German extreme rightist shoots refugee children

This video says about itself:

30 January 2016

Frauke Petry, one of the leaders of right-wing German opposition party Alternative for Germany (AfD), has sparked outrage with provocative comments about refugees.

“Border guards must prevent illegal border crossings and even use firearms if necessary,” Petry told German newspaper ‘Mannheimer Morgen’, in an interview published on Saturday.

Translated from Dutch NOS TV:

German shoots refugees with air rifle

Yesterday, 16:32

In the German city of Lingen, forty kilometers across the border at Oldenzaal, a man with an air rifle from a distance has shot refugees at a reception center. Two migrants who were outside were injured. They are a five-year-old girl from Macedonia and a boy of 18 from Syria.

Initially it was not clear that the migrants were shot at. The mother of the Macedonian girl sounded the alarm when she saw that her daughter had a leg wound. She suspected that someone had thrown a rock at the child. When the gunman struck again an hour later, wounding the Syrian, an eyewitness called the police. Which could finally arrest the man.

The 21-year-old gunman lives opposite the refugee centre in Lingen. He fired the shots from his home, about forty meters away. His motive is still unclear, police say. Local media report that the man has links with far-right groups.

The mayor of Lingen detests the shelling. He wants the shooter, who is suspected of grievous bodily harm, to be punished severely. For the time being the man of 21 at large. The refugees have been treated at the hospital, but are recovering.

This article in the Neue Osnabrücker Zeitung in Germany reports on the gunman’s links to the extreme right. It says he had been convicted for violent crimes nine times before.