Mass murder in Orlando, USA and Donald Trump

This January 2016 video from the USA is called MUSLIM BOOTED from Trump Rally for Silent Protest Against Islamophobia.

By Larry Rubin in the USA:

Orlando exposes the Goebbels in Trump

Thursday 16th June 2016

‘If you repeat a lie big enough and keep repeating it, people will eventually come to believe it’ – this assertion by Adolf Hitler’s PR man fits in with Donald Trump’s choice of language and tone of discourse following the Orlando murders.

Trying to exploit for self-promotion the murder of 49 people in a gay nightclub in Orlando, Florida, Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump has sunk to new lows in bigotry, fearmongering and slander.

Neither Republican Senate majority leader Mitch McConnell nor Republican Speaker of the House Paul Ryan have uttered one word of criticism, however. In fact, both have recently reiterated their support of him.

Meanwhile, Democratic Representative for Georgia John Lewis tweeted “Donald, you need to shut up. Give the American people time to grieve.’’

In his speech, Trump accused the entire Muslim community of harbouring criminals such as Omar Mateen, who opened fire in Orlando’s Pulse nightclub on Sunday morning killing 49 people and injuring many more.

In fact, Mateen acted entirely alone.

Trump repeated his call for banning all Muslims from entering the US, even though Mateen was born in New York.

He congratulated himself for “predicting” that such a tragedy would occur and said that somehow President Barack Obama is in league with terrorists.

“We’re led by a man that either is not tough, not smart or has something else in mind,” Trump said. “And the something else in mind — people can’t believe it. People cannot believe that President Obama is acting the way he acts… there is something going on.”

Trump suggested that if the people in the Orlando nightclub had had guns, “things might have been different.”

Mateen bought his murder weapons perfectly legally from a gun store in Orlando.

On the floor of the US House of Representatives, Jim Hines, a Democrat from Connecticut, said that Congress was “complicit” in the shootings in Orlando and elsewhere because it refuses to take action on gun control. Hines represents Newton, where school children were killed by a mass murderer.

Furthermore, Nihad Awad, executive director of the Council on American-Islamic Relations, the largest Muslim civil-rights and advocacy organisation in the US, said on Sunday: “For many years, members of the LGBTQ community have stood shoulder to shoulder with the Muslim community against any acts of hate crimes, Islamophobia, marginalisation and discrimination. Today we stand with them shoulder to shoulder.

“The liberation of the American Muslim community,” Awad continued, “is profoundly linked to the liberation of other minorities — blacks, Latinos, gays, Jews, and every other community. We cannot fight injustice against some groups and not against others. Homophobia, transphobia, Islamophobia — we cannot dismantle one without the other.”

He also said that “the largest massacre in modern US history was committed by a man … during Ramadan. For true Muslims, this would be heartbreaking at any time, but it’s especially tragic now.

“Ramadan is a time of patience, humility, generosity — it’s a time of overflowing love. The attack in Orlando was all hate — hate of freedom, hate of love, hate of the LGBT community.

“Now, more than ever, is a time to reject calls for division and hate, to denounce all forms of violence. Now is a time to remember the common bonds that link all people.”

Trump is calling for just the opposite. Backed by Republican leaders such as McConnell and Ryan he’s trying to pit American against American, community against community.

As an editorial in today’s Washington Post says, Trump is revealing himself “more clearly than ever as a man unfit to lead.”

In their remarks to the nation following the Orlando massacre, Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump made their differences – and disturbing similarities – crystal clear: here.

This video from the USA says about itself:

11 January 2016

We’ve got a new low in Donald Trump rallies. They kicked a silent Muslim woman out just for being Muslim. Cenk Uygur, host of the The Young Turks, breaks it down. Tell us what you think in the comment section below.

“A Muslim woman was kicked out of a Donald Trump rally on Friday night for no apparent reason. The woman, Rose Hamid, told CNN that she “came to the rally to let Trump supporters see what a Muslim looks like.” She stood silently with a t-shirt that read “I Come In Peace.”

About halfway through the rally, held in Rock Hill, South Carolina, some people in the crowd “turned pretty ugly” toward the woman, shouting “epithets.” She was then escorted out by security.

Trump commented on Hamid as she was being ejected. “There is hatred against us that is unbelievable. It’s their hatred, it’s not our hatred,” Trump said.

Trump has stoked antipathy against Muslims by calling for a total ban on Muslim immigration into the U.S.”

Read more here.

By Sue Caldwell, of LGBT+ Against Islamophobia in Britain:

This horrific attack underlines the fact that homophobia continues to be a part of life in the West today.

This man was born and brought up in the US, where Establishment figures routinely espouse anti-LGBT+ sentiments.

We will resist any attempt to use this atrocity to whip up hatred against Muslims.

The response from the LGBT+ communities so far has been brilliant – a strong desire to stand united and continue our fight against homophobia and transphobia wherever it may come from.”

By Joana Ramiro in Britain:

LGBT massacre was not about Islam

Tuesday 14th June 2016

Activists express their anger at media framing of Orlando shooting as part of conflict with Isis

LGBT activists shut down the “horrible and racist thought process” linking Sunday’s Orlando mass shooting to Islam yesterday as thousands assembled to honour the victims.

British gay rights campaigners were left saddened and angry as mainstream media showed more interest in shooter Omar Mateen’s religious interests than his lethal homophobia.

