French government hysteria against Algerian football fans

This video is about the Algeria VS South Korea [soccer] WORLD CUP 2014 [in Brazil]. ALL GOALS.

By Antoine Lerougetel in France:

Anti-Muslim hysteria surrounds World Cup in France

3 July 2014

The political crisis provoked in France by the impressive performance of the Algerian team in the World Cup testifies to the explosive social tensions gripping French society, and the impact of decades of incitement of anti-Muslim racism by the ruling elite.

In France’s suburbs, where youth of immigrant origins face constant clashes with police, Algerian victories led to festivities, the burning of cars, and police arrests. Some 30 people were arrested on June 22 in celebrations after the Algerian team won their match against South Korea, and 74 on June 26 after the draw with Russia meant that Algeria, for the first time in the history of the World Cup, moved on to the last 16 of the competition.

The arrests were seized upon by the ruling Socialist Party (PS) and various right-wing parties to mount a crackdown on expressions of pro-Algerian sentiment during the Cup.

In an interview in 20 Minutes commenting on incidents after Algeria’s matches, sociologist Laurent Mucchielli noted: “Seventy-four arrests is not nothing, but on a national scale they are just isolated incidents. Outbursts of violence around sporting events are legion…not just with matches where the Algerian team is playing.”

“The political and media treatment of these incidents is out of proportion,” he added. “The Ministry of the Interior wants to show that it has matters in hand.”

In towns throughout France, including Paris with its PS-dominated council, the councils mounted giant screens for public viewings of the France-Nigeria match, which started at 6pm. However, they refused to show the Algeria-Germany match four hours later—despite the enormous interest in the Algerian team in France, the former colonial power in Algeria, which is home to 2.5 to 4 million people of Algerian origin.

Neo-fascist National Front (FN) leader Marine Le Pen demanded on i-T é l é “an end now to dual nationality,” which many Algerians living in France have. She also called for the halting of immigration, the end to the automatic right to French nationality of people born in France, and the expulsion to their country of origin of people who have been sentenced for crimes.

Christian Estrosi, the conservative UMP (Union for a Popular Movement) mayor of Nice, decreed the banning of the “ostentatious display of foreign flags” in the town centre for the duration of the World Cup in order to “maintain public order and peace.” He also banned the display of foreign flags at weddings in Nice.

Estrosi’s action has historical as well as political significance. The display of an Algerian flag in 1945 during a parade in Sétif, Algeria celebrating the end of the Second World War led to the massacre of some 20,000 Algerians by the French army. This crime was the prelude to even greater killings and mass use of torture in France’s failed attempt to crush Algerian fighters in Algeria’s successful 1954-1962 war for independence.

As poverty and unemployment mount in France’s immigrant suburbs, and French imperialism launches ever more wars in Muslim countries, from Mali to Syria, the ruling elite is ever more acutely sensitive of the threat posed by anti-imperialist sentiment among the masses.

In the right-wing Le Figaro daily, Ivan Rioufol provocatively denounced Algerians for being insufficiently French: “Their parents rejected French Algeria, they want an Algerian France. Their flags brandished in the streets express a refusal to live together, if not a wish for anti-colonialism.”

For the French political establishment—which, from the far right to petty-bourgeois pseudo-left parties like the New Anti-capitalist Party, have all embraced French imperialist interventions in the Middle East and Africa—even a “wish for anti-colonialism” is an intolerable threat. It threatens to cut across the promotion of anti-Islamic sentiment that has become a cornerstone of the French ruling class’ policy to divide the working class and poison political life.

The 2003 law banning the Islamic headscarf and “ostentatious” religious signs in schools—coming after the sell-out of mass strikes against pension cuts, in which teachers played a major role—was supported by the UMP as well as the PS and the pseudo-left parties. This opened the floodgates for a series of discriminatory laws against Muslims, cynically pursued under the guise of defending “secularism” against Islam.

The ban on the veil in schools was followed in 2010 by the law prohibiting the burqa in public places, again with virtually unanimous support within the political establishment. On Tuesday, a man was jailed for 3 years for an incident last year in which he objected to police stopping his wife, who was wearing the burqa, as they returned with their baby from the market in Trappes, in the southwest Paris suburbs.

The targeting of the entire Roma ethnicity for mass deportations by the PS government, continuing the policies of the previous conservative administration of President Nicolas Sarkozy, has further helped bring ethnic tensions in France to a fever pitch.

It is in this debased atmosphere that the World Cup became the occasion for the fanning of anti-Muslim and pro-imperialist sentiment.

ALGERIA’S World Cup stars will donate their $9 million (£5.2m) tournament bonuses to people in the bombarded Gaza Strip: here.

