Save Caribbean sharks

This 26 August 2015 video was recorded in the Oceanium, the big aquarium in Rotterdam Zoo in the Netherlands. It is about marking there the start of the three years long Save Our Sharks campaign, by the Dutch Caribbean Nature Alliance.

This campaign aims to help sharks in the Caribbean to survive. There are about thirty shark species in the Caribbean.

This video is called Jonathan Bird examines one of the world’s most photographed–yet least studied–sharks, the Caribbean Reef shark.

14 thoughts on “Save Caribbean sharks

  1. Somehow I feel sorry when seeing nurse sharks inside an aquarium like in the background. I hope the aquarium is big enough for them. I have been diving with sharks (in the wild) and they are amazing animals. I guess not many people realize that they are not as dangerous as they are being portrayed by media. Some species are of course known to be aggressive. Anyway, good cause, and I hope Blijdorp also provide huge and proper maintenance to their marinelife in its aquarium.


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