Homophobia and Islamophobia in Germany

Nazi anti-refugee slogan in Germany

This 2015 AFP photo is from Waltrop in Germany. Neo-fascists had defaced a refugee home with the slogan ‘Dogs, get out’ and a nazi swastika.

By Judith van de Hulsbeek, Dutch NOS TV correspondent in Germany, 15 June 2015 (translated):

Germany: hatred against Muslims, Roma and gay people grows

Today, 21:02

The dislike of Muslims but also of Sinti, Roma and refugees generally is surging in Germany; according to a study by Leipzig University among 2420 Germans. …

The university is doing this research since 2002 every two years, about far-right sentiment in German society, such as anti-Semitism, xenophobia and playing down the Nazi past. On these ‘classic far-right’ issues the results stay more or less the same. Around 10 percent of respondents expressed racist, anti-Semitic or Nazi ideas and think, for example, that the German nation is inherently superior and that Jews have too much influence.

In 2014 questions about specific target groups (eg. Muslims, Roma, LGBTQ people) were added to the study. There a clear increase is seen. Thus more than 40 percent of respondents replied they think it is disgusting when two men kiss in public. …

In Germany, some 100 refugee centers have been set on fire since early 2015.

21 thoughts on “Homophobia and Islamophobia in Germany

  1. Pingback: Mass murder in Orlando, USA and Donald Trump | Dear Kitty. Some blog

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  3. Vooral vrouwen zijn slachtoffer van islamofobie

    In mei zijn er twee onderzoeken verschenen over islamofobie in Nederland: het “Onderzoeksrapport Islamofobie in zicht” van de Stichting Platform Islamitische Organisaties Rijnmond (SPIOR), en het Engelstalige rapport “Forgotten women: the impact of Islamophobia on Muslim women in the Netherlands” van het European Network Against Racism (ENAR). Beide rapporten laten zien dat er zowel in de publieke ruimte als op de arbeidsmarkt veel sprake is van racisme en geweld richting moslims. Met name moslima’s worden daar vaak het slachtoffer van.

    Lees meer: http://www.doorbraak.eu/vooral-vrouwen-slachtoffer-islamofobie/


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