Real Neat Blog Award, congratulations 18 nominees!

Real Neat Blog Award

Late in 2014, I made this Real Neat Blog Award. There are so many bloggers whose blogs deserve more attention. So, I wanted to try to do something about that.

It is the first award that I ever made. I did some computer graphics years ago, before I started blogging; but my computer drawing had become rusty. So, I made the award with this logo then.

It is good to see that this award since then has gone to many places of the blogosphere.

The Rules:

  • Display the Award Logo.
  • Thank the blogger who nominated you and post a link to their blog.
  • Answer the seven questions of the one who nominated you.
  • Nominate bloggers to receive the award and tag/pingback to their blogs.
  • Ask them seven new questions.

My seven questions are:

1. What is your favourite thing about yourself?

2. It’s late. You’ve had a crazy long day and you are super hungry. What is your go-to quick meal?

3. List the best five books that you have read in the last 12 months.

4. Would you rather be an oak tree or a butterfly?

5. What book have you reread more than any other, or if you do not reread then why is that?

6. If you were a kitchen appliance which one would you be?

7. Would you rather win an Oscar (award for acting) or a Grammy (award for music)?

My nominees are:

1. Matilde Mbulo


3. The Versifire: Versifier With A Fire

4. A teenage Girl

5. Patricia

6. Starlit Bunker

7. Outdoor Adventures Fitness

8. Hobo Movie

9. Words of me

10. Pretty, Plus and Proud

11. Albigensia Press

12. Silicon Valley Types

13. Blog with Shreya

14. Unclearer

15. Insight


17. Life

18. Sarika Voice

Mystery Blogger Award, thank you Laleh Chini!

Mystery Blogger Award

My dearest blogging friend Laleh Chini, of the blog A Voice from Iran, has nominated Dear Kitty. Some blog for the Mystery Blogger Award.

Thank you so much for this kind gesture!

Laleh’s questions to nominees, and my answers, are:

Which country and place do you belong to?

I belong, in principle, to the whole world. At the moment, summer heat at my place.

Would you like to go invisible or read others’ minds?

It would maybe be useful to go, invisible, into the White House and prevent Donald Trump from making bad decisions, by mysteriously removing papers etc.

Describe your blogs shortly?

I have only Dear Kitty. Some blog. More about it is here.

What would you prefer-tea or coffee?

Fruit juice.

Phobia for any object or situation that disturbs you very much.


My questions for my nominees are the same as Laleh’s.

My nominees are:

Life in Copenhagen

Retire In Branson

What Lorna Saw Next

lifestyle blogs

immigrant from shithole

In My Own Words: Precious Zvimba


Anju Vaish

NeuroDevotion – Inspiration and Motivation

Soul Reads

Singing and Screaming


Dawn Anthony


read on

From the Lady Cave


Awesome Blogger Award, thank you, thebibliophilewriter!

Awesome Blogger Award

My dear blogging friend thebibliophilewriter of the thebibliophilewriter blog has been so generous to nominate Dear Kitty. Some blog for the Awesome Blogger Award.

Thank you so much for this kind gesture!


1. Thank the blogger who nominated you and link to that blog.
2. Answer the questions you were asked, and ask some yourself.
3. Nominate at least five bloggers and inform them of their nomination.

The nominees are under no obligation to accept the award.

Thebibliophilewriter’s questions are (my questions are the same as thebibliophilewriter’s):

1. Favourite place to visit? Little auk nesting colony in Spitsbergen.

2. Describe life in three words. Superior to money.

3. Describe love in three words. The greatest feeling.

4. Choose one, loyalty, sympathy, superiority or equality, and why? Equality, because of this.

5. If someone is showing ego then what will you do? Avoid.

6. How about art? See my almost 5,000 blog entries here.

7. What is your dream destination? Antarctica.

8. What is your favourite quote? The trouble with liquor is that one drink makes a new man out of you, and then the new man has to have another drink; by United States actor Alvy Moore.

9. What is your favourite flower, tell about the characteristics? Orchid; as there is so much variation among the many orchid species.

10. What is your favourite colour, tell about the characteristics? Green; of plants which are the basis for animal life.

My nominees are:

1. ChasingART


3. PeoPlaid


5. Fun with philosophy

6. Human rights & activism

7. The Lightning Seed

8. NUFC hotspot

9. Kate Lunsford

10. Aggressiveness

11. Notes from Albania

12. Elaine Howlin

13. The Red Alert Blog

Liebster Award, thanks Keyne Daisy Carvalho!

Liebster Award

My dear blogging friend Keyne Daisy Carvalho of the blog Bluehues musings has been so kind to nominate Dear Kitty. Some blog for the Liebster Award.

She has a fine blog on love, poetry and art.

Thank you so much for this kind gesture!

Rules for the Liebster Award:

-Thank the blogger who nominated you, and provide a link to their blog.
-Answer the questions given to you.
-Nominate 5-11 other bloggers.
-Ask your nominees questions.
-Notify your nominees once you have uploaded your post.

