Good Dutch black grouse news

This video is about black grouse in Norway during the mating season.

Black grouse have nearly become extinct in the Netherlands.

Decades ago, thousands used to live in various regions.

Now, only a few live in Sallandse Heuvelrug National Park in the east.

Some grouse were brought in from Sweden to prevent the species from becoming extinct.

Translated from the national park site:

22 June

Black grouse chicks

The breeding season of the black grouse is over, many eggs have hatched. After careful assessment, seven nests have been observed. It is now clear that of these seven, in five nests chicks have hatched. There was even a nest with ten eggs, from which ten chicks have hatched.

See also here.

Not so good Dutch black grouse news in 2013.

Saudi anti-dictatorship oppositionists interviewed

This video from Saudi Arabia is called Qatif demonstration protests.

From Jadaliyya:

Saudi Revolutionaries: An Interview

June 21 2012

What is happening in the Eastern Province of Saudi Arabia? The Saudi media empire, coupled with its security apparatus, has to a large extent succeeded in preventing developments in Qatif from reaching the world.

The Saudi regime has also resorted to a multipronged counter-revolutionary campaign in the last year in order to suppress the uprising there. Despite attempting to co-opt religious and political figures, exerting economic pressure on civilians, imposing blockades on Qatif and its surroundings, and using live ammunition to disperse protesters, Qatif’s revolutionaries remain steadfast in their fight against tyranny and oppression.

In the following interview, the organizers of the Eastern Province Revolution Twitter/Facebook page describe their role in organizing protests via social media, the goals of their revolution, and the multiple challenges they face.

Rosie Bsheer (RB): Please describe your group to us. Who are you and how do you define yourselves? Is the Eastern Province Revolution Twitter/Facebook page connected to the popular movement on the ground? What motivated you to mobilize?

Eastern Province Revolution: We are a political youth group that seeks to establish a consultative and electoral ruling system that represents the will of the people. We aim to end dictatorial rule through organizing revolutionary and legal activities and popular protests in addition to providing a supportive media role. Qatif witnessed its first street mobilization in the form of a mass protest in al-`Awamiyah on 17 February 2011 that demanded the release of prisoners of conscience. This coincided with the emergence of both the Free Youth Movement [harakat shabab alahrar] and the Free Dignity Movement [harakat ahrar alkarama]. Shortly after, the dispersed street mobilizations in Qatif developed into two other main groups: Day of Qatifi Rage for the Release of Forgotten Prisoners [yawm al gadab alqatifi lifaq asr almu`taqalin almunsiyyin] and the Youth Reform Movement [alharaka alshababiyya lil’islah]. The protests reached their zenith in March 2011.

In light of these heated developments, the “Eastern Province Revolution” was born. The group started its electronic activism on 3 March 2011 with the goal of providing media coverage for the activities of the abovementioned movements. In due time, it started acting as the coordinator for all these movements.

Eventually, Qatifi groups and movements decided to unite under one organized and public entity. They decided to form the Coalition for Freedom and Justice and the “Eastern Province Revolution” became a member in that coalition.

Sudanese fight austerity and dictatorship

This video says about itself:

23 June 2012

Sudan’s government is facing public anger in response to its newly-announced austerity measures. Opposition forces reject the plan, and calls for a change of leadership are growing. So, where will these protests lead and what could it mean for the already complicated situation in Sudan?

Protests Continue in Sudan As the Regime Prepare to Regain the Street: here.

Antigua leatherback turtle babies hatched safely

This video from Costa Rica is called Leatherbacks hatch at Gandoca, Limón.

From Caribarena Antigua:

Sandals Protects Leatherback Sea Turtle Hatchlings

Saturday, 23 June 2012 02:30

By caribarena news

Antigua St John’s – Dickenson Bay, June 22- More than forty guests from Sandals Grande Antigua Resort & Spa were treated to something truly special when they witnessed the emergence of leatherback sea turtle hatchlings at Dickenson Bay Beach yesterday.

It had been more than 60 days since the imposing leatherback sea turtle affectionately known as ‘Lady Sandy’ made her way to Dickenson Bay shores to hatch approximately 100 eggs. In the wee hours of the morning on Thursday, June 21, approximately 20 hatchlings came out to the delight of onlookers.

This was followed by a nest excavation in which guests and staff members had the opportunity to guide the hatchlings.

“It was an incredible once in a lifetime experience and I know that guests were thrilled to be a part of it,” said an ecstatic Shernell Connor, who is the Director of Guest Services at Sandals Grande Antigua.

