Prawns have individual personalities, new study

This 2012 video shows rockpool prawns feeding.

From the University of Exeter in England:

Cautious prawns win battle for food

June 1, 2018

Prawns have personalities — and cautious crustaceans do better in the battle for food, new research shows.

Scientists from the University of Exeter studied rockpool prawns (Palaemon elegans) and found some were consistently shy, while others were bolder.

But this bravery may come at a cost — as the risk takers tended to do worse than other prawns when competing for food.

“We found that the shyer prawns were better at controlling a food source”, said first author Daniel Maskrey, formerly of the University of Exeter but now at the University of Liverpool.

“This means that when they found food and possible rivals were nearby, they stayed and fed for longer than bolder prawns.

“The reasons for this aren’t clear, but it’s possible that bolder prawns have a higher urge to go on and continue exploring.

“We witnessed prawns fighting over food, and it could be that some use a bold exploration strategy because they favour searching for new food over competing with stronger rivals.”

Boldness was tested by repeatedly putting prawns into an unfamiliar tank and seeing how much they explored and ventured into the middle.

Dr Tom Houslay, of the Centre for Ecology and Conservation on the University of Exeter’s Penryn Campus in Cornwall, said the study could help scientists understand why members of one species — and even the prawns in a single rockpool — have different personalities.

“Some individuals are more successful at monopolising food, while others are more willing to engage in potentially risky exploration,” he said.

“In different conditions and situations, either of these strategies might pay off — which might explain why evolution has not led to a single personality type.

“The rockpools where these prawns live change with each high tide, and having such variation among prawns could be crucial when it comes to adapting to these and other changes.”

The prawns in the study were all from Gyllyngvase beach in Falmouth, and their feeding behaviour was tested using parcels of brine shrimp. Prawns were split into groups of similarly sized individuals to compete for access to food., of world’s richest man, treats British workers like shit

This 28 August 2018 video from Senator Bernie Sanders in the USA says about itself:

Bezos Makes $260M Every Day While His Workers Are on Food Stamps

The American people are subsidizing Amazon workers’ food stamps while their boss, Jeff Bezos, is the richest man in the world. It’s time to get Mr. Bezos off welfare.

Another video from the USA used to be called Jeff Bezos is Richest Man EVER But Amazon’s Poorest Employees Need Food Stamps.

By Peter Lazenby in Britain:

Friday, June 1, 2018

Amazon warehouse workers suffer a litany of abuses, GMB reveals

AMAZON warehouse workers have suffered shocking treatment, general union GMB revealed today as it publicised a litany of abuses by managers at the online retailer.

Among the horror stories are cases of heavily pregnant women having been made to work standing up for 10 hours a day, one woman having a miscarriage that was blamed on constant pressure to meet targets, workers toiling in constant agony and 600 incidents where an emergency ambulance was called after a worker had collapsed or been injured in an accident.

The number of emergency ambulance call-outs, which were made over three years, was revealed through freedom of information requests by GMB to ambulance services in the districts where Amazon’s 14 warehouses are located.

At one warehouse, in Rugeley, Staffordshire, ambulances were called 115 times, including three for pregnant women workers and three for major trauma, meaning accident injuries.

In comparison, just eight call-outs were made from a similar-sized supermarket distribution warehouse a few miles away during the same three-year period.

One pregnant woman at Rugeley was employed on “picking”, which involves pushing a trolley, picking up goods for dispatch and walking miles a day. She informed a manager that she wanted to be moved to different work and was told: “It’s not what you want, it is what we decide.”

GMB national officer Mick Rix said: “Hundreds of ambulance call-outs, pregnant women telling us they are forced to stand for 10 hours a day, pick, stow, stretch and bend, pull heavy carts and walk miles — even miscarriages and pregnancy issues at work.

“Companies like Amazon should be treating staff with respect, not treating them like robots.”

See also here.

Amazon workers slam ‘truly shocking’ conditions at Rugeley warehouse: here.

GMB Conference ’18: GMB targets Amazon firms over bogus contracts: here.

Boys save roe deer from drowning

This 1 June 2018 video is about a male roe deer swimming in a canal near Noordseschut village in Drenthe province in the Netherlands.

