Dipper couple, red squirrel, black woodpecker

This is a 2014 wildlife video from the Netherlands. Including a dipper couple, red squirrel, black woodpecker, roe deer and others.

United States FBI spies on environmentalists

This video from the USA says about itself:

14 February 2017

The FBI is investigating political activists campaigning against the Dakota Access pipeline, diverting agents charged with preventing terrorist attacks to instead focus their attention on indigenous activists and environmentalists.

The Guardian has established that multiple officers within the FBI’s joint terrorism task force have attempted to contact at least three people tied to the Standing Rock “water protector” movement in North Dakota.

Read more here.

Bearded tits flock in winter

This 12 February 2017 video shows a bearded tits flock, both males and females, in a reed bed in Oostvaardersplassen national park in the Netherlands; while snow falls.

Dusky thrush video

This is a dusky thrush video. Very rarely, these Siberian birds come to the Netherlands.

United States Trump administration news

This video from the USA says about itself:

Trump’s Labor Pick Puzder Loses Some Republican Support as Confirmation Hearing Approaches

14 February 2017

Andrew Puzder would promote the anti-minimum wage and anti-workers protection agenda of the National Restaurant Association if confirmed as Labor Secretary, says Teofilo Reyes of Restaurant Opportunities Centers United.

ANDREW PUZDER WITHDRAWS AS NOMINEE FOR LABOR SECRETARY The chief executive of CKE Restaurants, which owns Hardee’s, withdrew his nomination after seven Republican senators refused to back him. He is the 13th Cabinet pick in history to withdraw his nomination. [HuffPost]

This video from the USA says about itself:

Trump’s Immigration Order Sets Barriers on Fighting Deportation at the Local Level

15 February 2017

Erika Andiola says citizens can help protect undocumented communities by pushing elected officials to their states and cities to declare sanctuary status.

IMMIGRATION ENFORCERS: ‘WE CAN DO OUR JOBS AGAIN’ Border Patrol and Immigrations and Customs Enforcement agents say they’ve been unleashed under Trump. ICE has confirmed their arrest of a “DREAM-er” and the detention of a woman in El Paso shortly after she sought court-ordered protection from domestic violence. And this mother facing deportation has taken refuge in a Denver church. [HuffPost]

Kellyanne Conway is no longer welcome on “Morning Joe.”

Snowy owls and food

This is a 2016 snowy owl video.

From the Cornell Lab of Ornithology in the USA:

Snowy Owls Aren’t Starving—How Two Canadian Farmers Helped Bust a Birding Myth

Every winter it’s a mystery how many Snowy Owls will come south to thrill bird watchers. But chances are when they do, you may hear someone say these magnificent birds are starving, having fled low food supplies up north. But happily, new research using data collected by two extremely hardy Saskatchewan farmers suggests otherwise. Find out what’s really happening with Snowy Owls.

Dutch national park in winter

This 14 February 2017 video, with English subtitles, is about the Deelense Veld plain in Hoge Veluwe national park in the Netherlands in winter, and its history since the Ice Age. Featuring wild boar.

German corporate racist fake news

This video from Germany says about itself:

New Year Festival at [river] Main bank, Frankfurt city, 2017. Everything was very peaceful but very cold because of snowing.

Translated from Dutch NOS TV:

Bild article on mass rape in Frankfurt turns out to be fake news

Today, 15:25

Was this New Year’s night in Frankfurt similar to the one in Cologne, a year earlier? The newspaper Bild reported last week that dozens of young men of “Arab” descent in a café in Frankfurt had harassed visitors and groped women. Hundreds of others were said to have caused problems in an entertainment area. Now is certain: it was fake news.

Police in Frankfurt are investigating two sources of the story, a landlord and an alleged customer of his. This Irina A. told Bild that her breasts and pubic area were groped. Yesterday the Public Prosecutor in the German city reported that A. during New Year was not at all in Frankfurt and that her story thus could not be true.

Pub boss Jan M. is said to sympathize with the [racist] Pegida movement and the right-wing populist

How often will I have to repeat on this blog that journalists should stop using ‘populist’ as an euphemism for racist?

party Alternative for Germany. Which oppose the arrival of refugees in Germany. The police called M.’s allegations nonsense and says they “lack any foundation.”

Questions and amazement

The publication in Bild immediately caused many questions. With one exception, operators of other catering facilities did not recognize themselves in the stories of M. and A. They spoke of a normal New Year. Also police were surprised. Police had not received on January 1 and in the days after any report that pointed to large-scale assaults.

Bild has now retracted the story and apologized. “The editors apologize emphatically for inaccurate reporting and the accusations against those involved,” according to a statement. The newspaper is now figuring out how things could come so far.

Bild with a circulation of 1.7 million is the largest newspaper in Germany. Also online the paper is influential. The story therefore also appeared in other countries.

Bild is part of the Axel Springer corporation; with a far-right tradition. In the 1960s they were the inspiration for a firearm attempt on the life of leftist Berlin student leader Rudi Dutschke.

German police say major newspaper’s story about a rampaging Arab ‘sex mob’ was wrong: here.

Illegal shark meat sold as legal fish

This video from the USA says about itself:

A Symphony of Sharks

2 August 2013

NOAA Fisheries proudly presents an ode to sharks and shark research.

After scandals like illegal horse meat sold as beef

Translated from Dutch Vroege Vogels TV:

Shark meat surreptitiously in fish products

Tuesday, February 14, 2017

A large part of the fish sold on [Caribbean island] Sint Maarten contains surreptitiously added shark meat. This is evident from genetic research on fish from restaurants, supermarkets and shops commissioned by the Nature Foundation Sint Maarten. The shark meat regularly was of threatened shark species. The project Save Our Sharks, which is dedicated to sharks in the Caribbean, thinks that shark meat is also added to seafood in other parts of the world.

Imports from Asia

Products and dishes like fish and chips, saltfish, fish soup and swordfish tested positive for the presence of shark meat. The tested products were imported and came probably from Asia. According to Save Our Sharks shark meat is often traded there as bycatch. In the products species were found such as blue shark, shortfin mako shark, silky shark and bigeye thresher shark. Each year 100 million sharks all over the world are killed in fishing.


Sharks store toxins in their meat and liver. It is known that shark meat, therefore, can contain high levels of toxic methyl mercury. This stuff is especially harmful to pregnant women and children.


Sint Maarten is a tourist resort and restaurants on the island are serving large quantities of fish. Tourists on the island so possibly get a serving of endangered species, which also can be hazardous to health. Save Our Sharks wants to expand the study to other regions in the Caribbean and beyond.

The ocean’s fastest shark is being threatened by over fishing. Shortfin mako shark fishing mortality rate is much higher than previously thought: here.

Rare ring-necked duck in the Netherlands

Ring-necked ducks are North American birds. Rarely, eg, if there is a strong west wind, one lands in Europe. Like the male in this 12 February 2017 video. In a pond in Appingedam in Groningen province in the Netherlands, he cleans his feathers, between coots and black-headed gulls in winter plumage.

At least yesterday, 14 February, he was still in Appingedam.