Toucan predicted Netherlands-Chile football match correctly

This video is about Rotterdam toco toucan Chicito. In the group phase of the World Cup football in Brazil, it predicted two out of the three matches of the Dutch team correctly, and the third one wrongly.

Before the Dutch team played Mexico, Chicito predicted they would win, as the video shows.

Indeed, the Dutch team proceeded to the stage of the best eight teams; where they will play Costa Rica.

What will Chicito predict on that match?

Costa Rica among best football World Cup 8 countries, bird video

This is a video about a clay-coloured thrush, the national bird of Costa Rica, singing.

The Costa Rican football team has proceeded to the best eight teams of the World Cup in Brazil.

After regular time and extra time it was Costa Rica and Greece both one goal each.

However, then Costa Rica scored five out of five penalty kicks; while Costa Rican goalkeeper Navas stopped one of the five Greek penalties.

As congratulations, this Costa Rican wildlife video.

Costa Rica will now play the Netherlands.

Netherlands 2- Mexico 1, congratulations with bird videos

This video from the Netherlands is about birds of Texel.

In today’s quarter finals match of the football World Cup in Brazil, Mexico scored the first goal. However, in the last part of the match, the Netherlands scored two goals, to win 2-1 and to continue to the semi-finals.

Congratulations, with two wildlife videos. Two from the Netherlands, one for Mexico.

This video is about birds in the Fochteloërveen nature reserve in the Netherlands.

In spite of Mexico losing, the TV showed a Mexican woman after the match applauding for the play.

This video is about birds in Mexico.

Brazil to football World Cup quarter finals, congratulations!

This video is called Secret Brazil: Wild Pantanal National Geographic.

The Brazilian football team has proceeded to the quarter finals of the World Cup, as they were better at taking penalty kicks than Chile, after one goal each in regular playing time. Congratulations, with this video about Brazilian wildlife.

Brazil loses 7-1 against Germany: here.

Mick Jagger a bad psychic on World Cup football

This video is called Brazil World Cup 2014 Psychic Animals: Get ready for beastly prediction.

The ‘psychic’ abilities of humans to predict the future most often turn out not to work. Similarly so with ‘psychic’ animals predicting results of football matches. With one exception: Paul the octopus, with 11 out of 13 predictions correct (it is mathematically predictable that among so many failures there would be one animal getting most match results right). Chicito the fortune-telling toucan so far in the 2014 World Cup got two results right, one wrong.

This music video is called The Rolling Stones – Satisfaction (live).

From Associated Press:

Brazil Mocks Mick Jagger‘s World Cup Flop Picks

RIO DE JANEIRO — Jun 24, 2014, 8:01 PM ET


The Rolling Stones’ Mick Jagger can’t get no soccer satisfaction.

In what’s becoming something of a modern World Cup tradition, Brazilians are closely following every team the 70-year-old rock star supports with an eye at mocking him for apparently casting bad spells on his picks.

Italy was the latest victim of what local media have taken to calling Jagger’s “pe frio” — a term describing the bad luck that he brings teams that translates literally as “cold foot.”

At a concert in Rome on Saturday night, Jagger predicted to 70,000 fans that four-time World Cup champion Italy would pull off a clutch victory over Uruguay to advance to the knockout phase. The Italians lost 1-0 Tuesday and were headed home after the tournament’s first round.

At a show in Lisbon in May, the singer predicted that Portugal, led by Cristiano Ronaldo, the game’s top player heading into the World Cup, would win it all at the monthlong tournament in Brazil. Portugal is on the brink of elimination after failing to win in its first two group matches.

Earlier in the World Cup, Jagger suffered some good-hearted ridicule after taking to Twitter on June 19 to urge on his native England in a game, also with Uruguay. “Let’s go England! This is the one to win!!,” he wrote. England lost.

While Brazilians may laugh at Jagger, they love his music. The Stones’ 2006 concert on Copacabana beach in Rio de Janeiro drew an estimated 1 million people, a lot more than the 20,000 or so that pack the beach now to watch World Cup games on a giant screen.

Jagger also loves Brazilians, having fathered one 15 years ago with former Brazilian model Luciana Gimenez.

Brazilians’ obsession with Jagger’s soccer insights, or lack thereof, began four years ago at the World Cup in South Africa. Searching for an explanation for their country’s stunning quarterfinal loss to the Netherlands, Brazil’s fans settled on Jagger, who showed up at the stadium accompanying his son dressed in a Brazilian jersey.

Earlier in that tournament, he had already earned a reputation for losing picks by showing up in the stands with Bill Clinton to cheer on the United States, which lost to Ghana in the second round, and then a day later watched as England was trounced by Germany 4-1.

Whether Jagger tempts fate and offers up another prediction this World Cup is anyone’s guess.