The animal could not climb out of the water as the banks were too high. The deer got tired and threatened to drown.

Then, three boys jumped into the water. One of them put the roe deer on a bank. After resting for five minutes on the bank, the deer ran away,

Oldest amphibians not in freshwater

This 2015 video is called Ancestral Evolution – Ichthyostega to Varanops.

By Carolyn Gramling, 5:29pm, May 30, 2018:

The first land-walking vertebrates may have emerged from salty estuaries

An analysis casts doubt on views that the ancient creatures arose in freshwater

Earth’s earliest land-walking vertebrates didn’t paddle about in freshwater lakes or rivers. Instead, these four-footed creatures, which appeared about 375 million years ago, lived in the brackish waters of an estuary or delta, researchers report online May 30 in Nature.

Early tetrapods, such as Ichthyostega and Acanthostega, lived an amphibious existence between land and sea: They had feet, but also gills and tails made for swimming. A new study by paleontologist Jean Goedert of Université Lyon in France and colleagues suggests that the animals also could have tolerated rapid changes in salinity, such as is found in an estuary.

The researchers analyzed sulfur and oxygen isotopes — forms of these elements with the same number of protons, but different masses — in 51 fossilized tetrapod bones from locations in what’s now Greenland and China. Compared with freshwater, seawater has a higher ratio of the sulfur-34 isotope relative to sulfur-32. The tetrapod bones tended to show elevated sulfur-34, the researchers report, suggesting that the creatures spent at least some time in seawater. But oxygen isotope analyses of the bones show that freshwater was also present, arguing against a purely salty environment such as an ocean.

The results challenge a long-held view that the earliest tetrapods emerged from freshwaters, such as rivers or lakes. In 1929, the first Ichthyostega fossils were found in a series of red sandstone layers in eastern Greenland that geologists once thought had been deposited in a freshwater environment. But later discoveries of tetrapod fossils found associated with known marine species suggested that the early walkers may have lived in saltier waters than once thought.

An ability to tolerate different salinity environments could have helped tetrapods — a group that includes today’s amphibians, reptiles and mammals — survive a mass extinction of ocean-dwellers that occurred by the end of the Devonian Period about 359 million years ago, the researchers say.

Liebster Award, thank you Hayley!

Liebster Award

Hayley of the Zoologish blog has been so kind nominate Dear Kitty. Some blog for the Liebster Award. Thank you so much for this kind gesture, and best wishes for your zoological research and blogging!

The rules of the Liebster Award are:

1. Acknowledge the blog which nominated you.
2. Answer the 11 questions your nominator asked.
3. Nominate 11 other bloggers.
4. Ask them 11 questions.
5. Let them know you have nominated them.

Hayley’s questions, and my answers, are:

1. What was your first job? Processing flower bulbs.

2. What’s the best advice you’ve ever gotten? Get a computer.

3. Favourite season and why? All seasons have their good sides. At the moment I’d say spring, because it is spring now and there are swifts 🙂

4. Favourite TV show? David Attenborough’s BBC wildlife programs.

5. When did you first travel alone and where did you go? Texel island.

6. Why did you start a blog? See here.

7. What did you want to be when you were a kid? A paleontologist.

8. Would you rather travel into the future or the past? Probably the future; provided there will not be a nuclear war.

9. Do you have any siblings? Two sisters. One of them alive. The other one died at a young age.

10. Can you cook well? Not very well. But I am still alive 🙂

11. What is the next thing you plan to learn? About migrating birds of Rügen island in Germany. I traveled to that region over a year ago, but then a storm prevented the ship from sailing to Rügen.

My questions are the same as Hayley’s.

My nominees are:

1. Tale Spinning

2. The Recipe Hunter

3. Eva Newermann

4. Discovering Belgium

5. What you blog about

6. Consider Faith: A Blog on Christian Social Justice

7. 2 Cats and a Blog

8. Nature and more !

9. DMQuotes

10. Blind Injustice

11. hithame halawa pigeons

Spanish corrupt right-wing minority government, buh bye!

