Fukushima disaster, Japan update

This 2016 video is called Fukushima Uncensored – BBC Documentary.

Seven Years After: Radioactive debris piling up at Fukushima interim facility — The Asahi Shimbun: here.

Workers are concerned about those matters that all blue-collar laborers worry about — pay and benefits — which isn’t to suggest they don’t think about the possible health risks of radiation exposure. Last October, Ikeda talked to the comedy duo-cum-nuclear power reporters Oshidori Mako & Ken on the web channel Jiyu-na Radio about potential false reports on radiation levels around Fukushima, although also touching on health issues that have not been reported by the mainstream media. His main point was that serious illnesses may not manifest themselves until years after workers quit the site and thus no longer qualify for worker’s compensation: here.

2 thoughts on “Fukushima disaster, Japan update

  1. Pingback: Fukushima radioactive water update | Dear Kitty. Some blog

  2. Pingback: Japanese Fukushima worker dies of cancer | Dear Kitty. Some blog

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