‘Dutch soldiers got cancer in Afghanistan’

Dutch military camp in Afghanistan, ANP photo

Translated from Dutch NOS TV today:

Dozens of Dutch soldiers think that during their stay in Afghanistan they got cancer by ‘burn pits‘. These are burning garbage heaps. At the burn pits, eg, medical waste and work materials were burned.

The soldiers have reported to lawyer Ferre van de Nadort, who has done research on the burn pits in Kamp Holland. From July 2006 to July 2010, Kamp Holland was a Dutch army base in the Afghan province of Uruzgan.

Several soldiers have given photographs to the lawyer. These show that waste was incinerated in the open air and not in the incinerators in Kamp Holland. “From day one those ovens did not work properly”, says Van de Nadort.

Burn pit at Kamp Holland in Afghanistan

Dutch daily Dagblad van het Noorden writes today about this photo (translated):

At ‘Kamp Holland’ in Afghanistan there were only three incinerators (in the upper-left of the picture), not six, as the defense minister told the House of Representatives. And they all did not work because of technical defects. That is why until the end of 2010 this burn pit, in which all waste was dumped, burned.

The NOS article continues:

Incorrectly informed

He says that former Minister Hillen of war Defense informed the House of Representatives incorrectly. He said in 2010 that there were six incinerators in Kamp Holland and that the waste was incinerated there. “But those six were in another camp, in Kandahar“, says Van de Nadort. “The minister has probably confused the two locations.”

The lawyer also says that the Ministry of Defense has never done good measurements at the incinerators and is now not dealing well with the sick (former) military people. “Defense is passing the buck to them, the soldiers are supposed to prove that it’s the burn pits, it’s an upside down world.” …

The ministry emphasizes that it now no longer has incinerators in mission areas and that the waste is now being disposed of via a ‘contractor’.

There are problems with privatising things through ‘contractors’; whether with big Japanese corporations in British nuclear energy; whether in prisons; or in war in Afghanistan. These ‘contractors’ may prioritize making profits above Dutch soldiers, other soldiers or Afghan civilians not getting cancer.

‘Dutch government lied on this scandal’: here.

Cancer diagnosis corporate price gouging

This 19 February 2018 video from the USA says about itself:

Cancer Drug Price Raised 1400%

Doctors are accusing this drug company of “price gouging”. Cenk Uygur and Ana Kasparian, the hosts of The Young Turks, break it down.

“The cost of a vital cancer drug has gone up 15-fold in four years after its new owner hiked prices on nine separate occasions. Lomustine has been used to treat brain tumours, lung cancer and Hodgkin’s lymphoma for more than 40 years but is now seen by some patients as too expensive.

In 2013, production of the drug, which was previously called CeeNU, passed from pharma giant Bristol-Myers Squibb to a Miami-based startup called NextSource Biotechnology. At that point it was being sold for around $50 a capsule. The same dose now costs $768 (£570).

NextSource has increased the price nine times in less than five years. A 20 per cent hike in August was followed by a further 12 per cent rise in November, according to analysis by the Wall Street Journal. Prices of other doses of the drug, which the company has renamed Gleostine, have also been increased exponentially.

Although the patent for lomustine has expired, there is no generic version being produced and so NextSource has no competitors to discourage it from raising prices. Professor Henry Friedman, a neuro-oncologist at Duke University, said: “This is simply price gouging. People are not going to be able to afford it, or they’re going to pay a lot of money and have financial liability.”

Read more here.

Translated from Dutch NOS TV, by Rinke van den Brink, today:

The price of a medical isotope used for the detection of various cancers has suddenly been sharply increased by the German supplier, from 61,000 to 160,000 euros per unit. These are generators with the germanium radioactive element. That decays through a natural process to gallium-68. The latter substance is used to detect certain tumors and especially their metastases.

The price increase of the generators with germanium has been implemented with immediate effect. Supplier Eckert & Ziegler

According to Wikipedia, the origin of Eckert & Ziegler was a scientific cancer institute in the former German Democratic Republic. After German reunification, this was privatised into a for-profit corporation. Eckert & Ziegler was criticized for unjustly sacking employees and for radiation in its surroundings.

did not announce the price increase, says Marcel Stokkel, head of nuclear medicine at the Antoni van Leeuwenhoek hospital.