This video says about itself:

Anger continues at corruption revelations in Spain‘s ruling People’s Party.

10 July 2013

A corruption scandal which has plagued Spain’s People’s Party for months has intensified.

Dutch NOS TV reports today (translated):

Spanish government‘s downfall over big corruption scandal

The government of the Spanish Prime Minister Rajoy has fallen. A majority in parliament voted for a vote of no confidence against him. …

It is the first time in the democratic history of Spain that the parliament is sacking a sitting prime minister. The reason is one of the biggest corruption scandals ever in the country.

Of the 350 MPs, 180 voted in favor of the motion, which also appoints [social democrat PSOE party leader] Sánchez as the temporary successor of Rajoy. …

Corruption within the Partido Popular

Last week party members of Prime Minister Rajoy‘s conservative Partido Popular (PP) were sentenced to long prison sentences and high fines of up to 4 million euros. They had let themselves be corrupted for years by businessmen, in exchange for lucrative orders. The sentences in the years long case rose to 52 years in prison.

Not only the individual politicians and businessmen, but also the party was punished for the scandal. The PP was fined 245,000 euros, because the party has benefited from a corrupt system. Prime Minister Rajoy himself has insisted from the outbreak of the scandal on that he knew nothing, something that the judge has called “not sufficiently credible“.

RAJOY REPLACED Pedro Sánchez is Spain’s new prime minister, after Mariano Rajoy lost a parliamentary confidence vote triggered by a long-running corruption trial involving members of his center-right party. [Reuters]

Butterfly at Texas hummingbird feeder

This video from the USA says about itself:

Butterfly Visits Hummingbird Feeder In West Texas – May 31, 2018

Hummingbirds aren’t the only nectar-loving creatures to visit the feeder in West Texas. Watch this butterfly make multiple visits to the feeder port right in the center of the camera in this highlight.

Watch live at for more information about hummingbirds and highlights from the feeders.

It is a pipevine swallowtail butterfly.

Italy’s new government, anti-worker, pro-war

This 2003 Associated Press video says about itself:

Protest by Italy’s strong anti-war movement

1. Wide shot protestors marching to US base with big ‘Not in our name’ banner

2. Protester in jester’s hat and mask

3. Mid shot women demonstrators, pan to protesters approaching

4. Various of demonstration with ‘No to the war’ banners and rainbow flags

5. Mid side shot protesters passing by

6. Carabinieri van passing protesters

7. Side shot protesters hanging banner on fence and shouting at guards inside, pan to inside

8. Side shot girl tying peace message on fence

9. Wide shot protesters at fence

10. Banner with cartoon of Bush and Blair

11. Barbed wire on fence, pan down to protesters defacing anti-trespassing sign on fence of base

12. Protesters tying large peace flag to fence around base

13. Pan protestors to horses inside base

14. Pull out from horses in base to protesters wrapped in flags by fence

15. Italian police guarding base

16. Pan security to protesters

17. SOUNDBITE: (English) Anne Parrotta Rinaldi, US Citizens against War: “We’re here to protest the war against Iraq.” (Q: And why the American flag?) “Because I feel like a very patriotic American, I feel that our country was founded upon principles of free speech and democracy, and I think we need to exercise those principles when we have the opportunity and when we’re against something the government’s doing.”

18. Wide front shot of marchers approaching base

19. Marchers gathered outside base

20. SOUNDBITE: (English) John Gilbert, Iraq-USA Committee: “I’m part of a group of United States and Iraqi citizens in Florence, Italy, who are unified together in an anti-war group to condemn this idea of the Bush administration of a pre-emptive war against the people of Iraq. We’ve seen the statistics in the newspapers the last few days – they’re talking about 3,000 missiles and bombs that are expected to hit Iraq in the first 48 hours, they’re saying it’s going to be something similar to the effect of Hiroshima. This is going to be… as the Pope said, this is going to be criminal war of aggression.”

21. Wide shot front of Camp Darby with security, tilt down to demonstrators and ‘not in our name’ banner

STORYLINE: Thousands of protesters rallied outside a U.S. military base in Italy on Saturday, chanting “No to the war” and waving rainbow-coloured peace flags to urge America not to attack Iraq. Demonstrators tied anti-war messages to the fence of Camp Darby, an American military base near Pisa, in Tuscany, while Italian police kept close watch on the crowd.

