Cash for peerages scandal in Britain again

This 2007 video from Britain is called Cash for Honours Poo Song; about the cash for peerages scandal during the Tony Blair government.

From daily The Morning Star in Britain:

‘Cash for honours’ probe reopened over Lib Dem peerages

Monday 30th june 2014

POLICE are to reopen an investigation into “cash for honours” after the Liberal Democrats’ three biggest donors received peerages.

The trio, who were nominated by Deputy Prime Minister Nick Clegg, handed over £600,000 — 40 per cent of all donations to the Liberal Democrats in 2012.

It was flagged up to the Metropolitan Police by Scottish National Party MP Angus MacNeil. The cash for honours file is understood to have been passed to Commander Graham McNulty in the Met’s specialist crimes and operations directorate.

Mr Clegg has in the past complained that the House of Lords is undemocratic and called for peers to be elected.

Top peer Lord Oakeshott, who recently quit the Lib Dems, said in his resignation statement that his “efforts to expose and end cash for peerages in all parties including our own … have failed.”

UK: Blair’s money for peerages scandal continues

Blair and cash for peerages scandal, cartoon by Andy Davey, based on Tennyson's poem The lady of Shalott

The Lady of Shalott

The cartoon is based on this painting about the poem The Lady of Shalott by Alfred Lord Tennyson.

From British daily The Independent:

Cash-for-honours: Blair aides await fate as inquiry ends

By Nigel Morris, Home Affairs Correspondent

Published: 21 April 2007

Police are calling for charges to be brought against two of Tony Blair’s closest allies in a file handed to prosecutors following the “cash-for-honours” investigation.

It is understood that Lord Levy [see here], the Labour Party chief fundraiser, and No 10’s director of government relations, Ruth Turner, have been singled out in the 216-page dossier.

A further 6,300 pages of supporting documents have also been sent by the Metropolitan Police to the Crown Prosecution Service (CPS).

It follows a 13-month inquiry by Scotland Yard into the alleged awarding of peerages to Labour-supporting businessmen in return for secret loans.

The investigation has cast a shadow over Mr Blair’s final months in power and threatens to blight Labour’s campaign for the 3 May council elections in England, Scotland and Wales.

UK: conflict Tony Blair-Lord Levy on peerages for money scandal?

Cash for peerages, cartoon

From British daily The Independent:

Levy ‘feels let down and is about to turn on the Labour Party

Recriminations over the cash-for-honours affair threaten to cause irrevocable rift within Tony Blair’s inner circle

By Francis Elliott, Whitehall Editor

Published: 11 March 2007

Lord Levy has fuelled fears he is about to turn on the Labour Party after telling friends he is furious at the lack of public support from senior ministers.

The cash-for-honours investigation increasingly threatens to split Tony Blair’s inner circle asunder in a welter of recrimination.

Friends and family of the two key suspects, Lord Levy and Ruth Turner, fought a battle for public sympathy last week as the show of unity began to unravel.

Now a cabinet minister close to Tony Blair’s chief fundraiser has raised the stakes, telling The Independent on Sunday that Lord Levy “feels badly let down”.

UK Blair government fails to gag cash-for-honours story

Tony Blair's money for peerages scandal, cartoon

From British daily The Independent:

Goldsmith fails to gag new cash-for-honours story

Published: 06 March 2007

Attorney General Lord Goldsmith failed in a legal bid to stop publication today of fresh information surrounding the cash-for-honours investigation.

A judge refused to grant an injunction to stop The Guardian printing a story suggesting Lord Levy may have attempted to influence the evidence of senior Downing Street aide Ruth Turner.

Lord Goldsmith secured an injunction on Friday blocking the BBC from running a news item which the police had said could “impede their inquiries”.

Its terms were later relaxed to allow the BBC to report that Ms Turner was the author of the document and that it concerned Tony Blair’s chief fund raiser.

But The Guardian went further today, suggesting detectives were examining whether Lord Levy had attempted to “shape” her evidence to the inquiry.

Tony Blair’s money for peerages scandal

Blair's cash for honours scandal, cartoon

By Chris Marsden and Julie Hyland in Britain:

Britain’s cash for honours scandal nears end game

17 February 2007

The police investigation into the cash for honours scandal is nearing completion with reports that Scotland Yard has handed over files to the Crown Prosecution Service, the body that determines whether criminal charges will be brought.

Whatever comes of the investigation, it has been a remarkable affair.

The past month has witnessed the questioning of Prime Minister Tony Blair for a second time by police and comparisons with Watergate, accompanied by a demand for Blair to “go now” from Conservative leader David Cameron.