Earlier this week, it was announced that pharmaceutical corporation Novartis is asking nearly six times more for Lutathera – Novartis’ variant of the radioactive medicine lutetium octreotate – than the three hospitals that make the drug in their pharmacy for their own patients.

Almost half a million euros

The Antoni van Leeuwenhoek (AvL) uses four generators of germanium every year. “One barrel is enough for about three or four months, but the strength of the medical isotope is declining in time.” A barrel is enough for diagnostics of about three hundred patients, and every year we have twelve hundred patients who are eligible for this form of diagnostics”, says Stokkel.

“This price increase will cost us almost half a million euros extra, just in the AvL only.”

Gallium-68 is used for the detection of rare neuroendocrine tumors (NET) and their metastases. These are tumors in the endocrine system that regulates the release of hormones that control all kinds of organs. Gallium-68 is also used to find prostate cancer and metastases.

USA: Ardent foe of socialized medicine Sen. Rand Paul (R-Ky.) is planning to undergo hernia surgery in Canada, where medical care is publicly funded and universally provided.

Drug manufacturers began the new year with a new round of price hikes for already highly expensive US-branded prescription drugs: here.

American horror story. Elderly husband kills wife, then himself, in desperation over skyrocketing healthcare costs: here.

Big Pharma Novartis extorting people with cancer

This 19 November 2018 video from the USA is called Big Pharma Is Price Gouging America.

Martin Shkreli is an ex-hedge fund millionaire from the USA. He was sentenced to seven years in prison for fraud.

Though Mr Shkreli knew nothing about pharmacy, he started a corporation called Turing Pharmaceuticals. Named after important British computer inventor Alan Turing. In spite of that promising sounding name, Shkreli’s business did not invent any medicine. It just gouged prices of existing medicine.

As this blog reported earlier:

Nothing better exposed the fact that Big Pharma are not altruistic companies working tirelessly for the health and wellbeing of the people of the world than the scandal that erupted in the US last year, when it was revealed that a company called Turing Pharmaceuticals had acquired the rights to a drug, called Daraprim, used to treat life-threatening infectious diseases – and that had been around for 62 years – and immediately raised the price of the drug from $13.50 a tablet to $750, an increase of over 5,000%.

Mr Shkreli became infamous by defending his extortion of sick people very blatantly.

But price gouging millionaire Shkreli is just the tip of an iceberg of bigger price gouging billionaires, usually with less blatant sounding public relations departments.

The pharmaceutical company Mylan has been making headlines in 2016 in the USA for hiking the price of its life-saving EpiPen device by more than 450 percent. A report released June 2016, however, notes that the company has made similar price increases for a number of its drugs: here.

Mylan CEO’s salary soared by 671% as firm hiked EpiPen prices. The incident is just the latest in which a pharmaceutical firm has been accused of price-hiking: here.

EpiPen prices

Not just Mylan stands accused of such practices. According to the attorney general of California, at least 39 Big Pharma corporations are.

Including Novartis.

And Novartis does not do price gouging just in the USA.

Translated from Dutch NOS TV today:

‘Pharmaceutical corporation asks sixfold price for cancer medicine’

Again, a pharmaceutical company makes cunning use of the regulations on orphan drugs to make an existing drug six times more expensive. It is the cancer drug lutetium octreotate. This reports the Dutch Journal of Medicine (NTvG).

Erasmus University Medical Center [UMC] has been making the drug for almost twenty years for its patients in its own pharmacy. Cost: about 16,000 euros per course of four infusions. The UMC Utrecht and the Antoni van Leeuwenhoek hospital also charge the same amount for their own patients. Pharmaceutical corporation Novartis asks for more than 90,000 euros for a cure with its identical product Lutathera.

The drug was developed in the 1980s and 90s at Erasmus MC under the supervision of emeritus professor Eric Krenning. He has treated patients since the beginning of this century.


Krenning set up its own company with researchers from a pharmaceutical company and a number of colleagues. That was sold to the French pharmaceutical company AAA in 2011. The medicine has been in the possession of the Swiss pharmaceutical company Novartis since spring 2018. The latter acquired AAA for 3.3 billion euros, shortly after lutetium octreotate received orphan drug status in the autumn of 2017.

That status gives 10 years of exclusive rights to the sale of the product in the European Union and seven years in the United States. Orphan drugs are medicines against very rare diseases.


