Avocets, spotted redshanks and seals

This video is about barnacle geese, golden plovers and other birds, as seen from the hide near Polder Breebaart nature reserve in Groningen province in the Netherlands.

We went there on 10 June 2014, two days after our arrival in Losdorp.

As we passed a built-up area of Delfzijl on our way, an oystercatcher alongside a wood pigeon on a lawn.

As we arrived at Breebaart: black-tailed godwits and spotted redshanks.

Shelducks. Avocets.

Northern lapwings. Starlings.

Barnacle geese.

Five spoonbills on an islet.

A redshank couple walks along the shoreline with their youngster.

On the bank on the other side, a male wigeon rests between mallards.

A white wagtail.

A bit later, an adult yellow wagtail and a juvenile.

We walk to the Dollard estuary.

A kestrel gets its head out of a nestbox.

About thirty harbour seals resting on the sandbanks, both adults and young.

Then, something suspicious. A human walking near the bank, where people are forbidden to go as the seals should not be disturbed. The human picks up a young seal from a muddy part of a sandbank. Are we witnessing wildlife crime?

Soon, we find out there was no cause for alarm. The human turns out to be a lady who has been saving baby seals for decades. This young seal had been left behind by its mother. Some parts of the soil are very muddy here, and seal babies may get stuck. The seal goes into a yellow car of the Pieterburen seal rescue centre.

Shelducks fly past.

As we walk back, the kestrel sits on top of its nestbox now.

In Termunterzijl village, a few orange flags, because of the football World Cup in Brazil (which had not started then yet).

Satellite tracking has shown seals like to feed near offshore wind farms and pipelines. The scientists believe that these man-made structures serve as artificial reefs and attractive hunting grounds. Their data showed seals regularly entering the wind farms and, in some cases, perform striking grid-like movement patterns as they forage: here.

Ten thousands dunlin, one curlew sandpiper, six seals

This video is about avocets nesting in Breebaart nature reserve in the Netherlands, and about a visual artist painting them.

7 September 2013. From Losdorp to Breebaart nature reserve.

As we come near the reserve, a buzzard on a pole.

Grey lag geese flying. Also many gray leg geese in the reserve.

Scores of avocets.

This video from Britain is called BTO Bird ID – Knot and Dunlin.

Dunlin by the ten thousands. Every now and then, they fear, rightly or wrongly, a peregrine falcon or other attack. Then, flocks of thousands of the small waders start flying synchronically, looking white at first, then black as they turn.

Northern lapwings fly along with the dunlin.

In the hide, there is a barn swallow nest with young chicks. Every now and then, the parents fly in, bringing insect food. A poster asks to leave at least one of the windows of the hide open, in order to not lock the parents out.

Ringed plovers along the shore. Shoveler ducks and teal swimming.

A black-tailed godwit. Redshanks.

Then, a relatively rare wader. A young curlew sandpiper; slightly bigger than a dunlin.

We walk to the Dollard bay. Near the shore, six harbour seals rest on a sandbank. Also many dunlin here. Scores of black-headed gulls.

Four shelducks fly past. A bit later, twenty ducks of the same species.

Red admiral, Breebaart, 7 September 2013

As we walk back, a red admiral butterfly.

Dutch snipe, plover, dunlin photos

After the earlier wader photos, here are some more from the hide of Breebaart nature reserve in the Netherlands.

Snipe, Breebaart, 23 July 2012

This is a snipe, looking for food in the mud.

Juvenile little ringed plover, Breebaart, 23 July 2012

This is a juvenile little ringed plover.

Young little ringed plover, Breebaart, 23 July 2012

This is the same young plover.

Dunlins, Breebaart, 23 July 2012

This is a group of dunlins, some in black belly summer plumage.

Dutch songbird photos from Breebaart

On 23 July 2012 in Dutch nature reserve Breebaart, I saw not just spoonbills and waders, but songbirds as well.

Juvenile pied wagtail, Breebaart, 23 July 2012

This is a juvenile pied wagtail.

Starling, Breebaart, 23 July 2012

And this is a starling.

Spoonbill photos from Breebaart

On 23 July 2012, there were not just avocets and other waders in Breebaart nature reserve in the Netherlands.

Flying spoonbills, Breebaart, 23 July 2012

This photo shows spoonbills flying there.

Spoonbills, Breebaart, 23 July 2012

And this photo shows them after they have landed. Note the difference between adults and youngsters which do not have black bills yet.

Dutch avocet photos from Breebaart

Breebaart avocets and dunlins, 23 July 2012

On 23 July 2012, from the hide of Breebaart nature reserve in the Netherlands, not just photos of a common sandpiper, a redshank and a bar-tailed godwit, but also of the many avocets which nest and live there. This photo shows Breebaart avocets; and dunlins, background and foreground.

Breebaart avocets and ruddy shelduck, 23 July 2012

This photo shows Breebaart avocets and a lone ruddy shelduck flying.

Breebaart avocets and dunlins flying, 23 July 2012

This photo shows Breebaart avocets and dunlins flying.

Breebaart avocets flying, 23 July 2012

This photo shows Breebaart avocets flying.

Avocets of Klutenplas, near Uithuizen, Groningen: here.

Dutch waders photos from Breebaart

On 23 July 2012, I was in the hide of Breebaart nature reserve in the Netherlands.

These wader photos were taken then.

Common sandpiper, Breebaart, 23 July 2012

This is a common sandpiper.

Redshank, Breebaart, 23 July 2012

This is a redshank.

Bar-tailed godwit, Breebaart, 23 July 2012

This is a bar-tailed godwit.

Also Breebaart bird photos: here.