Thanks to the assistance of the Environmental Awareness Group’s Antigua Sea Turtle Conservation Project, another 27 healthy hatchlings emerged from the sand and made their way successfully to the sea.

Coordinator of the EAG’s Antigua Sea Turtle Conservation Project Mykal Clovis Fuller explained the purpose of the nest excavation.

“We want to determine how successful the nesting was so that we can extract data pertaining to the fertilized and non-fertilized eggs and in this case, approximately 50% of the eggs were viable, which is the norm for this critically endangered species,” commented Clovis Fuller.

This is the ending of the nesting season for leatherback sea turtles and there are a select number of beaches that they choose to nest on in Antigua and Barbuda. In fact, four years ago, a leatherback sea turtle came to Dickenson Bay so it is highly likely that it was ‘Lady Sandy’ since these turtles are very loyal creatures.

Leatherbacks are the largest of all the turtle species and the females normally nest every two to three years. Anyone who sees a leatherback sea turtle come to shore is encouraged to call 720-6955.

Thousands of leatherback turtle eggs and hatchlings have been crushed by heavy machinery along a Trinidad beach widely regarded as the world’s densest nesting area for the biggest of all living sea turtles, conservationists said on Monday: here. See also here.

New Greenland shark research

This video is called Encounter with the Greenland shark.

From the BBC:

22 June 2012 Last updated at 03:11

Slowest Greenland sharks hunts sleeping prey

By Victoria Gill, Science reporter, BBC Nature

Researchers have measured the swimming speed of the ocean’s slowest shark.

Data-logging tags revealed that Greenland sharks “cruise” at 0.34m per second – less than 1mph.

The study showed that, even when the languid fish embarks on a burst of speed in order to hunt, it is far too slow to catch a swimming seal.

Since the species is known to eat seals, the scientists think it probably “sneaks up on them” as they sleep under the water.

The Greenland shark was already known to be the world’s slowest swimming shark, but its sluggishness surprised the scientists.

Yuuki Watanabe from the National Institute of Polar Research in Tokyo, who took part in the study, said that, when you account for the size of its body, it is the slowest fish in the ocean.

Previous research had revealed seal remains in the stomachs of the sharks.

“It was hard to understand,” he told BBC Nature, “because [it would seem] impossible for them to catch fast-swimming seals.”

The researcher joined Dr Kit Kovacs and Dr Christian Lydersen from the Norwegian Polar Institute, to tag Greenland sharks in the waters off Svalbard.

The study, published in the Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology, was the latest part of an ongoing mission by the Norwegian researchers to find out what has been killing the harbour seals off Svarlbard’s [sic; Svalbard’s] coast.

It was thought that Greenland sharks simply fed on the carcasses of dead seals on the seafloor, but the team recently discovered evidence that they were taking live seals.

The tagging study found that, while seals swim at about 1m per second (2mph/3km/h), the sharks’ maximum bursts of speed reached only 0.7m per second – far too slow to catch a swimming seal.

“The [tags also] told us how fast the shark moves its tail,” said Dr Watanabe.

It takes seven seconds for a single full tail sweep that propels the shark forwards.

The sharks’ speed might be limited by the energy costs of swimming in near-freezing water

The scientists also recorded the temperature of the water that the fish were swimming in, which were an icy average of 2C (36F).

The energy cost of regulating their body temperature in the almost freezing depths could be the reason for the sharks’ very limited speed.

These Arctic fish live further north than any other shark species.

In this frozen habitat, the researchers explained in their paper: “Arctic seals sleep in water to avoid predation by polar bears.

“This may leave them vulnerable to the cryptic slow-swimming predators.”

Vincent Gallucci, a shark expert from the University of Washington, US, explained that Greenland sharks may not need “to get 100% of its mouth onto its prey” in order to eat it.

“It can get an assist from a sucking action as part of its feeding process,” he told BBC Nature.

“This does make it a bit easier for a lie in wait ambush predator to consume prey that pass near its mouth.”

In the future, the scientists who embarked on this study hope to use underwater cameras, in order to record what could be the world’s slowest chase scene.

Ali Hood from the Shark Trust pointed out that, historically, Greenland sharks were targeted for oil and meat.

“It’s a long-lived species considered highly vulnerable to fishing pressure,” she told BBC Nature. “[We] welcome further research to illuminate the behaviour of this elusive species.”