“We strongly feel that abuse is being made of the possibilities of raising the price”, says a spokesperson for health insurer CZ. “You might say that the rules are used in an unsympathetic way, but less nuancedly we simply call this cheating.”

Fellow health insurer VGZ says they are unable to explain “that cancer patients do not have access to a medicine that has been developed by the hospital itself, but is becoming unaffordable through the intervention of a pharmaceutical company that has not contributed to that development. It is perverse.”

… Novartis says that Lutathera’s price is based on its value for patients.

Yes, Messrs Novartis public relations department: the value for the patients is the difference between life and death. Very high value indeed. But, as for monetary value, the only value valued by your fat cat bosses: this Novartis price gouging may mean that a billionaire with cancer will live. While a cleaner with cancer will die.

According to Ayn Rand (inspiration for both Trump and for Shkreli)-Martin Shkreli-Donald Trump ‘logic’ that is capitalism and it’s fine. Why was that cleaner so stupid to become a cleaner instead of a billionaire? [sarcasm off]

Keeping on making it yourself

The health insurers want the hospitals involved to continue to produce lutetium octreotate. They are worried that this possibility will be jeopardized, because with the purchase of AAA, Novartis also became the owner of one of the only suppliers of lutetium that supplies raw material of sufficient quality to make medicines. If the hospitals involved can no longer make the medication themselves, then access to this highly effective medicine will become doubtful for about 125 patients annually.

Lutetium octreotate is used for the treatment of NET tumors. NET stands for neuroendocrine tumors. These are tumors in the system that regulate the release of hormones that control certain organs.

Alpacas helping to fight cancer?

Strategy to obtain and evaluate specific nanobodies against human EGF. Credit: Salvador Guardiola and Monica Varese, IRB Barcelona

From the Institute for Research in Biomedicine (IRB Barcelona) in Spain:

The immune system of the alpaca reveals a potential treatment for cancer

October 2, 2018

The natural world often provides the answer to unsolved medical problems. On this occasion, the solution to a challenge posed by cancer has come about from the immune system of camelids. A study headed by the Institute for Research in Biomedicine (IRB Barcelona) and the Vrije Universiteit Brussel (VUB), in Belgium, describes a number of therapeutic tools that have the capacity to block the activity of EGF, a growth factor that is dysregulated in cancer cells.

EGF (Epidermal Growth Factor) is a therapeutic target in cancer; however, no inhibitors have been found for it to date. The team of researchers is the first to identify a family of nanobodies — antibodies that are exclusive to camelids — derived from alpacas that are effective against EGF. In this regard, they have described the molecular mechanisms underlying the affinity and selectivity of these nanobodies in an article published in the scientific journal Angewandte Chemie.

“In spite of advances in treatments against the EGR receptor (EGFR) in patients, their efficacy decreases over time because patients develop resistance”, explain Monica Varese and Salvador Guardiola, co-authors of the study and postdoctoral researchers at IRB Barcelona. “By taking advantage of an emerging biotech tool, nanobodies, we have been able to synthesise the first inhibitors with high affinity for EGF”, they say.

Immune response

IRB Barcelona produced the EGF protein and their Belgian colleagues administered it to alpacas. The immune response of these animals to this strange antigen produced a series of nanobodies, and the researchers identified a family of these molecules as potential inhibitors of EGF. The IRB Barcelona team, which has extensive expertise in molecular recognition between proteins, observed that some of the ligands showed high affinity and selectivity towards EGF, and, using a range of biophysical techniques, they characterized the interactions in cells in vitro and in human cancer cells.

“By injecting EGF into the alpaca we have challenged nature to find a molecule capable of binding tightly and with high selectivity to EGF, and it has come up with two very different but equally effective solutions for such a small and difficult antigen as EGF,” says Ernest Giralt, head of the Peptide and Proteins Lab at IRB Barcelona and senior professor at the University of Barcelona, who has led the study.

These drugs could be useful for patients who develop resistance to the EGFR inhibitors currently on the market. The first step is now to evaluate the pharmacological effect of these new nanobodies in cell and animal models of cancer.

