Fukushima nuclear disaster news roundup

This June 2016 video is called Japanese power company TEPCO admits it lied about meltdown after Fukushima.

There’s no end to Fukushima crisis while melted fuel remains — The Asahi Shimbun: here.

Tepco admits ice wall can’t stop Fukushima No. 1 groundwater: here.

Greenpeace reports jump in radioactive contamination in Fukushima waterways — The Japan Times: here.

18 thoughts on “Fukushima nuclear disaster news roundup

  1. 960 Bq/kg of Cs-134/137 detected from wild boar in Fukushima — Fukushima Diary

    September 12, 2016 by Melanie

    ” According to MHLW (Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare), 960 Bq/Kg of Cesium-134/137 was measured from the meat of wild boar in Fukushima.

    The sampling date was 6/11/2016. This reading is over 9 times much as food safety limit.

    Cs-134 density was 154 Bq/Kg to prove it is contaminated from Fukushima accident.

    From this report MHLW released on 7/19/2016, significant density of Cs-134/137 was detected from all of 33 wild boar samples and it exceeded the food safety limit (100 Bq/Kg) in 2/3 samples.

    MHLW reports none of these wild boar meat was distributed for sale. ”

    by Iori Mochizuki

    960 Bq/kg of Cs-134/137 detected from wild boar in Fukushima — Fukushima Diary


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