Texas hummingbird brings nesting material to feeder

This video from Texas in the USA says about itself:

Broad-tailed Hummingbird Brings Nesting Material to Feeder – May 25, 2018

It’s the time of year when resident breeders are starting to build up their nests and lay eggs. Here a female Broad-tailed Hummingbird brings some nesting material (cotton fiber that is offered on site) to the feeder. After leaving and returning multiple times, the bird finally decides to toss the cotton over her head and take a drink!

Watch live at http://allaboutbirds.org/texashummers for more information about hummingbirds and highlights from the feeders.

4 thoughts on “Texas hummingbird brings nesting material to feeder

  1. Pingback: Butterfly at Texas hummingbird feeder | Dear Kitty. Some blog

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