United States racist murders Indian ‘in Trump’s war on Iran’

This 26 February 2017 video from the USA is called Hundreds march in support of Olathe shooting victims, attend prayer vigil.

From the BBC today:

Olathe, Kansas, shooting suspect ‘said he killed Iranians

A man arrested last week for shooting two Indians at a Kansas bar allegedly told a barmaid he had just opened fire on some “Iranian people“.

Adam Purinton, 51, fled the scene of the attack at a pub in Olathe and went to a restaurant where he confided in a staff member, police say.

He was arraigned in court on Monday with first-degree murder and two counts of attempted first-degree murder.

The accused wore a safety smock to prevent him from harming himself.

Police say he shot and killed Srinivas Kuchibholta at a pub on Wednesday evening.

In a 911 call, a bartender, Sam Suida, told the police dispatcher a man had come into the bar and said he’d done something “really bad” and that he was on the run.

“He asked if he could stay with me and my husband, and he wouldn’t tell me what he did,” she says on a recording of the call.

“I kept asking him, and he said that he would tell me if I agreed to let him stay with me.

“Well, I finally got him to tell me and he said, like, that he shot and killed two Iranian people in Olathe.” …

Witnesses said the suspect shouted “get out of my country” before shots rang out.

Mr Madasani told the BBC the gunman had demanded to know if they were in the country legally.

The suspect is being held in the Johnson County Jail on a bond of $2m (£1.6m).

His next court appearance is on 9 March.

White House adviser: Trump won’t ‘overly discuss’ hate crimes by whites for fear he’ll ’cause a fire’: here.

United States racist charged with murder

This Indian TV video says about itself:

Kansas [City] People Reaction After Srinivas Kuchibhotla Murder | V6 USA NRI News

24 February 2017

From daily The Morning Star in Britain today:

Murder charge for ‘racist killing’

UNITED STATES: A man accused of shooting two Indian men in a crowded suburban Kansas City [in Missouri] bar in what witnesses said was a racially motivated attack has been charged with murder and attempted murder.

Srinivas Kuchibhotla was killed, while Alok Madasani and Ian Grillot were hospitalised in a stable condition.
Authorities repeatedly declined at a Thursday news conference to say whether the shooting was a hate crime, although local police said they were working with the FBI.

A shooting in an Olathe, Kansas bar on Wednesday night killed one man and left two others injured. According to witnesses, the shooter harassed two Indian men with racial slurs, shouting, “Get out of my country!” before killing 32-year-old Srinivas Kuchibhotla and injuring 32-year-old Alok Madasani. Also injured was 24-year-old Ian Grillot, who had attempted to intervene in defense of the two men … “Trump’s executive order was for 7 countries,” said CAIR’s Hadeed, “but it affects the entire Muslim community.” She mentioned that there have been other instances like the Olathe shooting, in which non-Muslims have been targeted by Islamophobes: here.

Anti-immigrant Hate Slurs Lead to Fatal Shooting in Kansas: here.

Father Of Indian Man Who Survived Kansas Bar Attack Says The U.S. Is Not Safe. He urged Indian parents “not to send their children to the U.S.”: here.

North American shorebirds’ migration

This video from Kansas in the USA says about itself:

Half of All North American Shorebirds Use This Rest Stop

18 November 2016

Cheyenne Bottoms is the nation’s largest inland marsh, an area of over 60 square miles. It’s also the favored resting spot of many species of migrating birds, from pelicans to 27 species of ducks.

From: AERIAL AMERICA: The Great Plains.

Wildlife researchers have long tried to understand why birds fly in flocks and how different types of flocks work. A new study from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill explores the mechanics and benefits of the underlying flock structure used by four types of shorebirds. Understanding more about how these birds flock moves researchers a step closer to understanding why they flock: here.

Are white terrorists not terrorists?

This video from the USA says about itself:

Why Isn’t There Wall-to-Wall Coverage of The Kansas Crusaders?