But if he does, Brazilians are begging it’s not for them. Within hours of Italy’s defeat Tuesday, social media was buzzing with pleas for the rocker to keep quiet, or better yet, lend his reverse rabbit’s foot to the country’s despised rival, Argentina.


Associated Press writer Ana Santos contributed to this report.

Chile will beat Dutch football team, toucan predicts

This Dutch video is about animals predicting results of soccer matches. During earlier championships; and for the present World Cup; including toucan Chicito.

The Chilean football team will beat the Netherlands at today’s match at the World Cup in Brazil, Dutch daily Metro (paper edition) of today says.

This is predicted by Chicito, the toco toucan of Rotterdam zoo.

The predictions by the bird of the two earlier matches: Netherlands vs. Spain and Netherlands vs. Australia, were correct.

Both times, Chicito predicted the Dutch team would win.

Chicito has the choice between two hands with a piece of fruit, his favourite food. Behind these hands are armbands with the national flags of the competing teams.

Before the two first matches, Chicito flew each time to the hand with the armband in the Dutch national colours.

However, this time he chose the hand with the Chilean colours.

Costa Rica 1-Italy 0, congratulations with frog video

This video is about gliding leaf frogs in Costa Rica.

Costa Rica played against Italy today at the football World Cup in Brazil.

In the World Cup’s “group of death“, were underdogs Costa Rica had to play three teams which had been world champions, Costa Rica won 1-0.

This means that Costa Rica can continue to the next round. Congratulations!

The Costa Rican frog video is to celebrate the decisive Costa Rican goal.

Rupert Murdoch’s Sun scandals

This video from the USA is called Nick Davies on Democracy Now!: Murdoch Empire “Pummelled” By Phone Hacking Scandal, 1 of 2.

And this video is the sequel.

By Peter Frost in Britain:

The Sun – even more revolting than you ever thought

Monday 16th june 2014

Could the Sun’s latest publicity stunt be intended to distract from the paper’s disgraceful track record? No. That’d be cynical, says PETER FROST

The Sun is failing to give away 22 million free copies of a special edition. Disgustingly Ed Miliband, David Cameron, Nick Clegg and even Nigel Farage are all helping to promote the sorry rag.

The Sun says it’s because England are competing in the World Cup in Brazil. In fact it’s because so many Sun and News International people are in court on various charges it needs desperate measures to save reputation, circulation and perhaps even the Sun itself.

So here are a few reasons not to read this disgraceful rag.

Rebekah Brooks and Cameron’s spin doctor Andy Coulson are charged with hacking 600 people’s phones including murdered teenager Milly Dowler.

Just when you thought your putrefying paper couldn’t sink any lower it linked a breast cancer awareness campaign to its topless page three. Young women are invited to send the Sun pictures of them examining their own breasts for signs of disease.

Posties in Liverpool would rather burn the free Sun than deliver it. They remember only too well the lies that the Sun told about fans at the Hillsborough disaster. The Sun said that supporters had urinated on dead bodies and picked pockets of the dead and injured. It was all a pack of typical Sun lies.

Early this year when a six-day-old baby in Wales died after being attacked by the family’s dog, the Sun’s tasteful front page was headlined: “Dog ate my baby’s head.”

In 2007 virtually all newspapers published the story that social media site MySpace had 29,000 sex offenders as members. The Sun didn’t mention the story. MySpace and the Sun are both owned by Murdoch.

Labour MP Tom Watson has highlighted a breach of the law. The free Sun paper lacks a legal imprint showing details of the Sun’s printer. At up to £50 per copy, that’s a fine of up to £1.1 billion for the soaraway Sun.

This isn’t the ’70s any more, so why do we still permit the overt sexual objectification of women in the Sun, asks Lisa Clarke: here.

THE Sun reportedly has ended its infamous Page 3 topless pictures after two years of pressure from feminist campaigners, insiders revealed yesterday. According to fellow News UK paper the Times, the last “Page 3 girl” was featured on Friday and, despite awaiting official confirmation, commentators seem to believe the topless photos are gone for good: here.

Costa Rica 3-Uruguay 1, congratulations with bird videos

This video is about a male resplendent quetzal in the Savegre valley in Costa Rica.

Like favourites and reigning football world champions Spain lost 1-5 to the Netherlands: tonight underdogs Costa Rica won unexpectedly 3-1 against Uruguay. Uruguay had won the World Cup twice, and was #4 at the last World Cup.

To congratulate Costa Rica, here are three videos, one per goal, about the beautiful birds in Costa Rica.

This video is called Amazing hummingbirds – Costa Rica.

And this video is called Toucans of Costa Rica.

Talking about wildlife in Costa Rica: there will be more of my reports about it, but sorting out photos took longer than expected. But Costa Rican wildlife reports will be back at this blog.