A few protesters hurled smoking flares into the base, but most protested peacefully. The protesters started out from the nearby small town of San Piero a Grado, and walked the four kilometres to the base. Protest organisers said about 50,000 people had turned out, although police put the figure closer to 20,000.

The rally was one of a series of Italian protests against a possible U.S.-led war against Iraq. Last month, about one million people marched in Rome against the war, while a smaller group has in recent weeks tried to block military transports, particularly U.S. equipment headed to Camp Darby.

Lieutenant Colonel Thomas Collins, a spokesman in Italy for the U.S. Army Southern European Task Force, said Italian police were closely protecting the perimetre of the base.

The government of conservative Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi has been a strong supporter of the Bush administration‘s position on Iraq. Italy has offered logistical help, such as the use of military bases, ports, highways and other infrastructure.

By Marc Wells:

The anti-worker program of Italy’s new populist

Xenophobic parties should not be called ‘populist’.

and neo-fascist government

1 June 2018

The last act in the formation of a far-right government in Italy took place on Thursday night, after a protracted period of three months dominated by a political impasse and intense social and financial instability.

After days of a volatile atmosphere both domestically and on world markets following President Sergio Mattarella’s veto on the appointment of euro-skeptic economics professor Paolo Savona for the post of Minister of Economy and Finance, the far-right Lega and the Five Star Movement (M5S) finalized a list of ministers, headed by new Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte, that was approved last night by Mattarella. The new government will be sworn in today.

On Tuesday, financial circles had reacted starkly to the prospect of an economy minister who would call into question the future of the euro zone. There are substantial concerns in ruling circles that an exit by the European Union’s third-largest economy would cause a domino effect, hitting a substantial portion of European banks.

The uncertainty of the political crisis in Italy has already produced the worst day for Italian bonds, according to analysts worse than during the 2008-2011 financial and debt crisis. Last Tuesday, the two-year yield spiked from 0.3 percent to 2.73 percent, signaling a potential destabilization of financial markets.

The main difference between the new Conte administration and the previous list vetoed by Mattarella is the Minister of Economy and Finance. The replacement of Savona with Giovanni Tria, an economics professor, consultant for the World Bank and proven defender of the euro zone, satisfies the concerns of European and international capital over secessionist tendencies within the EU. Savona will head the Ministry for EU Affairs.

The most prominent feature of the new government is its anti-worker program. The policies adopted reflect the neo-fascist character of Lega as well as the law-and-order approach of M5S. At one point on Thursday, M5S was open to appointing Giorgia Meloni, leader of the fascist Fratelli d’Italia, to head the defense ministry: “If we stick to the contract [the name given to the Lega-M5S program] the discussion is open to all and we could also have Fratelli d’Italia in the government”, said M5S Congressman Carlo Sibilia.

The newly formed cabinet is headed by Conte, a lawyer with past affiliation to the bourgeois left, who has embraced M5S, explicitly rejecting the socialist perspective for which millions of working people fought throughout the 20th century, declaring that “the ideological schemes of the 1900s are no longer adequate.”

The jurist’s selection to head the cabinet underscores the importance of the repressive legal framework being created by the new government: the principle of “certainty of punishment” replaces the long-established democratic conception of presumption of innocence. There is more than a parallel to the Nazi jurist Carl Schmitt’s nulla crimen sine poena.

One of the most striking and revealing features of the new government’s program in terms of wealth redistribution is the introduction of a flat tax of 15 percent (or 20 percent for those above a yearly income of €80,000).

This measure will have the double effect of transferring massive amounts of wealth from the bottom to the top and of depriving crucial social programs of vital funds. Budget allocation for programs such as public health care and public education will be inevitably affected.

A particularly alarming provision is on defense, which the program prioritizes in anticipation of new military involvements. The Mediterranean Sea is the focus of attention under the guise of combating Islamic terrorism and uncontrolled migrant traffic.