17 October 2016

Thom compares the media coverage of the arrest of three men in Kansas who were plotting to harm immigrants with coverage of previous events perpetrated by Muslims. Is the difference in coverage a reflection of the media’s views on race?

By Chauncey DeVega of Salon in the USA:

The Right Wing

White Privilege Wages Jihad: Kansas ‘Militia Members’ Aren’t Considered ‘Terrorists’ Because They’re Not Muslim

The three white men planned to unleash a killing spree and to bomb a house of worship—what should we call them?

October 19, 2016

On Friday, the Federal Bureau of Investigation announced that it had arrested three white men, Curtis Allen, Gavin Wright and Patrick Stein, who as part of a militia group called the Crusaders planned to bomb a housing complex and mosque in Garden City, KansasAllen, Wright and Stein had stockpiled 2,000 pounds of ammunition and numerous homemade bombs to conduct the attack.

Their intended victims were Somali immigrants. In information gathered by the FBI, Stein, the apparent ringleader, told his followers, “If you’re a Muslim I’m going to enjoy shooting you in the head.” Stein also wanted his confederates to “if you start using your bow on them cockroaches, make sure you dip them in pig’s blood before you shoot them.”

The destruction and murder would have been total. Allen, Wright and Stein planned to spare no one from their hateful wrath; babies and children would be killed along with adults. Stein told his fellow militia members, “When we go on operations there’s no leaving anyone behind, even if it’s a 1-year-old. I’m serious. I guarantee if I go on a mission those little fuckers are going bye-bye.”

Their ultimate goal was to “send a wake up call” to (white) Americans about the “threat” posed by Muslims. Stein said “the only fucking way this country’s ever going to get turned around is it will be a bloodbath and it will be a nasty, messy motherfucker.”

In this political moment, the Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump’s tendrils are everywhere: Stein is an avid supporter of Trump and was organizing a “security detail” to protect his hero and champion when he visited Pennsylvania and Ohio in late October.

The bomb plot by Allen, Wright and Stein is part of a larger pattern. As reported by the Council on American-Islamic Relations, 79 mosques were attacked last year. The Southern Poverty Law Center has documented how the number of hate crimes against Muslims has increased this year.

The murderous actions planned by Allen, Wright, and Stein are the very definition of terrorism: politically motivated violence against a vulnerable civilian population.

The headlines from major American news outlets, however, described Allen, Wright and Stein as “militia members” instead of “terrorists.”

White privilege takes many forms in America. Terrorists are nebulous brown “Arabs” and “Muslims.” White privilege deems that such a label not be applied by the mainstream news media and in the popular discourse to white Christians such as Allen, Wright and Stein.

On these matters, white privilege also imperils public safety. Since 2002 more Americans have been killed by white Christian right-wing terrorists than by Muslims or Arabs. As reported by Duke University’s Triangle Center on Terrorism and Homeland Security in 2015, “Law enforcement agencies in the United States consider anti-government violent extremists, not radicalized Muslims, to be the most severe threat of political violence that they face.” In its announcement about the arrest of Allen, Wright and Stein, the FBI also referred to the Crusaders as “domestic terrorists.”

But the right-wing media and the Republican Party has chosen to actively suppress that information — as was the case with West Point’s Combatting Terrorism Center’s findings about the threat posed by right-wing anti-government groups, which were met with protests, derision and threats to cut research funding. In all, the image of the Muslim-Arab bogeyman with a suicide vest hiding under the beds of white middle America does more political work for conservatives than a mature discussion of the significant dangers posed by white right-wing radicals and terrorists in the “sovereign citizens” and militia movements.

White privilege also deems that certain questions will not be asked about the Crusaders and its nefarious plans to kill Somali immigrants in Garden City, Kansas.

What are people like Allen, Wright and Stein learning in their churches and other places of worship? Are the FBI and the Department of Homeland Security monitoring those sites?

Who radicalized Allen, Wright and Stein?

What role does Fox News, the Republican Party and the right-wing media play in teaching white Christians like Allen, Wright and Stein to hate Muslims?