Sharks in action

White death: Witness the immense power and agility of a breaching great white shark toying with its prey in glorious slow-motion

Speckled spaceship: Meet the shark that can reach lengths of 13m and are the world’s largest fish

Electric sense: The unique shape of the hammerhead shark is explained

Ultimate predator: The shark that can smell a seal colony from two miles away

Turtle soup: Watch tiger sharks as they return to the reef to feast on turtles

Or explore BBC Nature wildlife for more shark videos.

Biggest, fastest, fiercest

The fastest shark is thought to be the shortfin mako. The species has been recorded in excess of 20mph and can chase down some faster bony fish, such as tuna

The world’s largest shark is the whale shark, which can grow to over 13m long. This huge filter-feeder shark sifts zooplankton from the water

The smallest shark is the dwarf lanternshark. This deepwater species is found in the Caribbean Sea and reaches a maximum length of just 21cm

The shark with the largest teeth relative to its size is the largetooth cookiecutter. At only 42cm in length, this species has 17-19 rows of large lower teeth and feeds by cutting circular pieces of flesh from larger marine mammals, fish and other sharks. It has even caused problems for submarines

Source: Shark Trust

The Creature Feature: 10 Fun Facts About the Greenland Shark: here.

Greenland sharks cruise the depths at relaxing 0.76 miles per hour: here.

New Philippines ant species discovery

This video is called Asian Weaver Ants Philippines.

From Wildlife Extra:

11 new species of ant discovered in The Philippines

An ant scientist’s picnic: The highly diverse ant fauna of the Philippines

June 2012. Intensive field work by researchers David General of the Palawan State University, The Philippines and Gary Alpert of the Museum of Comparative Zoology, Harvard University has led to the discovery of nine genera of ants that had never been recorded before in the Philippines. Another two new genera were discovered by other researchers in a remote mountain region. The study was published as the 200th jubilee issue of the open access journal Zookeys.

30% known ants come from Philippines

About 30% of all currently known ant genera have been recorded in the Philippines, with a land area roughly the size of Italy or Arizona. At least 474 species of ants are known from the archipelago. In addition, several dozen new species remain to be formally described and given scientific names. “New species have been found even in highly disturbed places like university campuses,” reported Mr. General.

“The complex blend of climatic diversity, geologic history and island structure of the country has likely led to rapid development of new ant genera and species, a phenomenon that deserves much further exploration,” Dr. Alpert surmises.

Discovery site destroyed

The discoveries were made on a private reforestation project on the fringe of a single protected area, the Mt. Isarog Natural Park, on Luzon Island. Unfortunately, the study site was poached and all the trees have been cut down, wiping out 27 years of stewardship. Habitat destruction continues to threaten the ants of the Philippines and the plants and animals that depend on them.

Many islands, mountains and unique habitats remain unexplored for their ant communities.

Ants are very common and easily recognizable insects but are poorly studied in the region. This new study may spur interest and provide such a reference for people who want to study ants in the Philippines.

Brazilian “big-headed” ants use chemical trails to drag others into helping them carry food, a study shows: here.

World’s Smallest Fly Decapitates Ants: here.

Austerity makes new Greek minister sick

Greece 'saved', cartoon

The English Blog writes about this cartoon:

February 22, 2012

Cartoon: Saved …

This cartoon by Dave Brown from The Independent relates to the new bailout package for Greece, which was agreed by eurozone finance ministers early on Tuesday. The €130bn rescue package should avert the risk of a Greek default, but, in return, Germany and France insisted that Greece agree to harsh new austerity terms even though [that] country has been living with punishing austerity for much of the past two years: unemployment has reached record heights at over 21%, while the economy contracted by 7% in the last quarter of 2011.

The cartoon shows German Chancellor Angela Merkel as a doctor using defibrillation paddles to rescucitate the Greek patient (note the Greek flag used as a sheet). French President Nicolas Sarkozy stands ready with a carving dish, knife and fork.


One possible interpretation is that Merkel has actually killed the patient with an enormous electrical shock (i.e., too much austerity). Meanwhile, Sarkozy is preparing to take his (or rather the EU‘s) ‘pound of flesh’. We use this expression when something which is owed is ruthlessly required to be paid back (see here for origin).

From the BBC in England:

17:12 GMT, 22 June 2012

22 June 2012 Last updated at 14:51 GMT

Greek Finance Minister Vassilis Rapanos in hospital

Greece’s new Finance Minister Vassilis Rapanos has been rushed to hospital, reportedly after fainting.