Cancer research money abused for jailing immigrant children

This 21 September 2018 video from the USA says about itself:

Trump Cuts Cancer Research To Pay For THIS…

The Department of Health and Human Services is going to take money from cancer research and use it for detaining immigrant children. Cenk Uygur, Brett Erlich, Michaela Watkins, and Aida Rodriguez, hosts of The Young Turks, break it down.

“The Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) is planning to divert millions of dollars in funding originally allocated for programs like the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and the National Institutes of Health (NIH) in order to pay for the growing number of detained immigrant children, according to an HHS letter obtained by Yahoo! News.

The letter was addressed to Sen. Patty Murray (D-WA), ranking member on the Committee on Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions, and outlined HHS Secretary Alex Azar’s plan to reallocate up to $266 million in funding for the current fiscal year, which ends in less than two weeks. The funding would go to the Unaccompanied Alien Children (UAC) program housed inside the Office of Refugee Resettlement (ORR).”

Read more here.

Japanese Fukushima worker dies of cancer

This video says about itself:

The Thyroid Cancer Hotspot Devastating Fukushima‘s Child Survivors

10 March 2014

Radiating the People: Worrying new claims say childhood cancer cluster has developed around Fukushima radiation zone

It’s what post-Fukushima Japan fears the most; cancer. Amid allegations of government secrecy, worrying new claims say a cancer cluster has developed around the radiation zone and that the victims are children.

In a private children’s hospital well away from the no-go zone, parents are holding on tight to their little sons and daughters hoping doctors won’t find what they’re looking for. Thyroid cancer.

Tests commissioned by the local authorities have discerned an alarming spike here. Experts are reluctant to draw a definitive link with Fukushima, but they’re concerned.

“I care because I went to Chernobyl and I saw each child there, so I know the pain they went through”, says Dr Akira Sugenoya, a former thyroid surgeon. What terrifies parents most is a government they feel they can’t trust. It’s created a culture of fear; one which has led a number of women post-Fukushima to have abortions because they were worried about birth defects.

“The doctors in Fukushima say that it shouldn’t be coming out so soon, so it can’t be related to the nuclear accident. But that’s very unscientific, and it’s not a reason we can accept”, Dr Sugenoya insists.

“It was disclosed that the Fukushima health investigation committee was having several secret meetings. I feel the response has been unthinkable for a democratic nation”, Dr Minoru Kamata from the Japan Chernobyl Foundation says.

Translated from Dutch NOS TV today:

In Japan, the first official radiation death has occurred more than seven years after the Fukushima nuclear disaster.

The first official death; as the Japanese right-wing government is in denial on the Fukushima disaster. Other Fukushima workers died years before this one; see also here and here.

A man ‘in his fifties’ has died of lung cancer, the Japanese Ministry of Health reports.

In that man, the disease was diagnosed in 2016. The ministry concluded that he had become ill due to exposure to radiation due to working at the nuclear power plant, after it had been damaged by a seaquake and the subsequent tsunami. His family will receive compensation.

The deceased man had the task of measuring the radiation at Unit 1 at the nuclear reactor complex. He did this while being completely protected, according to the authorities, but that proved to be insufficient to keep exposure to radioactive radiation within bounds. …

The Fukushima nuclear disaster was the worst nuclear accident in the world since the explosion of the nuclear reactor in Chernobyl in 1986. …

Yet the radiation in the area is still extremely high. For example, last year in the protective building around Unit 2 values ​​were measured where someone would die after a short exposure to this amount of radiation.

Local Fury and Health Concerns as Japan plans to dump a million tons of radioactive Fukushima water into ocean — Common Dreams: here.

Stop sending women & children back to Fukushima fallout zone, UN expert tells Japan: here.

Texas firefighters get cancer, not workers’ compensation

This video from the USA says about itself:

Firefighters & firefighter families recall colleagues & loved ones lost to Occupational Cancer

It has been said that firefighters have 2 families. The one at home, and the one at the firehouse. Although these families differ in many ways, they both suffer the same grief when their colleague or family member is lost to occupational cancer.

This video was produced by the Boston Fire Department with the support of Boston Mayor Marty Walsh. It is part of a campaign to raise awareness of the need for proper protective gear for firefighters. Studies have proven that firefighters are exposed to cancer causing carcinogens when engaged in firefighting operations, and further studies have shown that cancer rates in firefighters are significantly higher than that of the general public as a result of this exposure.

This video was presented as part of the Professional Fire Fighters of Massachusetts 41st Biennial Convention in June 2015.