Where were Allen, Wright and Stein’s family members and neighbors? Are they aiding and abetting them? Why didn’t they call the police earlier?

Given that 2016 Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump is openly hostile toward Muslims, should he be held responsible for encouraging violence and terrorism against that community?

It is no coincidence that the Crusaders’ terrorist attack was planned for Nov. 9 — the day after the election. The political movement of fascist Donald Trump has normalized political violence in contemporary American politics. Allen, Wright and Stein’s plan to kill Somali immigrants in Garden City is a reflection of that reality.

At his rallies, Trump extols the virtues of such behavior. Like a political thug in a banana republic, Trump threatens to put Hillary Clinton, his Democratic rival, in prison if he wins the presidency. Moreover, Trump’s supporters have even been recorded as threatening Clinton’s life. Trump’s foot soldiers have attacked Black Lives Matter and other protesters and sucker punched an elderly woman in the face at a rally in North Carolina. Armed Trump minions have also pointed guns at protesters.

It is becoming increasingly clear that the question is not “will there be blood on Election Day and thereafter?” but rather how much blood will be spilled by Trump and the basket of human deplorables — a rabble that includes terrorists — over which he wields control like a political Rasputin.

At least, in the Netherlands, when a gang of Islamophobes (also admirers of Adolf Hitler) firebombed a mosque in Enschede, the public prosecutor did call them terrorists.

Kansas, USA racists plotted massacre of Somali refugees

This video from the USA says about itself:

3 Kansas men plotted to kill innocent Somali refugees in Garden City, Kansas

Department of Justice
U.S. Attorney’s Office
District of Kansas


Friday, October 14, 2016

Three Southwest Kansas Men Charged With Plotting to Bomb Somali Immigrants

WICHITA, KAN. -Three men from southwest Kansas were charged in federal court here today with conspiring to detonate a bomb at an apartment complex in Garden City where Muslim immigrants from Somalia live and worship, Acting U.S. Attorney Tom Beall said.

A criminal complaint unsealed today alleged the men conducted surveillance to size up potential targets, stockpiled firearms, ammunition and explosive components, and prepared a manifesto to be published after the bombing. The attack, the defendants said, would “wake people up.”

“These charges are based on eight months of investigation by the FBI that is alleged to have taken the investigators deep into a hidden culture of hatred and violence,” Beall said. “Many Kansans may find it as startling as I do that such things could happen here.”

Charged with one count of conspiring to use a weapon of mass destruction were:

Curtis Allen, 49, Liberal, Kan.

Gavin Wright, 49, Liberal, Kan., owner of G & H Mobile Home Center at 1250 E. Tucker Road in Liberal.

Patrick Eugene Stein, 47, Wright, Kan.

The complaint alleges that since February 2016 the FBI has been investigating the defendants’ activities planning a violent attack against Muslims in southwestern Kansas. A confidential source [who] attended meetings of a militia group called the Kansas Security Force, providing the FBI with information about the groups’ activities.

The defendants were members of a small group they called the Crusaders. After considering possible targets including pro-Somali churches and public officials, the defendants decided to target an apartment complex in Garden City, Kan., where Somalis lived and maintain an apartment that served as a mosque. They discussed obtaining four vehicles, filling them with explosives and parking them at the four corners of the apartment complex to create a big explosion.

On Oct. 12, defendant Stein met with the confidential FBI source in rural Finney County to examine automatic weapons the source had brought from an FBI lab in Quantico, Va. After trying out two of the weapons, Stein took the source to see the apartment building the defendants were targeting in Garden City. Stein said he would provide ammonium nitrate for the bomb and contribute $200 to $300 for other materials.

Stein also talked with the source about defendant Allen’s arrest in a domestic violence case in Liberal the previous day, Oct. 11. Stein said he was concerned that Allen’s girlfriend would give Liberal police information about the defendants’ plans.

