Eritrean cyclist Teklehaimanot, king of Italian mountains

This 6 May 2017 Daniel Teklehaimanot – Post race interview – Stage 2 – Tour of Italy / Giro d’Italia 2017.

Today, Eritrean cyclist Daniel Teklehaimanot arrived first on a second category climb in the mountains of Sardinia island, in the second stage of the Giro d’Italia race.

This meant that Daniel Teklehaimanot took over the King of the Mountains jersey (a blue jersey in the Giro).

After Teklehaimanot had already been King of the Mountains in the Tour de France, as first African ever, now he is the first African ever in the Giro’s blue jersey.

This will generate big enthusiasm in Eritrea, where cycling is popular.

Teklehaimanot is a member of a South African team.

There is also a new leader in the general classification after this second stage: Greipel from Germany, the winner of today’s bunch sprint.

African war refugee cyclist wins Paralympic gold metal

Daniel Abraham Gebru wins gold medal

Daniel Abraham Gebru was born in Eritrea, 31 years ago. When he was a teenager, he took up cycling, which is popular in Eritrea. Ethiopian soldiers used to attack Eritrea. They imprisoned Daniel’s father, a merchant. Daniel’s father died in an Ethiopian prison. Daniel Abraham Gebru fled this war when he was fifteen years old. His mother managed to escape from the Ethiopian soldiers, but it took thirteen years for Daniel to find her again.

Daniel went to the Netherlands. He succeeded in making it in the Dutch injured people’s road cycling team for the Paralympics in Brazil.

At the Paralympics time trial, he was fourth. Just short of a bronze medal.

Today, the road race. There was a breakaway group of three cyclists, including Daniel Abraham Gebru. At the final part, just before the finish line, Gebru was unable to keep up with the two other cyclists any longer.

However, these two other cyclists collided and fell. Daniel Abraham Gebru was able to ride around the fallen cyclists. He won the Paralympics gold medal.

Tour de France cycling continues

This video shows Eritrean cyclist Daniel Teklehaymanot at the time trial in Utrecht, the start of this year’s Tour De France cycling race.

Meanwhile, Daniel Teklehaymanot has the king of the mountains polkadot jersey.

He kept it today, after the eighth stage.

This video from the 2012 London Olympics shows Daniel Teklehaymanot and his Eritrean supporters.

Daniel Teklehaymanot and his Eritrean supporters

Eritrean TV does not have direct on the spot reports from the Tour de France, only one hour summaries in the evening. However, cinemas in Eritrea have satellite direct Tour reports.

Daniel Teklehaimanot gets another Tour de France king of the mountains point

This video says about itself:

Daniel Teklehaimanot Wins Polka Dot Jersey at Tour de France

9 July 2015

Eritrean rider Daniel Teklehaimanot today re-writes the history of cycling at the Tour de France once and for all. From being the first black African to compete at the Tour to the first African to wear a jersey as he takes the King of the Mountain title at the Stage 6.

Eritrean cyclist Daniel Teklehaimanot was first on the hilltop of the Côte de Canapville in the seventh stage of the Tour de France race today. That meant one more point for his king of the mountains polkadot jersey.

There is much enthusiasm in Eritrea about this.

Eritrean sports journalist Habtom Yohannis tells that when Eritrea was still an Italian colony, there was a race with Italian and Eritrean participants. An Eritrean won, making dictator Mussolini angry.

Daniel Teklehaimanot, first African Tour de France king of the mountains

This is a 23 June 2015 Eritrean TV video about the Eritrean cyclists Merhawi Kudus and Daniel Teklehaimanot now riding in the Tour de France in a South African team.

Zdenek Stybar from the Czech republic today in Le Havre won the sixth stage of the Tour de France cycling race. Not often before a Czech cyclist had managed this.

There happened more. Tony Martin from Germany, in the same team as Stybar, and in the overall leader’s yellow jersey, fell not far from the finish line and is injured. UPDATE: Tony Martin will not start tomorrow.

A first in this stage: Daniel Teklehaimanot from Eritrea finished first on three hilltops today. That meant he now has the right to wear the king of the mountains white and red polkadot shirt. Daniel Teklehaimanot is the first Eritrean cyclist ever, and the first African cyclist ever, to wear this shirt.

Tour de France started, time trial in Utrecht

This video was made in the Kruisstraat in the center of Utrecht city in the Netherlands this afternoon.

The first stage of this year’s Tour de France cycling race, a time trial, passed there.

The supporters of Dutch participant Laurens ten Dam had gathered. When the cyclist passed they loudly chanted his name and cheered.

Laurens ten Dam did not win the time trial. Australian Rohan Dennis won. Ten Dam is not a time trial specialist, but a mountain climbing specialist. He finished #91 of 198 riders. However, last year he was #9 overall in the Tour.

At #146 came another mountain stage specialist: Daniel Teklehaimanot. He started at 2pm as the first one of all riders. He is one of the first two cyclists ever from Eritrea participating in the Tour de France. Merhawi Kudus is the other Eritrean. They both ride in the first African (South African) team ever in the Tour. Like Ten Dam, they will probably get better results in later, steeper stages than on this first day.

