Dinosaur age slime mold discovery in amber

This 2015 video says about itself:

Amazing slime mold. Time-lapse of slime mold (mould) behaviour. First, we see the phase where it is actively looking for food and following chemical cues from potential food items. Lastly, we see a phase that somewhat resembles fungoid in nature, ie sporulation. When food has run out or a change in environmental conditions is encountered, these things can trigger sporulation to occur.

Slime molds (moulds) are NOT related to fungi although originally classified within this group but are now placed within the Amoebazoa.

From the University of Göttingen in Germany:

100 million years in amber: Researchers discover oldest fossilized slime mold

Team from Göttingen, Helsinki and New York gets new insights into the evolution of myxomycetes

January 8, 2020

Most people associate the idea of creatures trapped in amber with insects or spiders, which are preserved lifelike in fossil tree resin. An international research team of palaeontologists and biologists from the Universities of Göttingen and Helsinki, and the American Museum of Natural History in New York has now discovered the oldest slime mould identified to date. The fossil is about 100 million years old and is exquisitely preserved in amber from Myanmar. The results have been published in the journal Scientific Reports.

Slime moulds, also called myxomycetes, belong to a group known as ‘Amoebozoa’. These are microscopic organisms that live most of the time as single mobile cells hidden in the soil or in rotting wood, where they eat bacteria. However, they can join together to form complex, beautiful and delicate fruiting bodies, which serve to make and spread spores.

Since fossil slime moulds are extremely rare, studying their evolutionary history has been very difficult. So far, there have only been two confirmed reports of fossils of fruiting bodies and these are just 35 to 40 million years old. The discovery of fossil myxomycetes is very unlikely because their fruiting bodies are extremely short-lived. The researchers are therefore astounded by the chain of events that must have led to the preservation of this newly identified fossil. “The fragile fruiting bodies were most likely torn from the tree bark by a lizard, which was also caught in the sticky tree resin, and finally embedded in it together with the reptile”, says Professor Jouko Rikkinen from the University of Helsinki. The lizard detached the fruiting bodies at a relatively early stage when the spores had not yet been released, which now reveals valuable information about the evolutionary history of these fascinating organisms.

The researchers were surprised by the discovery that the slime mould can easily be assigned to a genus still living today. “The fossil provides unique insights into the longevity of the ecological adaptations of myxomycetes,” explains palaeontologist Professor Alexander Schmidt from the University of Göttingen, lead author of the study.

“We interpret this as evidence of strong environmental selection. It seems that slime moulds that spread very small spores using the wind had an advantage,” says Rikkinen. The ability of slime moulds to develop long-lasting resting stages in their life cycle, which can last for years, probably also contributes to the remarkable similarity of the fossil to its closest present-day relatives.

American anti-Trump Iran-Iraq war demonstrators interviewed

This January 2020 video from the USA says about itself:

U.S. Protesters: Stop War With Iran NOW Before It’s Too Late

Status Coup’s Jordan Chariton interviews a protester at the No War With Iran protest in New York City on the fact that we need to get our troops out of Iraq and Iran.

This 8January 2020 video from the USA says about itself:

Bernie Sanders Supporter: We Need A President Who Will Wake People Up on Military-Industrial Complex

Status Coup’s Jordan Chariton reported from an Iran war protest in New York City on January 4th, 2020.

This is a particularly difficult moment for US energy suppliers with natural gas overproduction generating extremely low prices and Wall Street investors calling in massive loans on frackers. Financial pundits are warning of serious losses, well closures and bankruptcies. US producers benefit from chaos among their competitors, chaos that seems to be more and more the goal of US foreign policy. With Iran (and Qatar) owning the world’s largest gas field, US suppliers would be grateful for disruption of its exploitation, allowing for greater export of US liquified natural gas. Oil prices rose 4 per cent on the announcement of Soleimani’s assassination: here.

IRANIAN AMERICANS FEEL TRAPPED Mana Kharrazi is the lead plaintiff in one of several lawsuits challenging Trump’s executive order banning travel to the U.S. from seven Muslim-majority countries, including Iran. “I’ve never been in the same room with my mom and all her siblings. I know I might never be able to,” Kharrazi said. “There’s a whole side of a family that I may never see or know.” [HuffPost]

Cambridge Analytica Facebook privacy scandal update

This 7 January 2020 video from the USA says about itself:

New details are emerging about how the shadowy data firm Cambridge Analytica worked to manipulate voters across the globe, from the 2016 election in the United States to the Brexit campaign in Britain and elections in over 60 other countries, including Malaysia, Kenya and Brazil. A new trove of internal Cambridge Analytica documents and emails are being posted on Twitter detailing the company’s operations, including its work with President Trump’s former national security adviser John Bolton. The documents come from Cambridge Analytica whistleblower Brittany Kaiser, who worked at the firm for three-and-a-half years before leaving in 2018. We speak with Jehane Noujaim and Karim Amer, co-directors of the Oscar-shortlisted documentary “The Great Hack”; Brittany Kaiser, the Cambridge Analytica whistleblower featured in “The Great Hack” and author of “Targeted: The Cambridge Analytica Whistleblower’s Inside Story of How Big Data, Trump, and Facebook Broke Democracy and How It Can Happen Again”; and Emma Briant, a visiting research associate in human rights at Bard College whose upcoming book is titled “Propaganda Machine: Inside Cambridge Analytica and the Digital Influence Industry.”