Newspapers also speculated on whether there would be a move by the cabinet to force Blair’s resignation.

The Daily Mail and the London Evening Standard have asserted that, based on leaks from within the investigation, charges will be brought against Labour’s chief fundraiser Lord Levy, Number 10 adviser Ruth Turner and Blair’s Chief of Staff Jonathan Powell.

Levy and Turner have both been questioned under caution, not only with respect to the original allegations of selling peerages in the House of Lords in return for loans, but with conspiracy to pervert the course of justice.

UK: ‘cash for peerages’ ended Lloyd George’s career, and now Blair’s?

The cartoon on Blair here alludes to Alfred Tennyson‘s poem, The Lady of Shalott.

Blair and cash for peerages scandal, cartoon

The Lady of Shalott

The cartoon is based on this painting about the poem.

By Anindya Bhattacharyya:

As prime minister Tony Blair finds himself mired in the ‘cash for honours’ scandal, Anindya Bhattacharyya looks at the downfall of one of his predecessors in a similar case<

It seems that each week sees Tony Blair and his New Labour government sink further into the mud of the “cash for honours” row.

Downing Street was forced to admit last week that Blair had been interviewed again by police investigating whether peerages were being exchanged for secret loans to the Labour Party.

The news only emerged after a six-day media blackout.

Such discretion was not afforded to Blair’s fixer Lord Levy.

He was arrested for a second time on Tuesday of last week, this time on suspicion of conspiracy to pervert the course of justice. …

The “cash for honours” scandal is a symbol of much deeper corruption in a system where business and politics increasingly mesh.

New Labour’s privatisation plans for public services and schemes like academy schools mean that there are more opportunities for these kind of scandals to develop. …

A previous British government was poleaxed by a “cash for honours” scandal.

The police are investigating whether Labour’s financial affairs contravene the the Honours (Prevention of Abuses) Act of 1925 – passed by parliament in the wake of a scandal that fatally weakened the government of David Lloyd George./blockquote>

Lloyd George in 1909: here.

UK: Blair cronie arrested again in money for peerages scandal

Blair, Brown, and the cash for peerages scandal

From The Independent in Britain:

Cash-for-honours trail that leads to Number 10

Levy arrested again – and this time on suspicion of perverting course of justice

By Andrew Grice and Colin Brown

Published: 31 January 2007

Lord Levy, the Labour Party’s chief fundraiser, has been arrested for a second time, increasing pressure on Tony Blair over the “cash-for-honours” affair.

Scotland Yard said the peer, known as “Lord Cashpoint“, was detained on suspicion of conspiracy to pervert the course of justice when he answered bail yesterday for alleged breaches of the Honours (Prevention of Abuses) Act 1925 and the Political Parties, Elections and Referendums Act 2000.

He was bailed pending further inquiries.

The dramatic twist led opposition politicians to compare the affair to the cover-up after the Watergate crisis, which led to the resignation of President Richard Nixon in 1974.

Lord Levy, who is also the Prime Minister’s personal envoy to the Middle East, is the second close ally of Mr Blair to be arrested on suspicion of perverting the course of justice.

Ruth Turner, Downing Street‘s director of government relations, was arrested at her home 12 days ago.

See also here.

Update: here.

And here.

Lord Levy and ‘Lady’ Turner are just the “organ-grinder’s monkeys”.

The “organ-grinder” Blair should be arrested next.

Not just for this financial scandal, also for other financial scandals.

And for the bloody Iraq war, based on lies.

He should get, contrary to Saddam Hussein, a fair trial, where his lawyers are not murdered, and the government does not dismiss judges for political reasons.

Like Saddam, he deserves the maximum penalty (which should not be the barbaric death penalty).

UK: Tony Blair rewards his cronies with honours

Blair and cash for peerages scandal, cartoon

The Lady of Shalott

The cartoon is based on this painting about the poem The Lady of Shalott by Alfred Lord Tennyson.

News related to one of Tony Blair’s many scandals, the cash for peerages one (the cartoon depicts Blair as the ‘Lady of Shalott’ of Tennyson’s poem; see also here).

From the Daily Mirror in Britain:

30 December 2006



By Peter Willis
Pride Of Britain Awards Founder

SO rumours that Robin Gibb was to receive a New Year honour for services to the travel industry weren’t completely wide of the mark.

Who would have thought Tony Blair would be so blatant as to honour the man who saved his skin in the Hutton Inquiry?

Yet John Scarlett, the spy-master who shamefully “sexed up” the dossier which helped lead us into the Iraqi bloodbath, is today rewarded with a knighthood.