This 27 June 2015 video is called Eritrean ERi-TV Tour de France interview Daniel Teklehaimanot, Merhawi Kudus.

Eritrean elephant mystery in ancient Gaza battle solved

This video is about African elephants.

From LiveScience:

Elephant Mystery at Ancient Syrian Battle Solved

By Tia Ghose, Staff Writer

January 21, 2014 08:01am ET

The mystery of an ancient battle between two warring troops of elephants has been solved, thanks to a modern genetic analysis of the lumbering beasts.

Researchers have now found that Eritrean elephants, which live in the northeastern portion of Africa, are savanna elephants, and are not related to the more diminutive forest elephants that live in the jungles of central Africa.

That, in turn, discounts an ancient Greek account of how a battle between two warring empires played out, with one side’s elephants refusing to fight and running away, the scientists report in the January issue of the Journal of Heredity. [10 Epic Battles That Changed the Course of History]

Ancient battle

In the third century B.C., the Greek historian Polybius described the epic Battle of Raphia, which took place around 217 B.C. in what is now the Gaza Strip, as part of the Syrian Wars. During these wars, Seleucid ruler Antiochus III the Great fought against  Ptolemy IV Philopator, the fourth ruler of the Ptolemaic Dynasty in Egypt, whose last leader was Cleopatra. The matchup included tens of thousands of troops, thousands of cavalry and dozens of war elephants on each side.

The elephants were the “ace in the hole,” able to trample the enemy and sow terror with their massive size.

“Elephants were considered the tanks of the time, until eventually the Romans figured out how to defeat war elephants,” in later times, said study co-author Alfred Roca, an animal scientist at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign.

Antiochus had easy access to Asian elephants from India, but Ptolemy didn’t. Instead, he set up outposts in what is now modern-day Eritrea to get African elephants.

Unfortunately, that strategy didn’t work out so well: According to Polybius’ account, the African elephants turned tail and ran when they saw how gigantic the Asian elephants were. Ptolemy, however, was able to recover due to missteps by Antiochus and eventually won the battle.

African elephants

In reality, Asian elephants are smaller than African elephants, so some historians speculated that perhaps the Ptolemies were using African forest elephants, which tend to be smaller, Roca said.

So Roca and his colleagues conducted a thorough genetic analysis of the elephants found in Eritrea, the descendants of the losers in the ancient battle.

“We showed using pretty much every genetic marker, that they were savanna elephants,” Roca told LiveScience. “This was contrary to some speculation that there may be forest elephants present in that part of the world.”

Ancient myths

The findings suggest that Polybius had it wrong, and the African elephants got spooked for some other reason than the overpowering size of the Asian elephants.

In other ancient documents, “There were these ancient semi-mythical accounts of India, and they claimed that India had the biggest elephants in the world,” Roca said.

Polybius, who wasn’t actually at the battle, likely read those accounts and surmised the Asian elephants’ bigger size caused their opponents to panic.

In fact, until about the 1700s, when scientists actually measured the two, most people still thought Asian elephants were the larger species, Roca said. (And even now, games such as Age of Empires that recreate the Battle of Raphia depict the Ptolemaic elephants as smaller.)

Ethiopian dictator Zenawi dies

This video is called Ethiopia accused of forcing people from land.

Meles Zenawi, dictator of Ethiopia, has died.

If someone dies, then usually his family and friends mourn. One should respect mourners.

However, millions of people in East Africa will react to this news with: “Good riddance to bad rubbish”.

Meles Zenawi made an ideological somersault from Marxism as interpreted by Albanian Party of Labour leader Enver Hoxha to the “free markets” (free for big corporations) of Milton Friedman and Margaret Thatcher.

He invaded neighbouring countries to deflect attention from domestic hunger; making him a beloved ally of the Pentagon in Washington, DC. And an accomplice of the CIA in secret renditions and torture prisons.

Zenawi‘s legacy for the people of Ethiopia is poverty and violent oppression.

Zenawi‘s legacy for the people of Eritrea is bloody invasion.

Zenawi’s legacy for the people of Somalia is several bloody invasions, during which Somali civilians’ throats were slit.

From the BBC:

21 August 2012 Last updated at 11:03 GMT

Ethiopian PM Meles Zenawi dies after illness

Ethiopian Prime Minister Meles Zenawi has died aged 57 in a hospital “abroad”, the government says.

It did not give details but an EU spokesman later told journalists he had died in Brussels, Belgium. …

Brussels is not so far from the Hague. It is a pity that Zenawi did not go from Brussels to the Hague to stand trial at the local international war crimes court.

Mr Meles took power as the leader of rebels that ousted communist leader Mengistu Haile Mariam in 1991. …

the UK Prime Minister David Cameron called him “an inspirational spokesman for Africa” who had lifted millions out of poverty.