If convicted, the defendants face up to life in federal prison. Investigating agencies included the FBI, the Liberal Police Department, the Seward County Sheriff’s Office, the Ford County Sheriff’s Office, the Garden City Police Department, the Dodge City Police Department, the Finney County Sheriff’s Office, and Kansas Highway Patrol, and the Kansas Bureau of Investigation. Assistant U.S. Attorney Tony Mattivi is prosecuting

In all cases, defendants are presumed innocent until and unless proven guilty. The charges merely contain allegations of criminal conduct.

Translated from Dutch NOS TV:

FBI: major attack on immigrants foiled

Today, 09:13

In the United States of America, three men have been arrested who wanted to assassinate immigrants on the day after the presidential elections, the US Justice Department reports. It it is said to have been their intention to blow up an apartment in which about 120 Somalis live.

The suspects were members of a small militia calling itself the Crusaders. The far-right militia is directed against immigrants, Muslims and the government. Those arrested are two men of 49 years old and one of 47 years old.

The FBI has foiled the plan of these three men after investigating for eight months. According to the prosecutor, the investigators found themselves in a “hidden culture of hatred and violence.”

The suspects chose the apartment building in the US state of Kansas because many Somalis live there and there is a mosque in it. They wanted to detonate four vehicles full of explosives at the four corners of the building. After the attack they wanted to distribute a manifesto.

According to the indictment the men with their action wanted to wake up America. “The only way to get this country on the right path is a bloodbath,” a suspect is said to have said.

The militia members accused of a Kansas plot to massacre Muslims were so extreme they scared the other extremists.

A LOOK AT THE RADICALIZATION OF THREE PRO-TRUMP EXTREMISTS WHO PLANNED TO KILL MUSLIMS “A jury in Kansas this week is deliberating whether three militia members should spend the rest of their lives in prison.” [HuffPost]

Three right-wing militiamen from rural Kansas were found guilty on Wednesday in a 2016 plot to slaughter Muslim refugees.

Great horned owls, red-tailed hawks, new study

This video from the USA says about itself:

Great Horned Owl Hooting Territorial Evening Call At Sunset

31 December 2012

Great Horned Owl (Bubo virginianus) calling for it’s mate on Dixon Branch of White Rock Creek in Dallas, Texas. This particular owl was hooting a territorial call for another owl that can be faintly heard some distance away beginning after the call around the 1:50 mark. The owls call to each other in a duet before finding each other for night hunting and nest building.

Found from the Arctic to the tropical rainforest, from the desert to suburban backyards, the Great Horned Owl is one of the most widespread and common owls in North America. Capable of killing prey larger than themselves, the Great Horned Owl is one of the larger winged predators in the United States.

Often heard but rarely seen the birds are very difficult to photograph since they are nocturnal. This video was shot using Canon Magic Lantern software which allows for extreme low light photography. It was also filmed at a considerable distance giving the owl plenty of space to act naturally. The bird was a couple hundred feet from the camera. It’s important to keep a code of ethics when around large predators such as this. They need a wide berth to not be stressed.

From Transactions of the Kansas Academy of Science in the USA:

Landscape Differences around Nests of Great Horned Owls and Red-Tailed Hawks

William Langley

Butler Community College, El Dorado, Kansas

Nesting territories of great-horned owls (Bubo virginianus) and red-tailed hawks (Buteo jamaicensis) frequently overlap, with the owls using nests of other raptors. Records of use over a 22-year period in one locality were used to distinguish nesting sites used exclusively by great horned owls, exclusively by red-tailed hawks, and those used by both.

To determine the occurrence of various landscape characteristics within the proximity of a nest structure, I measured the total area of various land use types, total perimeter length, and the size of patches across six different land use types i.e., agriculture, pasture, residential, tree, pond, and roadside within circular plots around nests used by breeding pairs.

The landscape features surrounding nests of great horned owls differed from those surrounding red-tailed hawk nests in total perimeter length and size of patch. These differences are consistent with the fact that great horned owls hunt from perches primarily at night using sensory modalities different than diurnal hunting red-tailed hawks.

