Fungi and autumn birds

This 17 October 2017 Dutch video is about the fungi in Haagse Bos forest in The Hague.

Vermilion waxcaps, 14 October 2017

On 14 October 2017, to Oud Poelgeest woodland. Quite some fungi, like these vermilion waxcaps.

Over the meadow east of Oud Poelgeest, an Egyptian goose flying.

On the banks of the water around Oud Poelgeest, sleeping mallards.

A bit further four mute swans, including a juvenile.

Sulphur tuft fungi on a tree stump.

In the water, many mallards and also four gadwall ducks.

A moorhen swims.

Vermilion waxcaps, on 14 October 2017

We find vermilion waxcaps.

Amethyst deceiver fungus, 14 October 2017

The most common fungi here now are amethyst deceiver mushrooms.

Amethyst deceiver fungus, on 14 October 2017

Jays flying.

Many mute swans, including young ones, in the castle pond.

Ring-necked parakeet sound. Robin sound.

As we cross the bridge out of Oud Poelgeest, a great crested grebe swimming.

We go to the Heempark.

Blue tits in a leafless treetop.

Heempark, 14 October 2017

The sun shining through the leaves.

Heempark leaves, 14 October 2017

Many leaves had autumn colours already.

Berries, 14 October 2017

There were berries.

At the pond, a grey heron hunting. Some of what it catches is so small they are probably water insects, not fish.

Two coots. A moorhen swimming.

Trees, 14 October 2017

Some trees had unusual shapes.

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