Nuthatches, blackbirds, robins at the photo hide

Nuthatch, 23 January 2017

On 23 January 2017, three of us were back at the bird photography hide; where we saw, among other birds, this nuthatch.

Nuthatch on 23 January 2017

On my way there in the morning, I saw a magpie landing on its nest in a tree opposite the church. A few seconds later, its partner joined it.

Circumstances were much different from June last year at the hide. Still some snow on the ground. In the morning, temperature below zero. Later, it rose to a few degrees above zero.

This meant that the pond in front of the hide, where many birds came to drink last year, was frozen now. As temperature rose, a little water formed on the ice; attracting a male blackbird and other drinking birds.

Blackbird male, 23 January 2017

Blackbird female, 23 January 2017

There were female blackbirds as well.

In the frozen pond we now of course did not see any amphibians like in June. We did see mammals: bank voles like in June.

It was a cloudy day, but it did not rain.

Like last year, there were robins again.

Robin, 23 January 2017

Stay tuned, as there will be more on this blog about the birds on that winter day!

5 thoughts on “Nuthatches, blackbirds, robins at the photo hide

  1. Pingback: Tits, woodpecker and chaffinch at photo hide | Dear Kitty. Some blog

  2. Pingback: Blog-aholic Award, thanks Quixote’s Kid! | Dear Kitty. Some blog

  3. Pingback: Blog-aholic Award, thanks Quixote’s Kid! – Schwein gehabt?

  4. Pingback: Fungi and autumn birds | Dear Kitty. Some blog

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