Woodpeckers in Sweden on videos

This is a black woodpecker video from Sweden.

This is a February 2013 three-toed woodpecker video from Sweden.

British Theresa May Radiohead parody song

This is a parody music video from Britain, about Conservative Prime Minister Theresa May and the June general election.

It is a parody of the Radiohead song ‘No Surprises‘.

It says about itself:

Maydiohead – “No Uprises”

11 May 2017

A dystopian lullaby from Theresa May‘s Radiohead tribute band.


A flat that’s full up like a landfill
A job that slowly kills you
Basic rights repealed
You look too tired to try to
Bring down the government
You’re no, you’re no threat to us
Drill through your quiet life
Fill your home with carbon monoxide
With no unrest and no uprises
No revolt and no uprises
No rebellion and no uprises
Silence, silence

Here’s to a crushing landslide
Here’s to a power grab
With no unrest and no uprises
No revolt and no uprises
No rebellion and no uprises

American robin nest feeding time video

This video from New York state in the USA says about itself:

Male Robin Feeds Chick (12 May 2017) on the Cornell Lab | Sapsucker Woods American Robin Cam

Watch live with highlights and information here.

This pair of robins has built a nest on the Cornell Lab of Ornithology, right near the shore of Sapsucker Woods pond. The nest is an open cup of grass and twigs held together with a thick layer of mud and lined with fine dry grass. The female built the nest from the inside, pressing dead grass and twigs around them into a cup shape using the wrist of one wing. This nest site is well protected from the elements, tucked beneath an overhang and out of the wind.

The male will bring food to the nest for the nestlings, but the female (who wears a band on her right leg) will do all of the incubation and brooding. American Robins eat large numbers of both invertebrates and fruit. Particularly in spring and summer they eat large numbers of earthworms as well as insects and some snails. (They have rarely been recorded eating shrews, small snakes, and aquatic insects.) Robins also eat an enormous variety of fruits, including chokecherries, hawthorn, dogwood, and sumac fruits, and juniper berries. One study suggested that robins may try to round out their diet by selectively eating fruits that have bugs in them.

DAPL pipeline already spilling oil

This video from the USA says about itself:

13 May 2017

The Dakota Access Pipeline has already spilled oil, and it’s not even in service yet. Even though it only leaked 84 gallons, this incident is a small snapshot of what’s to come, as Energy Transfer Partners (the company building DAPL) recently spilled 2 million gallons of oil from their Rover pipeline in Ohio, and has proven to be completely incompetent.

DAPL Leaks 84 Gallons of Oil in South Dakota: here.

U.S. Blocks Pipeline in Ohio: here.

About 5,000 barrels of oil, or about 210,000 gallons, gushed out of the Keystone Pipeline on Thursday in South Dakota, blackening a grassy field in the remote northeast part of the state and sending cleanup crews and emergency workers scrambling to the site: here.

Italy uses Mussolini-era law to place community on military lockdown over pipeline project. ‘Red Zone’ established around Trans Adriatic Pipeline leaves residents stunned: here.

Baltimore oriole, other birds, in New York, USA

This video from New York state in the USA says about itself:

12 May 2017

Watch this male Baltimore Oriole spend some quality time with an orange right in front of the camera!

Watch LIVE at http://AllAboutBirds.org/CornellFeeders for news, updates, and more information about the pond and its surroundings.

This FeederWatch cam is located in the Treman Bird Feeding Garden at the Cornell Lab of Ornithology.

Trump administration, climate denialism and the Arctic

This video from the USA says about itself:

Tillerson Agrees Climate Change Is Hurting The Arctic, Contradicting Trump Admin Policies

13 May 2017

The Secretary of State stopped short of linking climate change to human activity, when he signed the Fairbanks Document this week in Alaska. But Janet Redmond of Oil Change International says the Trump administration is still denying the urgency of the warming planet.

TRUMP LEADING ‘BRAZEN’ PUBLIC LAND LIQUIDATION Trump administration initiatives would allow approximately 28.3 million acres of federal land across Alaska to be transferred, sold or opened up to extractive development, according to a new Center for American Progress analysis of the federal government’s land management actions in the state. [HuffPost]

Adder males and females, video

This 11 May 2017 video shows male and female adders.

Males are usually greyish, with a black stripe on their back. Females are usually brownish, with a dark brown stripe on their back

Andries Ophof from the Netherlands made this video.

Jewish school bus burnt in the USA

This video from New York City in the USA says about itself:

12 May 2017

Police say a man set fire to a Jewish school bus in Williamsburg.

The incident happened last month near Division and Bedford avenues. Police say the suspect got into the parked and unoccupied bus.

through its emergency door and started a fire that caused damage to the front area of the bus. He then took off.

“Our city has zero tolerance for violent acts of anti-Semitism,” the mayor wrote. “We must stand as one against acts of intimidation.”

Police say the suspect was last seen wearing a sweatsuit and dark-colored sneakers. Surveillance video of him was released on Wednesday.

Anyone with information can call Crime Stoppers at 1-800-577-TIPS.

Slavonian grebe video

This 11 May 2017 video shows a Slavonian grebe video.

Gerrit Kiekenbos from the Netherlands make this video.

Trump administration attacks Alaskan environment

This video from the USA says about itself:

Trump’s EPA Wants To Ruin Alaska

13 May 2017

Scott Pruitt just revived a plan to build a controversial mine on some of the most pristine lands in North America. Cenk Uygur, Ana Kasparian, Ben Mankiewicz, Aida Rodriguez, the hosts of The Young Turks, break it down.

“The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has revived a controversial proposed Alaska mining project previously blocked by Obama administration regulators.

The EPA and a mining firm on Friday announced a settlement in their legal dispute over the proposed Pebble Mine near Bristol Bay in southwest Alaska, setting the stage for an eventual permitting decision that could allow the gold and copper project to move forward.

Mine developer Pebble Limited Partnership sued the EPA in 2014 over the agency’s decision to block the mine on environmental and tribal sovereignty grounds before the company had submitted its permit applications.”

Read more here.