Wildlife in central The Hague, the Netherlands

This is a video about the Haagse Bos, a woodland in the center of The Hague City in the Netherlands, and its wildlife.

Haagse Bos warden Jenny van Leeuwen writes today (translated):

During our mammal research we found out that in the The Hague Forest there are surprisingly many mammals: wood mouse, common shrew, bank vole, mole, hedgehog, rabbit, red fox, red squirrel, pine marten, polecat, stoat, weasel. After Meijendel, The Hague Forest is best when it comes to mammals in the The Hague green areas. That is a remarkably good result for a forest in the city center of The Hague.

This is a video recorded by a camera trap in the Haagse Bos. A red fox uses a fallen tree to cross water.

Red squirrels in The Hague: here.

Haagse Bos during World War II: here.