Fukushima disaster in Japan update

This video says about itself:

A New Source of Fukushima Radiation Was Just Found, Now What?

21 October 2017

Researchers found radioactive particles from Fukushima on beaches miles away, but how did it get there?

Japan wants Fukushima evacuees to go home. They’re not so sure. — The Christian Science Monitor: here.

Tokyo court orders Tepco to pay $10 million in damages over 2011 disaster — Reuters: here.

TOKYO — The decision Jan. 16 to automatically extend a nuclear agreement with the U.S. came as a relief to a Japanese government worried about the prospect of renegotiating the basis for a cornerstone of its energy policy. But friction remains over a massive store of plutonium that highlights the problems with the nation’s ambitious nuclear energy plans: here.

2 thoughts on “Fukushima disaster in Japan update

  1. Pingback: Fukushima disaster, Japan update | Dear Kitty. Some blog

  2. Pingback: Fukushima, Greenpeace report | Dear Kitty. Some blog

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