Hummingbirds, more hummingbirds in Costa Rica

Purple-throated mountaingem hummingbird female, Cinchona, 15 March 2014

This is a photo of a female purple-throated mountaingem hummingbird, which we saw 15 March 2014 in Cinchona in Costa Rica. We will get there later in this blog post.

I have described walking in the Poas volcano area in Costa Rica on that 15 March.

As we walked back down, a hummingbird flying around a scrub. It was rather big (I mean, big for a hummingbird …) and looked greenish. We saw mainly its back. Later, we would see this species, the fiery-throated hummingbird, much better, including its splendid colours under favourable lighting.

A slaty flowerpiercer was there as well.

A bit further, in the undergrowth: a wrenthrush. This is a species, unique to Costa Rica and Panama. Also, a large-footed-finch.

Then, lower on the Poas slope, to a garden opposite a restaurant, where feeders attracted hummingbirds.

Green-crowned brilliant female, in Costa Rica, 15 March 2014

Among them were a female green-crowned brilliant. A species which we would meet again later that day.

And a male violet-crowned woodnymph.

Green violetear female, Costa Rica, 15 March 2014

A green violetear. This photo shows a female.

A magnificent hummingbird. This species has its southern limit in Costa Rica, and its northern limit in Mexico.

From southern Mexico to western Panama, including here, one can find the violet sabrewing, the biggest species.

Violet sabrewing male, Costa Rica, 15 March 2014

This photo shows a male violet sabrewing.

The smallest species was the volcano hummingbird. It occurs only in Costa Rica and western Panama.

There were also non-humming birds, like a flame-coloured tanager.

We continued to another restaurant, in Cinchona, lower in the mountain area, also with feeders and even more hummingbirds.

Green-crowned brilliant male, Cinchona, 15 March 2014

Like green-crowned brilliants. This photo shows a male.

Green-crowned brilliant male, Cinchona, in Costa Rica, 15 March 2014

This photo also shows a male.

Green-crowned brilliant male, Cinchona, Costa Rica, 15 March 2014

And this photo shows another adult male.

Green-crowned brilliant juvenile, Cinchona, 15 March 2014

This photo showns a juvenile green-crowned brilliant.

Green-crowned brilliant juvenile, in Cinchona, 15 March 2014

This photo shows a juvenile as well.

Green-crowned brilliant female, Cinchona, in Costa Rica, 15 March 2014

And this shows a female green-crowned brilliant.

There were also green hermits. Violet sabrewings. Rufous-tailed hummingbirds. And coppery-headed emeralds: among the smaller species. They live only in Costa Rica. A white-bellied mountaingem as well. Apart from Costa Rica, this species occurs in Panama too.

And purple-throated mountaingems as well.

There was non-hummingbird birdlife in Cinchona too.

Stay tuned!

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42 thoughts on “Hummingbirds, more hummingbirds in Costa Rica

  1. I love hummingbirds. I never see them around here any more though. Growing up they were everywhere, but now all of the pretty things are dying off. Trees are being destroyed to make room for new subdivisions for larger homes that people can’t afford, but go bankrupt trying to buy. It’s crazy. They destroyed some beautiful live trees to put up concrete trees at the river front. No self respecting bird will sing in a concrete tree.


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