Fukushima worker dies

From Reuters:

TOKYO May 14 – A worker at Japan’s tsunami-crippled Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant died on Saturday, plant operator Tokyo Electric Power Co said, bringing the death toll at the complex to three since a massive earthquake and tsunami in March.

See also here.

This is a Dutch TV video on an anti-nuclear energy demonstration in Tokyo, Japan.

EXCLUSIVE: Fire in Fukushima unit 4 may have been caused by unit 3: here.

Extensive damage at the Fukushima plant has compounded difficulties in stabilising the crippled reactors: here.

Megaquake took out Fukushima cooling system before tsunami: here.

Fukushima meltdown: two months later, Japan’s government still drags its feet: here.

David Krieger: Fukushima Daiichi and Nuclear Weapons: here.

The president of the Japanese utility behind the world’s worst nuclear disaster since Chernobyl said today he was stepping down in disgrace. Tokyo Electric Power Co (Tepco) president Masataka Shimizu, who had been criticised for his low profile during the disaster’s early days, said he was resigning to take “responsibility” but vowed that the utility would continue doing its “utmost” to bring the Fukushima Dai-ichi plant under control: here.

Norimitsu Onishi, David E. Sanger and Matthew L. Wald, The New York Times News Service: “Amid widening alarm in the United States and elsewhere about Japan’s nuclear crisis, military fire trucks began spraying cooling water on spent fuel rods at the country’s stricken nuclear power station late Thursday after earlier efforts to cool the rods failed, Japanese officials said. The United States’ top nuclear official followed up his bleak appraisal of the grave situation at the plant the day before with a caution that it would ‘take some time, possibly weeks,’ to resolve”: here.

Japan Falls Back Into Recession After Disasters: here.

A Time-Lapse Map of Every Nuclear Explosion Since 1945 – by Isao Hashimoto: here.

Britain: Campaigners have held a vigil to mark two months since Japan’s devastating earthquake and to call for an end to nuclear power: here.

Britain: MPs and environmentalists accused the government today of attempting to hide planned subsidies to the nuclear industry: here.

Anti-nuclear protests attract 20,000 in Switzerland – swissinfo.ch: here. And here.

6 thoughts on “Fukushima worker dies

  1. Fukushima plant worker dies

    JAPAN: A man died on his second day working at the country’s tsunami-wrecked nuclear power plant on Saturday.

    The privateer that owns and runs the plant said that harmful levels of radiation were not detected in his body.

    The man was the third person to die at the Fukushima Dai-ichi plant in north-eastern Japan since the March 11 disaster.

    Two others went missing while patrolling the plant shortly after the quake and were later found dead.

    Tokyo Electric Power Co spokesman Naoyuki Matsumoto said that the worker was carrying equipment when he collapsed and died later in hospital.

    He said that the firm does not know the cause of death.



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