Nazi murders in Kansas, USA

This video from the USA says about itself:

14 April 2014

Frazier Glenn Cross, the man charged with gunning down three people at Jewish centers in Overland Park, Kan., gave an interview in 2010 as he was making a bid for U.S. Senate. The former Ku Klux Klan member discusses a series of provocative ads his campaign was running over Missouri airwaves.

By Thomas Gaist in the USA:

Killer at Kansas Jewish centers a prominent right-wing extremist

15 April 2014

Sunday saw the brutal killing of three people at a Jewish community center and a Jewish retirement home in the suburb of Overland Park, near Kansas City, on the eve of the Jewish Passover holiday.

The shooter, 73-year-old Frazier Glenn Miller aka Frazier Glenn Cross of Aurora, Missouri, was arrested and taken into the Johnson County jail Sunday on suspicion of first-degree murder. Miller had been out drinking at a casino in Missouri the previous night, according to reports.

Witnesses said Miller shouted “Heil Hitler” at bystanders after the shooting, and had asked people what their religious views were before opening fire. Reat Griffin Underwood, 14, together with his grandfather, William Lewis Corporon, 69, were shot dead by Miller as they pulled into the parking lot. The third victim was 53-year-old Teresa Lamanno. Miller fired at two others but they escaped unharmed.

Miller has had a long career in white supremacist and neo-Nazi circles. According to the Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC), Miller began reading a racist newspaper called the Thunderbolt back in the 1970s. He soon entered into right-wing politics by joining the National States’ Rights Party and the National Socialist Party of America.

A former US Army special forces soldier who was deployed twice during the Vietnam War, he was discharged from the Army after being caught distributing racist political material. According to the Raleigh, North Carolina News Observer, “Miller was present at one of the most notorious incidents in modern North Carolina history, the 1979 ‘Death to the Klan’ rally in Greensboro in which five members of the Communist Workers Party died in a shootout with Klan supporters. But he wasn’t charged in relation to that case, and the Klansmen and Nazis who were charged won acquittal.”

Miller eventually founded the White Patriot Party (WPP), a KKK group and white supremacist paramilitary party operating in North Carolina, and was “grand dragon” of the Carolina Ku Klux Klan (KKK). The WPP evolved from the Carolina Knights of the KKK, and later became the Confederate Knights of the KKK before taking the name WPP in 1985.

Miller propagated the familiar ideologies of the extreme right, referring to the US federal government as the “Zionist Occupation Government,” for instance. When Miller ran in elections for Missouri seats for the US House of Representatives in 2006 and US Senate in 2010, he paid for ads that urged Americans to “take the country back” from Jews and “mud people.” Miller has regularly posted articles on right-wing sites such as Stormfront.org.

In 1984, Miller ran in the Democratic primary for governor of North Carolina. In 1986, he ran in the Republican primary for North Carolina seat in the US Senate. In a letter dated April 6, 1987, Miller wrote, “Dear White Patriots, I warned those SOBs. Since December 20, 1980 when I formed the Carolina Knights of the Ku Klux Klan, I have pleaded with the federal dogs to leave me alone and to allow me to work peacefully and legally within the system for my Race … I always said that once we had 1,000 White men in uniform marching in the streets on a regular basis, that the masses of our People would flood into our ranks and join with us. The federal dogs and their Jew masters knew this too and refused to allow it.”

The Southern Poverty Law Center sued Miller in 1984 for carrying out illegal paramilitary operations and intimidations against blacks, leading to Miller’s imprisonment during the late 1980s. During its investigation, the SPLC accessed WPP computer systems and found evidence that Miller’s organization was plotting an attack on SPLC co-founder Morris Dees. Dees had previously won a lawsuit against KKK Grand Wizard Robert Shelton’s United Klans of America over the 1981 killing of 19-year-old black teenager Michael Donald by Klan members in Mobile, Alabama. The lawsuit had a crushing impact on the Klan, causing Dees to become a hated figure among right-wing, supremacist circles.