By Todd Denton in the USA:

Texas firefighters denied workers’ compensation for cancer

21 August 2018

More than 90 percent of Texas firefighters have been denied workers’ compensation for cancer treatments and missed time at work, according to a report released earlier this year by the Texas Department of Insurance.

Despite the passage of legislation in 2005 that was supposed to guarantee firefighters and emergency medical technicians (EMTs) health care and paid sick leave, these workers—who have an annual mean wage of $53,480 and a starting salary of just $27,500—face financial ruin even as they fight for their lives.

More than a decade ago the Texas legislature voted unanimously to grant a “presumption of cause” to firefighters and EMTs, who are routinely exposed to cancer-causing agents in the course of their work. The law was purportedly intended to relieve affected workers and their doctors of the need to demonstrate the exact, work-related cause of their cancer before beginning treatment and receiving other benefits. Postponing medical interventions for a legal determination of cause, which can take years to wind through the courts system, is a financial and physical death sentence.

The International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC), has stated that there are three types of cancer definitely tied to occupational hazards faced by firefighters: prostate and testicular cancer, as well as non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma. The IARC has also noted that another 12 cancers are “possibly or probably” caused by firefighting.

The author of the Texas bill, physician and former state senator Robert Deuell, claimed, “It was intended for any cancer caused by firefighting exposure and not limited to any particular number of cancers.” However, the legislation included a few notable exceptions to “presumption of cause”, such as the personal use of tobacco products, pre-employment physical exams, and a threshold of five years employment for eligibility. More importantly, legislators based the law not on “conclusive presumption”, which cannot be rebutted, but on “rebuttable presumption”, which can be.

Workers’ compensation companies, contracted by local municipalities to manage the cancer claims of firefighters and EMTs, have denied cancer claims routinely by making use of this legal standard. Houston attorney Mike Sprain told the Houston Chronicle that the workers’ compensation process is “so arduous that firefighters with cancer are unlikely to get a claim approved without an attorney.”

Only 20 percent of Texas claimants appeal their denied claims to the Department of Insurance.

The Houston Chronicle reported in July 2018 that the city of Baytown, home of some of Exxon’s largest petrochemical plants, is suing Patrick Mahoney, a battalion chief for the Baytown Fire Department. Mahoney had half of his thyroid removed because of cancer and regularly undergoes hormone treatment and blood workups. He is currently paying his expenses out-of-pocket.

After his workers’ compensation claims were initially being denied, Mahoney successfully appealed these decisions. In May 2018, however, the city of Baytown filed a suit against the firefighter in an effort to overturn these appeals and once again deny him medical coverage. Mahoney described this action a “betrayal” and a “slap in the face”.

The workers’ compensation industry in Texas, on the other hand, is legally allowed to set rates to ensure profitability. Employers can even opt out of providing the benefit if they claim to have some other method to supposedly cover injured workers. According to one web site, “workers’ compensation insurance (in Texas) is more profitable than the U.S. national average.”

Elephants protecting themselves from cancer

This October 2015 video from the USA says about itself:

A study led by the Huntsman Cancer Institute at the University of Utah could explain why elephants rarely get cancer.

From the University of Chicago Medical Center in the USA:

Zombie gene protects against cancer — in elephants

Dead gene reborn helps destroy cells with damaged DNA

August 14, 2018

Summary: LIF6, a dead gene that came back to life, prevents cancer by killing cells with DNA damage.

An estimated 17 percent of humans worldwide die from cancer, but less than five percent of captive elephants — who also live for about 70 years, and have about 100 times as many potentially cancerous cells as humans — die from the disease.

Three years ago, research teams from the University of Chicago and the University of Utah, working separately, began to unravel why. They knew that humans, like all other animals, have one copy of the master tumor suppressor gene p53. This gene enables humans and elephants to recognize unrepaired DNA damage, a precursor of cancer. Then it causes those damaged cells to die.

Unexpectedly, however, the researchers found that elephants have 20 copies of p53. This makes their cells significantly more sensitive to damaged DNA and quicker to engage in cellular suicide.

In the August 14, 2018 issue of the journal Cell Reports, the University of Chicago team describes a second element of this process: an anti-cancer gene that returned from the dead.