I, too, would faint; if I would have to do Ms Merkel‘s and billionaire bankers’ dirty work, endangering the lives of yet more sick Greek children and making yet more Greek pensioners search for food in garbage cans.

Mr Rapanos, who is chairman of Greece’s national bank, was due to be sworn in to the new post in the debt-laden country later on Friday.

The news follows an announcement earlier in the day that Prime Minister Antonis Samaras needs an emergency eye operation.

He has been forced to cancel his first parliamentary meeting as a result.

According to a government spokesperson, a routine eye operation on Friday morning revealed damage to Mr Samaras’s retina.

He is due to go into hospital for an operation on Saturday, which means he will not be able to attend the Greece v Germany Euro 2012 game or hold his first parliamentary meeting.

Mr Rapanos, 65, is thought to be undergoing tests after fainting on Friday afternoon, local media said, but no further details have been released on his condition.

He had been due to be sworn in to his new post on Friday evening, after the ceremony was delayed to allow outgoing finance minister Giorgis Zanias to represent Greece at a Eurozone finance ministers’ meeting in Luxembourg.

Mr Samaras became Greece’s fourth prime minister in eight months at a brief ceremony at the presidential palace in Athens on Wednesday.

The meeting of the new Greek coalition government consisting of New Democracy, PASOK and the Democratic Left with officials from the European Commission, the European Central Bank and the International Monetary Fund has been delayed for a week: here.

Sri Lankan war criminals-Pentagon alliance

This video is called Sri Lanka’s killing fields.

By Sarath Kumara:

Sri Lanka tilts toward the US

23 June 2012

As the Obama administration escalates its diplomatic and strategic moves in Asia to undercut Chinese influence, the Sri Lankan government is shifting course—distancing itself somewhat from Beijing and attempting to draw closer to Washington.

This manoeuvring was evident at the Shangri-la security dialogue in Singapore earlier this month. Sri Lanka’s Defence Secretary Gotabhaya Rajapakse and Foreign Minister G. L. Peiris met with the US Joint Chiefs of Staff chairman, General Martin Dempsey, on the sidelines of the talks on June 5. In response to a Sri Lankan request, Dempsey agreed to provide military assistance, in particular to the Sri Lankan navy.

Few details have been published. But the Sri Lankan Defence Ministry web site noted that the US and India had “responded positively” to Rajapakse’s request for “enhanced training opportunities for capacity building of defence personnel.” Gotabhaya Rajapakse is President Mahinda Rajapakse’s brother.

The report also noted: “As a coastal nation, the meetings recognised the pivotal role that the Sri Lanka Navy could play in strengthening the security of sea lanes in the Indian Ocean and resolved to co-operate closely in drawing on their synergies in combating international terrorism.”

The reference to “combatting international terrorism” simply obscures the real aim of this developing naval collaboration. At the Singapore meeting, US Defence Secretary Leon Panetta announced that the US would be building up its naval presence in the Asia Pacific region to 60 percent of its total forces by 2020.

The US focus on naval power is aimed at controlling key sea routes used by China to ship energy and raw materials from the Middle East and Africa. In the event of a conflict with China, the US navy would be able to mount an economic blockade by halting vital Chinese imports.

Sri Lanka is strategically positioned at the southern tip of the Indian sub-continent near key routes across the Indian Ocean from the Middle East and Africa. It could play a vital logistical role in any US-China conflict, as it did during World War II for British imperialism. After the fall of Singapore and Burma to Japanese troops, the headquarters of the Allied Southeast Asia Command was relocated to Kandy in the central hills area of Sri Lanka.

President Mahinda Rajapakse relied heavily on China for economic, political and military support in his government’s communal war against the separatist Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam (LTTE). In return, he allowed China to build a major port at Hambantota on the southern tip of the island.

In December 2009, a report by the US Senate Committee on Foreign Relations, entitled “Sri Lanka: Re-charting US Strategy after the War,” declared that the US could not afford to “lose” Sri Lanka. It called for intensified efforts to bring Colombo into Washington’s orbit.

The Sri Lankan military waged a brutal war, costing the lives of tens of thousands of civilians, before the LTTE was defeated in May 2009. The Obama administration, which backed Colombo’s war, has nevertheless used the threat of war crimes investigations in order to pressure Rajapakse to align more closely with Washington.

Apparently, once one becomes a Pentagon ally in good standing again, one’s war crimes supposedly become irrelevant.