Not so surprising, as the British Conservative government really likes other dictators as well, like Bashir in Sudan and the royals of Bahrain.

That Christine Lagarde of the IMF praises Zenawi is also not so surprising. Someone whose disastrous Thatcherite policies bring starvation to Greece will like a dictator bringing starvation to his own people.

[Government spokesman]Mr Bereket insisted Ethiopia was stable and “everything will continue as charted” by the late prime minister.

For the sake of the Ethiopian people, I surely hope not!

Three weeks ago, spokesman Mr Bereket dismissed reports Mr Meles was critically ill, and declined to give any details about Mr Meles’ whereabouts. …

Under Mr Meles, Ethiopia became a staunch US ally, receiving hundreds of millions of dollars in aid over the years, and hosting the US military drones that patrol East Africa.

He won accolades from the West for sending troops to battle Islamist militants in Somalia, says the BBC’s James Copnall.

But concern had been growing about the lack of democracy and human rights in Ethiopia, our correspondent in the region says.

At least 200 people died in the violence that followed the 2005 elections, and many journalists and politicians have been locked up.

One rights critic, Commander Assefa Seifu, called Mr Meles “a devil incarnate”.

“He was always talking about democracy, civil rights, adherence to [the] constitution and the like. But it was only a lip service,” he told the BBC.

Imperialist powers mourn death of Ethiopia’s Meles Zenawi: here.

The aid spending watchdog revealed today that Britain could have alleviated more suffering in the Horn of Africa if it had reacted quicker to last year’s food crisis: here.

Conservation in Eritrea

This video is called BABOONS IN ERITREA.

From (Asmara, Eritrea):

Eritrea: New Scheme to Be Introduced As Regards Conservation of Trees and Wild Animals – Ministry

16 May 2012

Asmara — The Ministry of Agriculture said that new work scheme would be introduced to back up endeavors as regards conservation of trees and wildlife.

Mr. Arefaine Berhe, the Minister of Agriculture, explained on the occasion of National Afforestation Day that remarkable accomplishments have been made in the conservation of wildlife, and that a new work scheme would be introduced to facilitate the achievement of the set goal.

The meeting took a note of 5.3 million seedlings that were planted in a total of 2,115 hectares, in addition to the significant outcome registered in soil and water conservation through nation-wide popular activities. It further assessed that increased endeavors are essential to ensure sufficient use of the energy-saving wood stove, Adhanet.

The participants on their part put forth views pertaining to promotion of grassland enclosures to the level of complete wood enclosures, execution of corrective mechanisms for misdeeds in tree destruction, examination of designate afforestation sites and community sensitization programs regarding conservation of trees and wild animals.

Reports indicate that the Administration of Central region has won 10 thousand Nakfa and Dima award for impressive accomplishment in soil and water conservation, increased resort to Adhanet stove, and that individuals and different institutions also won such award.

The plantation of tree seedlings in the Expo area also featured in connection with activities undertaken in connection with the day.

Ethiopian dictator invades Eritrea

This video says about itself:

Endless Famine – Ethiopia

In the 80s the West was shocked by images of Ethiopia’s starving children and aid poured in from across the world. Now Ethiopia’s economy is booming. But once again babies are dying of malnutrition. What went wrong?

In Ethiopia’s capital Addis Abbaba the signs of new wealth are everywhere. Glass sky-rise blocks dwarf traditional stone settlements, and with daybreak hundreds of builders arrive at the citys construction sites.

But on the outskirts is a very different scene. A long queue is forming here. Word has spread that cheap, government-subsidised food will be sold here. We ask one man if he has trouble feeding himself. Yes, he says, because of the Food Shortage. Just very recently we hit the worst, local woman Valerie Browning tells us.

But the Developed World, the Ethiopian government and even many aid agencies want Ethiopia to be a success story. That means the real story often goes untold. At the breadline government security arrives and forces us to leave. This happens every day to news crews in Ethiopia. The government don’t want to say that there is another side of the story, explains Former Ethiopian MP Gebru Asrat. The majority of the population do live in dire poverty. And in Ethiopia millions are getting poorer every year.

As if it is not enough that the army of Meles Zenawi, dictator of Ethiopia and ally of the Pentagon and of the CIA, invades Somalia and commits horrible crimes there … as if it is not enough that the army of Meles Zenawi kills its own people … now, when the money spent by the dictator on “defense”, on torturing political prisoners, etc. should instead go to feeding the hungry Ethiopian children and other Ethiopian civilians … Zenawi today starts a war against Eritrea.

From Associated Press:

Ethiopia carries out ground attacks on military posts inside archrival Eritrea

Updated: Thursday, March 15, 2:34 PM

ADDIS ABABA, Ethiopia — Ethiopian forces entered archrival Eritrea on Thursday and carried out what a government spokesman described as “a successful attack” against military posts.

U.S. Should Force Ethiopian Military Proxy Out Of Eritrea: here.

New Ethiopian Troops Reach Guri’el Town, Central Somalia: here.