“Genes duplicate all the time”, said Vincent Lynch, PhD, assistant professor of human genetics at the University of Chicago and the study’s senior author. “Sometimes they make mistakes, producing non-functional versions known as pseudogenes. We often refer to these dismissively as dead genes.”

While studying p53 in elephants, however, Lynch and colleagues found a former pseudogene called leukemia inhibitory factor 6 (LIF6) that had somehow evolved a new on-switch. LIF6, back from the dead, had become a valuable working gene. Its function, when activated by p53, is to respond to damaged DNA by killing the cell. The LIF6 gene makes a protein that goes, quite rapidly, to the mitochondria, the cell’s main energy source. That protein pokes holes in the mitochondria, causing the cell to die.

“Hence, zombie”, said Lynch. “This dead gene came back to life. When it gets turned on by damaged DNA, it kills that cell, quickly. This is beneficial, because it acts in response to genetic mistakes, errors made when the DNA is being repaired. Getting rid of that cell can prevent a subsequent cancer.”

Elephants have eight LIF genes, but only LIF6 is known to be functional. Although it was only recently described, it appears to have been helping elephants and their relatives for a long time.

“We can use the tricks of evolution to try to figure out when this defunct gene became functional again”, Lynch said. It seems to have emerged around the time when the fossil record indicates that the small groundhog-sized precursors of today’s elephants began to grow bigger. This started about 25 to 30 million years ago. This supplementary method of suppressing cancer may have been a key element enabling enormous growth, which eventually led to modern elephants.

There are significant and lasting benefits to being huge. Small animals, for example — mice, squirrels, groundhogs — get eaten all the time, mostly by larger animals. But “if you are enormous, such as an elephant or a whale, nothing is going to mess with you”, Lynch said.

There are tradeoffs, however. Bigger animals have vastly more cells, and they tend to live longer, which means more time and opportunities to accumulate cancer-causing mutations. When those cells divide, their DNA makes copies of itself. But those copies don’t match the original. Errors get introduced and the repair process can’t catch up.

“Large, long-lived animals must have evolved robust mechanisms to either suppress or eliminate cancerous cells in order to live as long as they do, and reach their adult sizes”, said study co-author Juan Manuel Vazquez, a doctoral candidate in the Lynch laboratory.

These huge animals thus have higher odds of developing cancerous cells. This can also happen on a smaller scale. Taller humans, for example, have a slightly higher incidence of several cancer types than average sized people, and shorter people tend to be at a reduced risk for those cancers.

LIF6, the study authors suggest, was “reanimated sometime before the demands of maintaining a larger body existed.” It helped enable the growth of animals that were the size of a 10-pound groundhog into majestic creatures that can weigh more than 15,000 pounds. It was “permissive for the origin of large bodies”, the authors note, “but not sufficient.”

Exactly how LIF6 induces apoptosis, however, remains unclear. This will be “the focus of continued studies”, the authors wrote.

See also here.

‘Monsanto knew about Roundup cancer danger, covered up’

Dutch anti-Monsanto demonstrators in 2013. Photo HH/Michiel Wijnbergh

This photo shows Dutch anti-Monsanto demonstrators in 2013. Their banner says, translated ‘Monsanto cancer corporation!’. It mentions toxic Monsanto products, like Agent Orange, used in the Vietnam war, and Roundup weed killer.

Translated from Dutch NOS TV today:

Million fine for Monsanto, ‘Company knew for years of possible Roundup hazard’

Chemical company Monsanto already got signals in the 1990s that use of the controversial weed killer Roundup can be carcinogenic, as shown by internal correspondence of the corporation. A judge has now presented the bill.

The documents, which are now known as the ‘Monsanto papers‘, were revealed in claims claim cases such as those of 46-year-old Dewayne Johnson. For many years he was a gardener at a school and frequently came into contact with Roundup unprotectedly.

He started the case because he says he got lymph gland cancer by glyphosate, one of the active ingredients of the pesticide. A jury in the American state of California put him in the right. He has been awarded a compensation of 289 million dollars in total.

The ‘Monsanto papers’ provide a remarkable insight into the chemical industry, [Dutch journalist] Harmsen knows. Thus it appears that Monsanto not only knew about the possible negative effects of the product on humans. The American company tried to hide everything pointing in that direction.