Vigils for the dead and injured of the Pulse Club shooting took place worldwide last night, as London’s gay village overflowed with mourners.

Words of solidarity were also issued yesterday by the British trade unions and the Labour Party, whose shadow equalities minister Kate Green argued for more security measures during next week’s Pride celebrations.

GMB LGBT network Shout! organiser David Braniff-Herbert told the Star the media’s insistence on the Orlando shooter’s religion was due to their “agenda for Islamophobia.”

He said: “If they can talk the homophobia down they get to speak more on the religious background of the shooter.

“And that has really very little to do with it. Everyone wants to talk about the Isis links, it makes absolutely no difference.

“If you look at how the Christian right have introduced 200 anti-LGBT+ laws across the US in just the past six months, you see it’s not about how some very few Muslims think about LGBT people, it’s about a systemic homophobic, biphobic and transphobic system and it’s intolerable.”

In the corporate media, there is much talk of Mateen being from a Muslim family. And very little talk of other sides of Mateen which might be relevant. Like Mateen being mentally ill and alcoholic. Like Mateen being a mercenary at the G4S privatized police, privatised prisons and privatised army corporation, with its macho homophobic corporate culture. And of Mateen living in Florida, with its tradition of homophobes like Anita Bryant, Senator Marco Rubio and ex-governor Jeb Bush.

Mateen guarded BP properties for his G4S bosses during the BP oil spill: here.

Mr Braniff-Herbert then retold how just over two years ago he and his partner were attacked by a group of young men in a popular London area.

“When we published that story the response from some people was ‘Oh well this is what happens when you have open immigration,’ but all the boys were white and English,” he added.

“The presumption was that it couldn’t possibly be done by white people. This is a very horrible and racist thought process.

“The anti-LGBT rhetoric is not exclusive to one group of people.

“What we need to express is that an Islamophobic response is just as bad as a homophobic response to hate crime.”

Earlier in the day, journalist Owen Jones had walked out of Sky News after presenter Mark Longhurst and radio host Julia Hartley-Brewer attempted to distance the tragedy from homophobic hate crime.

Trade Union Congress LGBT committee chair Maria Exall also told the Star there was “homophobia denial” going on.

“Owen Jones should be supported on insisting that it was a hate crime against LGBT people and that’s what needs to be reported,” she said.

“It’s a hate crime for whatever reason and it should be recognised for what it is.”

Britons also mourned for the Orlando victims in the cities of Manchester, Cardiff, Norwich and Nottingham, while a solidarity event will be taking place today in York at 7pm on St Helen’s Square.

Before Orlando, Omar Mateen Worked for Human Rights Abusers G4S: here.

4 thoughts on “Mass murder in Orlando, USA and Donald Trump

  1. Pingback: British Labour MP Jo Cox murdered, by neonazi? | Dear Kitty. Some blog

  2. Marco Rubio flew down from Washington, DC to Orlando with the President today. According to him, he wants to express concern about the massacre of LGBTs at the Pulse nightclub on Sunday morning. He also says that he is now reconsidering his prior decision not to run for re-election, against me, because of the tragedy. Which makes me wonder: Has he put aside his perpetual hostility toward the LGBT community, and has he moved beyond his callousness regarding the plague of gun violence in our nation?

    Color me skeptical. Senator Rubio has dedicated much of his political career to dehumanizing our LGBT community, and to making it easier for others to acquire weapons that can kill a lot of people very quickly. Here are just a few examples of this:

    His office released this statement in 2012: “Senator Rubio believes that the union of one man and one woman is the ideal setting to raise a strong family, and why our laws should recognize the institution of marriage as a union of one man and one woman.”

    He argued as the Florida State House Speaker in 2006 that same-sex couples shouldn’t be able to serve as foster parents to Florida children. He said that such children “shouldn’t be forced to be part of a social experiment.”

    When Rubio was asked in 2013 whether he supported ENDA (Employment Non-Discrimination Act), he responded: “I’m not for any special protections based on orientation.” The truth is that he’s not in favor of any protection at all. Many Floridians can still be fired for sexual orientation. In fact – and this is terrible — some of the victims of the tragedy at Pulse could be fired simply because their bosses read in the newspaper that they were at a gay nightclub.

    And . . . .

    As far as I can tell, Marco Rubio has voted against every single gun safety bill brought to a vote in the Senate. After the Sandy Hook massacre took the lives of 20 elementary school children, he even voted against a renewed assault weapons ban, and a measure to expand background checks.

    Yes, I certainly hope to see a different Marco Rubio – the more different, the better. But I strongly suspect that the leopard has not changed his spots. Somehow, I doubt that a Senator who refused reform after the massacre of six-year-olds will suddenly believe in reform after the massacre of innocent LGBT people, a community that he has sought to relegate to second-class citizenship.

    We cannot allow Marco Rubio to extend his anti-LGBT, pro-assault-weapon time in the Senate. Chip in $3 or more to help our campaign of justice, equality, and peace to victory >>

    I don’t know what Marco Rubio has in his heart today. But I do know what’s in his record. And that’s why we must defeat him. Join us; show your support today >>


    Alan Grayson


  3. Pingback: Fundamentalist Pat Robertson claims Orlando massacre victims ‘deserved it’ | Dear Kitty. Some blog

  4. Pingback: Orlando mass murderer, self-hating homophobic gay rather than jihadi | Dear Kitty. Some blog

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