This 7 January 2020 video from the USA says about itself:

Propaganda Machine: The Military Roots of Cambridge Analytica’s Psychological Manipulation of Voters

We continue our discussion of data harvesting, targeted advertising and voter manipulation — practices used by firms like Cambridge Analytica. The secretive data firm collapsed in May 2018 after The Observer newspaper revealed the company had harvested some 87 million Facebook profiles without the users’ knowledge or consent to sway voters to support Trump during the 2016 campaign. A new trove of internal Cambridge Analytica documents and emails are being posted on Twitter detailing the company’s operations, including its work with President Trump’s former national security adviser John Bolton. We speak with Jehane Noujaim and Karim Amer, co-directors of the Oscar-shortlisted documentary “The Great Hack”; Brittany Kaiser, the Cambridge Analytica whistleblower featured in “The Great Hack” and author of “Targeted: The Cambridge Analytica Whistleblower’s Inside Story of How Big Data, Trump, and Facebook Broke Democracy and How It Can Happen Again”; and Emma Briant, a visiting research associate in human rights at Bard College. Her upcoming book is titled “Propaganda Machine: Inside Cambridge Analytica and the Digital Influence Industry.”

South African warthog piglet resists elephant

This 8 January 2020 video from South Africa says about itself:

A young warthog refused to be pushed over by an elephant that wanted to have the waterhole for itself, he kept going back even when the elephant would try and hit him with his trumpet. This sighting was filmed in Kruger national park by Brent Schnupp.

British Johnson-Trump trade deal and Iran-Iraq war

United States soldiers in the Middle East

This is a Dutch NOS radio map about United States soldiers’ numbers in the Middle East.

By Lamiat Sabin in Britain:

Tuesday, January 7, 2020

Corbyn: Johnson won’t confront Trump over illegal assassination in fear of sabotaging ‘toxic’ trade deal

JEREMY CORBYN accused Boris Johnson of kowtowing to US President Donald Trump today over the assassination of an Iranian general to protect the prospect of a post-Brexit trade deal.

The Labour leader also accused the Prime Minister of “hiding behind” his Cabinet colleagues when he was absent from the Commons during the reading of a government statement on Iran.

Earlier in the day, Mr Johnson called a National Security Council meeting with senior government and military officials.

Mr Corbyn urged the government to say what evidence it has to believe that the assassination of Qassem Soleimani in a US airstrike in Baghdad last Friday was carried out in “self-defence”.

Defence Secretary Ben Wallace said during the statement that Iran should “resist the urge to retaliate.”

Mr Corbyn said: “[Mr Johnson] is scared to stand up to President Trump because he has hitched his wagon to the prospect of a toxic Trump trade deal.

“At this highly dangerous moment, we find the government giving cover and expressing sympathy for what is widely regarded as an illegal act because [it’s] so determined to keep in with Trump.

“Whatever the record of any state official, the principle and the law is that we don’t go around assassinating foreign leaders.”

Campaign Against Arms Trade’s Andrew Smith added his voice to the condemnation of Gen Soleimani’s killing.

Mr Smith suggested that the assassination was ordered by Mr Trump to “help him politically, rather than because of any military threat.

He warned: “Extrajudicial killings of government officials cannot be normalised and the US government cannot be allowed to act in this way on the world stage, regardless of the brutal and appalling record of the Iranian regime.”

In the Commons, Mr Corbyn also asked what the government is doing to secure the release of British-Iranian nationals imprisoned in Iran.

Richard Ratcliffe, whose wife Nazanin Zaghari-Ratcliffe is languishing in a Tehran jail, urged Mr Johnson today to pay a £400 million debt to Iran, as he pledged to do when he was foreign secretary.

He said his wife, who is halfway through a five-year sentence for alleged spying, fears that she could receive a second prison term.

Iran paid Britain £400m for 1,500 tanks in the 1970s. The deal was cancelled after Shah Mohammad Reza Pahlavi was deposed in 1979, but Britain has yet to refund the money.

This 8 January 2019 United States TV video says about itself:

Trump Brings U.S. to Brink of War with Iran | The Daily Show

The Trump administration gives muddled explanations of the reasoning behind the Soleimani assassination, while the Pentagon announces plans to withdraw troops from Iraq, then clumsily retracts the statement.

Johnson’s evasiveness on Soleimani’s killing heightens the risk of war: here.

Johnson ‘too craven and cowardly’ to stand up to Trump: here.

Tories ask Iraq ‘let UK troops remain’: here.

Iranian-Americans detained at US-Canada border in wake of Suleimani assassination: here.

Worse than you think: Reasons a US war with Iran would not go well: here.

Iran strikes US bases in Iraq as Pentagon deploys B-52 bombers: here.

Ugandans as Trump’s cannon fodder in Iraq

This 7 January 2020 video from Kenya says about itself:

WTF! 500 Ugandan GUARDS “Defending” US Embassy In Iraq CAUGHT in Running Battles During Attack!🤦🏾‍♀️

A Ugandan newspaper is alleging that at least 500 Ugandan guards were caught in running battles with the Iraqis

protesting there against Donald Trump’s air force killing scores of people in Iraq, Syria and Somalia

when the US Embassy in Baghdad was attacked last week. This is so crazy!!! What the HELL are Ugandans doing there!

Mercenary paramilitary corporations like Blackwater recruit cannon fodder for war zones like Iraq in many countries, including African countries. That is illegal in Namibia. It should become illegal everywhere.

Sooty shearwater visits royal albatross nest

This 7 January 2020 video from New Zealand says about itself:

Sooty Shearwater visits Royal Albatross Nest

Sooty Shearwaters (known as tītī or muttonbirds) have been spotted at night visiting the cam site this season via the new infrared light. In this clip, a shearwater lands near the incubating albatross, stays for a few minutes, then flies off again.