Miller violated a subsequent court injunction forbidding the WPP from engaging in paramilitary training. When he was arrested in 1987, he was hiding in a mobile home in the Ozarks filled with automatic weapons and large stores of ammo.

Miller joined the witness protection program and testified against other white supremacist during a 1988 sedition trial. Miller testified that the WPP had working relations with another right-wing extremist group, called the Order or Silent Brotherhood, which helped to finance his party. The Brotherhood, a “white nationalist revolutionary organization,” gained notoriety for its involvement in the 1984 murder of Alan Berg, a Denver liberal talk show host who was Jewish.

In a radio interview from 2010, Miller expressed his support for Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, Texas Republican congressman and presidential candidate Ron Paul, and for Nazi leader Adolf Hitler. “Hitler would have created a paradise on Earth, particularly for white people. But he would have been fair to other people as well,” Miller said, when asked what a Nazi victory in World War II would have produced.

Speaking to Missouri State University students in 2012, Miller expressed hope that a “young Hitler” was among the students. When challenged by a Jewish student, Miller said, “You should be one of the first to go.”

The Oklahoma City-based Memorial Institute for the Prevention of Terrorism’s Knowledge Base’s entry on Miller, states that “WPP was extremely racist: they supported apartheid, and set up hotlines featuring telephone recordings of a black man being lynched. WPP won considerable support in North Carolina by blaming the bad economic climate for farmers on international Jewish bankers.”

Miller’s goal, as quoted in the Terrorism Knowledge Base, was “southern independence. The creation of an all-white nation within the one million square miles of mother Dixie. We have no hope for Jew York City or San Fran-sissy-co and other areas that are dominated by Jews, perverts, and communists and non-white minorities and rectum-loving queers.”

Law enforcement representatives said on Monday that Miller will be charged with hate crimes.

However, Miller’s long public career as a right-wing extremist and the fact that he had been an informant in the government’s Federal Witness Protection Program for an extended period raises the question of how closely his activities were being monitored by the FBI and other federal, state and local agencies. The US government expends unlimited resources in spying on and infiltrating anti-war and other protest organizations, and has repeatedly used informants and provocateurs to entrap Muslim immigrants in so-called terrorist cases. Right-wing extremists, however, have been able to operate with virtual immunity.

White supremacist convicted of killing three outside Kansas Jewish centers. After two hours of deliberations, jurors convict Frazier Glenn Cross, 74: here.

Maddow Asks: ‘Why Do We Overlook Right-Wing Violence and Refuse to Call it Terrorism?’ Answer: Because They’re White: here.

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United States nazi murders Jews and ‘Jews’

This video from the USA is called Kansas Jewish Center Shooting Suspect Appears to Yell ‘Heil Hitler‘.

By Jade Walker in the USA:

Kansas Shooting Suspect Appears To Shout ‘Heil Hitler!’ While In Custody (VIDEO) [UPDATE]

04/14/2014 8:59 am EDT

Frazier Glenn Cross, the man suspected of killing three people in two separate shootings at Jewish centers in Overland Park, Kan., on Sunday was captured on camera making pro-Nazi comments.

The video, which was taken by Kansas City news station KMBC, shows the suspected gunman after he was taken into custody in the parking lot of an elementary school near the scene of the attacks at the Jewish Community Center and the Village Shalom assisted living center.

From the back of the police cruiser, Cross shouted what sounded like “Heil Hitler!”

Overland Park Police Chief John Douglass said he could not clarify what the suspect was shouting, and stressed that it was “too early” to label the shootings a hate crime.

“We’re investigating it as a hate crime, we’re investigating it as a criminal act, we haven’t ruled out anything,” Douglass said.


This story was updated with the full name of the suspect.

See also here.

