of prayer; but ye have made it a den of thieves,’ but … if you mess with our cash flow and stop those wealthy tourists coming you’ll get your head stoved in.”

Steve Bell cartoon on St Paul's Cathedral and money

Madonna angers fans with gushing tribute to Margaret Thatcher on Instagram: here.

Royals told: open archives on family ties to Nazi regime. Historian urges that secret correspondence be made public to reveal the truth after Queen’s Nazi salute footage released: here.

Madonna compares McCain to Hitler

This 2003 music video from the USA is the original American Life video by Madonna, un-edited.

From Dutch NOS TV (translated):

Mega pop star Madonna in her new world tour ‘The Sticky & Sweet Tour’ equates United States presidential candidate McCain with Hitler and Mugabe.

Pictures of those three men are visible on a video screen, after images of destruction and consequences of climate change. Next, there is Barack Obama, in a row of pictures with John Lennon, Al Gore and Gandhi.

See also here.

Though all historical comparisons are necessarily imperfect, John McCain’s singing Bomb bomb Iran, and
talking about 100 years United States war in Iraq, should set off alarm bells even among United States voters who so far have always voted Republican.

It is a pity that Madonna stopped her 2003 anti Iraq war video “American Life” when Bush actually invaded Iraq.

Canadian Conservative Stephen Harper called a fascist: here.