Quebec pro-civil liberties movement continues

This video from Quebec is called 250,000 Massive Montreal Rally marks 100 days of Student Protests.

By Keith Jones:

Massive demonstrations in support of Quebec’s striking students

23 June 2012

Tens of thousands took to the streets of Montreal and Quebec City yesterday to support the four month-long student strike against an 82 percent increase in university tuition fees and oppose the right-wing provincial Liberal government of Jean Charest.

According to the Quebec City daily Le Soleil, Quebec’s capital yesterday witnessed its largest demonstration since the strike began. Organizers of the Montreal march put the crowd in the order of 100,000 people.

The large turnouts attest to the government’s failure to break the strike despite an unprecedented campaign of police violence and the adoption of Bill 78—legislation that criminalizes the student strike and places sweeping restrictions on the right to demonstrate in Quebec over any issue.

The awareness that the tenacity and militancy of the strike and the groundswell of opposition to Bill 78 has rocked the government and Quebec establishment contributed to a spirit of festive defiance.

Trois ans après les manifestations monstres contre la hausse des frais d’inscription, les étudiants québécois sont redescendus dans la rue jeudi 2 avril pour dénoncer les politiques d’austérité du nouveau gouvernement de la province de Québec. Des manifestations pacifiques violemment réprimées par les forces de l’ordre, dans une indifférence quasi générale: here.

USA: New ACLU app lets you police the police: here.

US Republicans hate birds

This video from the USA is called Act for Songbirds – Help Save Threatened Migratory Birds.

The Republican party majority in the United States House of Representatives like to make pro-Big Business Democratic party policies even more pro-Big Business and anti-… this time, anti-birds.

From Wildlife Extra:

Crucial US bird conservation programs cut by 50 percent

Most regressive wildlife appropriations ever

June 2012. In a move attacked by bird conservation groups as “one of the most regressive wildlife appropriations” ever, crucial conservation programs were slashed by 50% from 2012 funding levels in a funding bill approved by the House Interior, Environment, and Related Agencies Appropriations Subcommittee for Fiscal Year 2013. The Neotropical Migratory Bird Conservation Act (NMBCA) – a major source of funding for conservation programs that benefit migratory birds -was also cut in half.

Also sliced in half were funding for State Wildlife Grants, the nation’s core program for preventing birds and wildlife from becoming endangered in addition to supporting strategic conservation investments in every state and territory, and the North American Wetlands Conservation Act, which provides funding for conservation projects that benefit wetland birds.

Serious setback

“I think this is a serious setback on the threat-to-wildlife scale,” said Darin Schroeder, Vice President for Conservation Advocacy for American Bird Conservancy, the nation’s leading bird conservation organization. “Of course we are in tough economic times, but the answer certainly isn’t to slash and burn conservation programs! Wildlife related activities such as birdwatching pump billions of dollars into the economy every year. If wildlife conservation programs are gutted and wildlife populations shrink, local economies will suffer. There’s no doubt that funding for these wildlife bills are both effective and essential.”

Neotropical Migratory Bird Conservation Act

For example, NMBCA is the only federal U.S. grants program specifically dedicated to the conservation of migrant birds throughout the Americas. NMBCA has a proven track record of success, having supported 367 projects in 48 U.S. states and territories and 35 other countries since its inception in 2002. NMBCA grants totalling more than $39 million have leveraged $152 million in matching funds, a partner to grant dollar match of nearly 4:1. To date, more than 3 million acres of migratory bird habitat have been positively affected. Advances in conservation for many declining species, such as the Baltimore Oriole, Scarlet Tanager and Cerulean Warbler, owe much to the NMBCA.

The NMBCA grant program has also been a catalyst for bird conservation and partnership development throughout the Western Hemisphere, actively promoting the long-term conservation of migratory birds and their habitats.

NMBCA projects focus on priority areas and threats to migratory birds, funding activities that will protect habitat and energize local conservation initiatives. For example, the conversion of grassland habitat to agriculture is a major reason the number of grassland birds such as the Long-billed Curlew, is rapidly declining. Consequently, the conservation of this important ecosystem throughout the hemisphere is a high priority for the NMBCA grant program, which has supported two large-scale conservation efforts aimed at conserving grassland habitats.

The bill will now move to the full House Appropriations Committee for consideration.

Courtesy of the American Bird Conservancy.

USA: ANALYSIS: Romney profited as the firms he invested in went bankrupt: here.