Quebec pro-civil liberties movement continues

This video from Quebec is called 250,000 Massive Montreal Rally marks 100 days of Student Protests.

By Keith Jones:

Massive demonstrations in support of Quebec’s striking students

23 June 2012

Tens of thousands took to the streets of Montreal and Quebec City yesterday to support the four month-long student strike against an 82 percent increase in university tuition fees and oppose the right-wing provincial Liberal government of Jean Charest.

According to the Quebec City daily Le Soleil, Quebec’s capital yesterday witnessed its largest demonstration since the strike began. Organizers of the Montreal march put the crowd in the order of 100,000 people.

The large turnouts attest to the government’s failure to break the strike despite an unprecedented campaign of police violence and the adoption of Bill 78—legislation that criminalizes the student strike and places sweeping restrictions on the right to demonstrate in Quebec over any issue.

The awareness that the tenacity and militancy of the strike and the groundswell of opposition to Bill 78 has rocked the government and Quebec establishment contributed to a spirit of festive defiance.

Trois ans après les manifestations monstres contre la hausse des frais d’inscription, les étudiants québécois sont redescendus dans la rue jeudi 2 avril pour dénoncer les politiques d’austérité du nouveau gouvernement de la province de Québec. Des manifestations pacifiques violemment réprimées par les forces de l’ordre, dans une indifférence quasi générale: here.

USA: New ACLU app lets you police the police: here.

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