Fukushima radioactive food smuggled into China

This video says about itself:

Gone Fission: Fish caught near Fukushima may swim in food chain

25 December 2013

Japan’s seafood industry says it’s blighted by contaminated catches – nearly three years after the Fukushima nuclear disaster polluted surrounding land and waterways. They can’t convince customers their fish is safe – even though the authorities insist they’re doing their level best to show they’ve got a grip on the problem.

From SimplyInfo:

Fukushima Seafood Smuggling Ring Busted In China

August 22nd, 2016

5000 tons of Fukushima fish, scallops and king crab are estimated to have been smuggled out of Japan in the last two years into markets in China, and possibly beyond. The estimated value of the illegal seafood is 34.7 million USD.

Film focuses on ‘irradiated’ cattle kept alive in FukushimaThe Asahi Shimbun: here.

Panel: Tepco’s ‘ice wall’ failing at Fukushima nuclear plant — The Asahi Shimbun: here.