My answers to Keyne Daisy Carvalho’s questions:

1- What made you want to start blogging? Seeing other people’s blogs.
2- What are your favorite books/authors and why? At the moment, ancient Greek poet Homer. But this changes a lot for me from day to day.
3- What’s the best advice you’ve received? Buy binoculars for birdwatching.
4- What inspires you to write? Many things. There are 40 different subjects on my blog.
5- One memory that puts a smile on your face. Being in Svalbard, seeing mating ptarmigans there.
6- A favorite quote or like from a book. It is better to keep your mouth closed and let people think you are a fool than to open it and remove all doubt. Mark Twain
7- One thing on your bucket list? Going to Antarctica again.
8- What would make the world a better place? Stopping all wars.

My questions to my nominees:

1. What’s the best thing ever in your life?

2. If you could make 1 wish what would that be?

3. What is your favourite animal?

4. What is your favorite food?

5. Name 1 blogger you would like to meet in person.

6. Name 1 country all people should have seen in life?

7. Who is your biggest enemy?

8. Which country where you have never been to would you like to visit?

My eleven nominees:

1. Barbara Crane Navarro

2. Unspoken thoughts

3. EDM 7

4. dalalfah88

5. A Best Of Life

6. K8n2010

7. Growing Up…

8. Harvey’s Sentiments

9. thebibliophilewriter

10. Kate hearts life

11. Space Curiouser

Bee Love Award, thank you Rachana Dhaka!

Bee Love Award

Thank you so much, dear Rachana Dhaka, for nominating Dear Kitty. Some blog for the Bee Love Award!

This beautiful award is new for me. Though bees are not new on this blog.

The rules are:

1. Attach the Bee Love Logo on top.
2. Ping back to Rachana Dhaka.
3. Thank your fellow blogger who nominated you.
4. Nominate fellow bloggers. And tell them on their blogs that they have been nominated.

My nominees are:

1. Arlen Shahverdyan’s Literary blog
2. It Is What It Is
3. JSC: Jamaicans in Solidarity with Cuba
4. Reaching Joy
5. Sharmishtha Basu
8. Serene Words
9. Creative Imaginarium
10. Glover Gardens
11. Rochelle Asquith
12. shakzdyer

French war ministry visits Dear Kitty blog

This 12 October 2019 video says about itself:

A snippet of Dr Arikana Chihombori Quao‘s statement on continued colonization in Africa by the Republic of France. Over $500billion is taken from the African continent yearly.

Today, WordPress statistics say that the war ministry in France has visited Dear Kitty. Some blog.

Like with other visitors, I welcome them.

And I hope that they, like other war ministries all over the world, will learn from this blog that bloody wars, like French neocolonial wars in Africa, should stop.

Which posts attracted 2019 Dear Kitty visitors?

Blogging cartoon

Which blog posts and pages attracted most Dear Kitty. Some blog visitors in 2019?

WordPress stats says:

Top Posts for 365 days ending 2020-01-01 (Summarized)

January 1, 2019 to Today

Visit to Dear Kitty blog from Antarctica

This October 2019 video says about itself:

Join a team of marine scientists as they embark on an unprecedented journey across the Great Southern Ocean and beyond to Antarctica.

Today, for the first time ever, WordPress stats recorded a visit to Dear Kitty. Some blog from Antarctica.

Welcome, visitor, like visitors from all continents are welcome here! This brings back fond memories from when I was in the Antarctic.

Liebster Award, thank you Traveller!

Liebster Award

The Traveller of the Traveller with Purpose blog has been so kind nominate Dear Kitty. Some blog for the Liebster Award. Thank you so much for this kind gesture, and best wishes for your travelling and blogging!

The rules of the Liebster Award are:

1. Acknowledge the blog which nominated you.
2. Answer the 11 questions your nominator asked.
3. Nominate other bloggers.
4. Ask them 11 questions.
5. Let them know you have nominated them.

The Traveller’s questions, and my answers, are:

1. How do you structure your days?

Morning, afternoon, evening, night 🙂

2. Where and how do you work best?

If I can hear and see birds.

3. What’s the best advice you ever received?

Buy a personal computer.

4. Who are your biggest influences? Who do you admire most?

Many people, including Charlie Chaplin.

5. Who or what inspired you to do what you’re doing now?

Reading bloggers’ blogs.

6. What is still your biggest challenge?

There are still old links, not working any more, in my old blog posts from before my blog moved to WordPress in 2011. It will take long before I will be able to correct them all.

7. What are your favourite books or movies?


8. What surprising lessons have you learned along the way?

Interest in my blog posts from far away countries about which I did not know much.

9. What do you find are [your audience’s] biggest stumbling blocks and what are the best ways you’ve found to overcome them?

Links, videos etc. in older blogs which went dead because other sites changed or went off the internet, videos disappeared from YouTube etc. Whenever I find out, I try to repair this.

10. What’s next for you?

The rest of 2019; 2020; etc.

11. How do you want to be remembered?

As someone who contributed a bit to peace, the environment, etc.

My questions are the same as the Traveller’s.

My nominees are:

1. Some Drunk Blogger


3. Artist Arnetha Gatlin ™


5. going_globe

6. Wild Sensibility

7. Master of Death


9. DrawWithCartoonist

10. A Jeanne in the Kitchen

11. Alphabet Ravine

12. The Fictitious Mind

13. Tastyislandcrate

14. FuLei Blog

15. Johannes