And while some appointments reek of cronyism, others are simply baffling.

Britain: Blair up to his neck in arms corruption and other scandals

The cartoon on Tony Blair here alludes to Alfred Tennyson’s poem, The Lady of Shalott.

Blair and cash for peerages scandal, cartoon

The Lady of Shalott

The cartoon is based on this painting about the poem The Lady of Shalott by Alfred Lord Tennyson.

From British daily News Line:

Saturday, 16 December 2006

Law cannot be allowed to get in the way of profiteering

THE Attorney General – the same official who ruled after much equivocation that the war with Iraq was legal – on Thursday told the House of Commons that ‘it has been necessary to balance the need to maintain the rule of law against the wider public interest.’

He was referring to the fact that the investigation into whether alleged illegal and corrupt payments had been made by BAE Systems to elements of the Saudi royal family could not be balanced with the much more important issues of preserving their profits through avoiding the cancellation of a contract for 72 strike fighters, and maintaining oil rich Saudi Arabia’s support for Britain’s foreign policy in the Lebanon, Iraq, Palestine and Iran.

For the capitalist ruling class, maintaining its profits and its relations with oil rich Saudi Arabia were always much more important than any rule of law. This is now the declared view of the Labour government.

So when the Saudi Royal family gave the British government 10 days to quash the Scotland Yard inquiry, it was quashed, in the interests of profit and the future of British capitalism, and to hell with maintaining the law.

The same process was at work at the time of the Attorney General’s Iraq war dilemma.

He began with the view that the war could well be illegal and criminal, but this respect for the law was dumped when it could not be brought into balance with the value of Iraq’s oil wealth to the British bourgeoisie.

BAE Systems: here.

Saudis, Bin Laden family, 9-11, and Michael Moore here.

British cluster bombs: here.

Blair is involved in many more scandals than only those ones:

On Thursday 14 December, Tony Blair became the first serving Prime Minister to be interviewed by the police in a criminal investigation.

Blair chose the same day to shut down a major criminal investigation into alleged corruption by the arms company BAE Systems and its executives claiming it would endanger Britain’s national security. …

The police questioning was over the cash for peerages scandal.

Blair’s tennis partner and personal fundraiser Lord Levy — known as “Lord Cashpoint” — negotiated nearly £14 million in secret loans.

Labour’s former general secretary, Matt Carter, then a key member of Blair’s inner circle, had told the businessmen that their loans would not have to be declared.

Four businessmen who gave Labour £4.5 million in unpublicised loans and were subsequently nominated for peerages.

Britain: police question another Blair aide in cash for peerages scandal

Blair and cash for peerages scandal, cartoon

The Lady of Shalott

The cartoon is based on this painting about the poem The Lady of Shalott by Alfred Lord Tennyson.

From British daily The Independent:

By Marie Woolf, Political Editor

Published: 01 October 2006

A second senior aide to Tony Blair has been questioned by the police under caution in the cash- for-honours affair.

John McTernan, the Prime Minster’s director of political operations, has been interviewed by Scotland Yard over links between Labour’s financial backers and honours granted by Mr Blair.

Mr McTernan is understood to have been questioned in the past 10 days by Metropolitan Police investigating claims that honours were granted to Labour donors and those who lent the party huge sums of money before the last election campaign.

The disclosure will place fresh pressure on Mr Blair and increase speculation that he is to be questioned personally by the police in the coming weeks.

Mr McTernan is one of the Prime Minster’s closest aides and works as a key liaison between Downing Street and the Labour Party.

He is thought to have been involved in the preparation of names to be nominated by Mr Blair for peerages.

The police are believed to have interviewed Mr McTernan on the same day as Ruth Turner, No 10’s director of government relations, who has also been questioned under caution.

The interviews follow emails seized by police.

Mr McTernan worked as a special adviser to Harriet Harman in the Department of Social Security, then as head of strategy for Scotland’s former first minister, Henry McLeish.

He once described working in government as like being in an episode of the West Wing.

Last week, the tycoon Sir Christopher Evans was questioned about whether he had been offered an honour after agreeing to loan the party money.

Sir Christopher, who was not on the last honours list, has expressed dismay at being arrested after he answered police questions willingly.

Lord Levy, the Prime Minister’s fundraiser, has also been interviewed.

Both men are understood to have had DNA swabs taken and their genetic details placed on a DNA database.

Update: here.

Another update: here.

And here.

Not just Blairized-Thatcherized Nu “Labour”, also Thatcher’s old Conservative Party in financial scandal, according to the BBC.