‘Scientific studies’

The internal documents also show that the company wants to ‘fight’ independent studies that point out the risks of Roundup. To undermine these, employees of the company also wrote – in the greatest secret – as ghost writers, ‘scientific’ studies that claimed the opposite.

“The correspondence within the company shows that Monsanto received warnings in the 1990s that Roundup might be carcinogenic”, says Harmsen. “Then a scientist hired by the company said there were indications that the product could cause damage. Monsanto kept that secret, and the cooperation with the scientist was eventually stopped.”


For decades, Monsanto has acted to the outside world as if it knew nothing. Also in 2015, when the World Health Organization said after research that glyphosate is ‘probably carcinogenic’, the company continued to deny it in vehemently. In fact, Monsanto put researchers at the institute under pressure. The Monsanto papers show that the company wanted to create ‘indignation’ about the study by the World Health Organization.

Despite the opposing voices, glyphosate was admitted again in the European Union for five years at the end of 2017. …

But according to Harmsen, Monsanto was involved in these studies [that caused the European Union to have that pro-Monsanto decision] in an unethical way. …

Alarm bells

They saw that in the European Parliament as well. After hearing about the Monsanto papers, alarm bells have started ringing, and a committee has been set up. It is now examining how approval of the pesticide has been achieved in Europe. An outcome of that study is expected in December.

Monsanto still denying Roundup weedkiller causes cancer despite massive payout: here.

Honey bees exposed to glyphosate, the active ingredient in Roundup, lose some of the beneficial bacteria in their guts and are more susceptible to infection and death from harmful bacteria. Scientists believe this is evidence that glyphosate might be contributing to the decline of honey bees and native bees around the world: here.

Monsanto loses case against man dying from Roundup cancer

From CBS in the USA, 10 August 2018:

Monsanto Ordered To Pay $289M To Dying Groundskeeper Who Blames Weed Killer For Cancer

Dewayne Johnson’s lawsuit was the first of hundreds of cases filed in state and federal courts alleging that Roundup causes non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma.

This 10 August 2018 video from the USA says about itself:

Terminally Ill Man Awarded $289 Million After Jury Rules Weed Killer Roundup Caused His Cancer

A terminally ill California man won a milestone case against agricultural giant Monsanto after he claimed the company’s weed killer, Roundup, gave him cancer.

Dewayne Johnson, 46, was awarded $289 million in damages on Friday after a jury ruled the company’s product was the reason he developed non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma, according to the Associated Press. Monsanto denies the claims their product causes cancer and told the wire they plan to appeal the verdict.

Johnson, a former school groundskeeper, said he used the weed killer regularly while spraying it on the grounds he worked on in the San Francisco Bay Area school district. In one instance, the product left the father of two soaked after a hose broke in 2012, according to CNN.

He claimed he contacted the company after he developed a rash but was never told it could cause cancer, the AP reported.

Two years later, in 2014 at the age of 42, Johnson was diagnosed with non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma — a form of cancer that begins when cells in the body grow out of control. Cells in virtually any part of the body can become cancerous and spread to other areas, according to the American Cancer Society.

About 80 percent of Johnson’s body is now covered in lesions, CNN reported. … “We were finally able to show the jury the secret, internal Monsanto documents proving that Monsanto has known for decades that… Roundup could cause cancer”, Johnson’s lawyer Brent Wisner said in a statement obtained by The Guardian.

The verdict against the corporation gave the “message to Monsanto that its years of deception regarding Roundup are over and that they should put consumer safety first over profits.”

The key ingredient at the center of the lawsuit is glyphosate — found in Roundup — which the World Health Organization’s International Agency for Research on Cancer said was “probably carcinogenic to humans” in 2015. … Monsanto is facing about 2,000 other lawsuits from cancer patients, their families or their estates who claim their products also gave them cancer.

Translated from Dutch NOS TV today:

The European Union extended the license for the use of glyphosate by five years last year. French President Macron, who disagreed with it, announced shortly afterwards that he wants to ban the substance in France within three years.

Monsanto, which is also controversial because of the genetically modified seeds of the company, will soon be absorbed by the German chemical giant Bayer. This creates the largest company in the world in the field of seeds, agricultural poison and other chemicals.

Critics fear that the giant will have too much influence on the food supply in the world and point out the damage to the environment. Eg, Bayer produces various types of poison that are associated with massive bee mortality.