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Canada goose drives away gorilla, video

Jon Campbell, Christian Post Contributor in the USA, writes about this video:

Goose Attacks Gorilla: Video Stuns Viewers as Gorilla Runs From Canadian Goose

April 12, 2013|7:19 pm

A goose has attacked a gorilla at the Sedgewick County Zoo in Wichita, Kansas this week, in an extraordinary encounter that left eye witnesses amazed. The amazing attack was caught on camera and the video has since gone viral on the Internet.

Barney is the gorilla at Sedgewick County Zoo, and was the victim of the rare attack this week. He is a 20-year-old western lowland gorilla, and weighs about 450 pounds and stands at a height of about 6 feet.

The gorilla is a native of Africa and has been known to stand up fiercely to his gorilla brothers in his troop to exert his dominance and leadership over the group.

However, nothing he has encountered before could have prepared him for the attack he experienced this week, and he could not have expected the comparatively tiny goose to have gone after him.

But the unnamed Canadian goose, who was not even one of the zoo’s animals, did [not] allow let size restrict it and fearlessly attacked the gorilla.

It is believed that the goose probably had flown all the way from Canada to the zoo and after his long journey was in no mood to put up with any opposition, even from a nearly-500 pound gorilla.

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In the encounter Barney the gorilla was completely minding his own business when the goose went for him. it is believed that the goose had built a nest somewhere on Barney’s zoo turf, and when Barney innocently walked by, too close to the nest the goose attacked to protect what it believed was its territory.

“Keepers reckon the plucky birds have built their nest on Barney’s turf and don’t want some great ape messing with it,” MSN Now has reported.

Barney the gorilla can be seen backing away quickly from the goose attack and clearly did not want any beef with the Canadian.

It has been reported by some outlets that zookeepers do not plan to disturb the goose nest and so Barney and pals will have to beware of that area unless they want another run in with the fearless goose.

USA, mosasaurs of the ancient Kansas ocean

Platecarpus, a Kansas mosasaur

From the Google cache of Dear Kitty ModBlog:

8/13/05 at 9:03PM

Mood: Looking Playing: Smoke on the waters, by Deep Purple

Sat, Aug. 13, 2005

Fossil hunter publishes love for sea creatures in new book

Associated Press

HAYS, Kan. – Most likely, Mike Everhart lies awake at night, being chased by what would be the Oceans of Kansas equivalent of Tyrannosaurus rex.

Rather than dinosaurs, however, they are mosasaurs, seagoing lizards that rivaled T. rex in terms of sheer size and ferocity.

Of course, that was of a time long ago – about 80 million years – when mosasaurs roamed the Kansas ocean, terrorizing hordes of seagoing creatures and wiping out vast numbers of sharks.

Ironically, Kansas – landlocked as it might be – is able to give Everhart, a Derby paleontologist, a relatively good look into the life of the seagoing lizards.

In fact, northwest Kansas is perhaps the best place on earth to search, discover and learn about mosasaurs.

Thousands of the feared sea creatures have been discovered and today serve as centerpiece exhibits for big museums worldwide, as well as in the United States.

But, mosasaurs – despite how ferociously predatory they were – just aren’t as sexy as dinosaurs, Everhart says.

Nor are they as sexy as plesiosaurs, the stuff that the Loch Ness monster is supposed to be made of – if it existed, of course.

Kansas isn’t quite as sexy as dinosaur bones from Mongolia or other remote locations where Kansas paleontologists have spent much of their time.

Only a small number of people still scour the northwest Kansas countryside in search of fossils.

Some are professional fossil collectors who offer their finds to the highest bidder, and some are university affiliated. That is another war entirely.

Although Everhart is a retired Boeing employee, he is also an adjunct curator of paleontology at Sternberg Museum of Natural History in Hays.

He’s also the owner and developer of the ever-growing Oceans of Kansas Web site.

Mosasaurs ate plesiosaurs: New data on the gut contents of a Tylosaurus proriger (Squamata; Mosasauridae) from the Smoky Hill Chalk of western Kansas: here.

Tylosaurus: here.

Swimming dinosaur in Wyoming: here.

Dinosaur books: here.

Dinosaur classification: here.