In particular, the anti-immigrant policies announced in the program follow the rabid xenophobic appeals of Lega (and to a large extent M5S) and will target some of the most vulnerable sections of the working class. The program explicitly paves the way for nearly 500,000 deportations.

A climate of chauvinistic hysteria has been promoted by all of the political forces, starting from the anti-immigrant measures implemented by previous governments headed by the Democratic Party. Now, the far-right in the Conte government feels emboldened to engage in open persecution of refugees, in an attempt to paint them as responsible for the crisis of world capitalism and divide the working class along national lines.

Another sign that the Conte government is preparing for the militarization of Italian society in anticipation of mass upheavals and opposition to its reactionary policies is the planned increase of police forces and weaponry. Under the “Defense” section of the program, Lega-M5S also make it clear that they intend to increase Italy’s participation in international missions “for national interest.”

The new Minister of Defense, Elisabetta Trenta, is a military and intelligence expert with a career in war. Her statement about Italy’s participation in the crimes committed in Iraq, specifically in Nasiriya, fits perfectly in the imperialist program adopted by the major participants in that war under the banner of “humanitarian intervention.” Praising Italian soldiers for having assisted a few Iraqi casualties, she commented: “These are our soldiers: professionalism and heart!”

On foreign policy, the program will inevitably produce conflict with other imperialist countries, especially the US. While it confirms the privileged relationship with the US through NATO, it specifically points to Moscow as a partner and calls for the repeal of international sanctions on Russia.

In recent years, the NATO alliance has been weakened by increasing international tensions. Now, under the pressure of sharp contradictions, the entire framework established in the postwar period for the restabilization of world capitalism is collapsing. Italy’s pro-Russia policy will exacerbate such frictions.

A notable policy that’s been the flagship of M5S’s populist appeals to workers is the so-called Reddito di Cittadinanza, or citizenship income. Its basic function is to provide a low-paid job (€780 a month) to the unemployed (provided they are Italian citizens) by giving three job choices. Should the applicant refuse them, he or she would lose the income right.

The scheme is a gift to corporations, which will be able to employ a cheap labor force. In fact, an entire generation of youth—Italy still suffers a 33.1 percent youth unemployment rate—will know the measly citizenship income as the new normal. The measure resembles the Hartz policy of the German government in 2003, which created a mass of low-wage workers.

M5S leader Luigi Di Maio will be Minister of Labor and Economic Development, therefore overseeing this and all other policies pertaining to workers’ employment. M5S leader Beppe Grillo set the tone in 2013, when he suggested, “let’s eliminate trade unions, they are as old as political parties.”

In more recent months, Di Maio himself offered a glimpse of his approach when he threatened that trade unions “either reform themselves, or we will take care of it when we take power.”

In the context of a government inclusive of neo-fascist forces, there is more than a passing similarity with how
the fascists in the 1920s and 1930s smashed the unions using similar slogans. Today it would be somewhat different, because of the history that followed the fascist regime and the role of the trade unions in collaborating with the state and big business. However, a restructuring of social relations can be expected as the bourgeoisie increasingly finds it impossible to solve the contradictions of capitalism.

Finally, Matteo Salvini, leader of the neo-fascist Lega and co-sponsor of this government with De Maio, will be the Minister of the Interior, effectively enforcing the repressive measures typical of a police state. His European co-thinkers are neo-fascist Marine Le Pen of France’s National Front, Geert Wilders, leader of the Dutch far-right Party for Freedom, and the ultra-right Alternative for Germany.

There is not one progressive provision in the Lega-M5S contract. It is the compounded result of years of betrayals and defeats by a so-called center-left that has opened and in fact paved the way to the entry of neo-fascist forces into power, 73 years after the collapse of fascism.

One thing is certain: the ruling classes of Europe are preparing for mass upheavals and will not object to the drastic anti-worker measures adopted by the Conte government. On the contrary, in their eyes, the Italian working class will become an example of how repression is necessary for the survival of capitalism.

The most urgent task of Italian workers is to build their own independent party, armed with a socialist perspective that is based on international unity among workers and rejects all forms of nationalism and imperialism, in a struggle for workers’ power worldwide.