Kentish plovers and sanderlings in Portugal

Tuesday 10 April.

After yesterday, again in Tavira, Portugal. A poster announces the May Day celebration by the CGTP, the trade union federation in Portugal,

Today, the ferry to Tavira island.

This video is on Tavira island.

A crested lark sings.

On the Atlantic ocean beach, barn swallows flying.

Gulls’ tracks.

Also, much smaller, sanderlings’ tracks.

Sanderling, Tavira island, 10 April 2012

Sanderlings, Tavira island, 10 April 2010

A bit later, sanderlings themselves, three of them running along the floodline. Later, seven sanderlings.

A lesser black-backed gull flying.

Kentish plovers on the beach.

Kentish plover, Tavira island, 10 April 2012

On the river mouth jetty, three great cormorants; two of them drying their wings by spreading them.

Bee-eater and hoopoe in Portugal

Curlew sandpiper, Tavira, 9 April 2012

9 April 2012. After the morning, in the afternoon to the salt pans close to Tavira. Curlew sandpipers.

Kentish plover, Tavira salt pans, 9 April 2012

Kentish plovers.

Sanderling, Tavira salt pan, 9 April 2012


A redshank.

Hoopoe, Tavira, 9 April 2012

In the orchard, a hoopoe sitting on the ground.

Bee-eater, Tavira, 9 April 2012

Bee-eaters flying. One of them sits down on a wire not far away. It has a big insect in its bill, I think a dragonfly. The bird swallows its prey after some seconds.

European serin singing.

Crested larks.

Goldfinch, Tavira, 9 April 2012

European goldfinches in the orchard.

This video is about sunset near Tavira.

Portuguese little tern and redshank

Monday 9 April, after yesterday, in Tavira, Portugal.

In the morning, walking to the mouth of the Gilão river.

House sparrow, Tavira, 9 April 2012

A male house sparrow sits on a rocky roof. A reminder of the origin of this bird species. Thousands of years ago, house sparrows lived in the rocky mountainous border area of what is now Iraq, Iran and Turkey. They fed on grain seeds. When agriculture and the building of stone houses spread from that region to elsewhere, house sparrows extended their range as well, to Europe and elsewhere.

A common sandpiper on the river bank.

On the other side: yellow-legged gull. Two grey plovers.

Curlew sandpipers and sanderlings.

A black-tailed godwit. Probably, an individual later than its colleagues in continuing its migration to the north.

A turnstone.

Bee-eaters flying overhead.

Many avocets in salt pans near the river.

A coot flying over the river.

A dunlin on the bank.

In a salt pan: two black-winged stilts, and a Kentish plover behind them.

Yellow wagtail, Tavira, 9 March 2012

Very many yellow wagtails, resting here from migration.

A white stork.

Little tern, Tavira, 9 April 2012

A little tern rests on a salt pan dike.

Redshank, Tavira salt pan, 9 April 2012

A redshank.

A great cormorant flying.

A magpie on a parking lot. A Eurasian magpie; not an azure-winged magpie for which the Iberian peninsula is famous.

Near the ferry to Tavira island, a little egret looks for food. A whimbrel.

Murdoch’s Fox News’ euphemism on nazis

This video is called Surviving Hitler: A Boy in the Nazi Death Camps.

From Democracy NOW! in the USA:

Fox Criticized for Calling Neo-Nazis a “Civil Rights Group”

In media news, a Fox affiliate in Florida is facing criticism after it referred to a neo-Nazi group as a “civil rights group” in a report about Trayvon Martin’s killing. Here is part of the Fox report that includes an interview with Jeff Schoep of the National Socialist Movement.

Anchor Jennifer Bisram: “There’s another civil rights group in town: the National Socialist Movement.”

Jeff Schoep: “A lot of people in the community, in the white community down there, had been contacting us out of concern for their safety just because of racial tensions.”

Anchor Jennifer Bisram: “Racial tensions after 17-year-old Trayvon Martin was shot and killed by George Zimmerman. Zimmerman is claiming self-defense and has been in hiding now for weeks.”

Jeff Schoep: “We’re a white civil rights organization, and we go into areas where we’re needed and where white citizens need our help.”

According to the Southern Poverty Law Center, the National Socialist Movement has its roots in the original American Nazi Party. It is now one of the largest neo-Nazi organizations in the country. The group openly idolizes Adolf Hitler and calls for the deportation of every non-white person in the country.

Alan Maass, Jeremiah Cleghorn and Joe Richard report on new protests in Sanford as the legal case against George Zimmerman takes another turn: here.

An affidavit filed Thursday outlines the prosecution’s second-degree murder case against George Zimmerman: here.

Why the Racist Tulsa Killings Are Just as Important As the Death of Trayvon Martin: here.

Murdochalypse Comes to America: Is Fox News Next to Fall? Here.

Talking about the Murdoch empire: Britain’s police watchdog tore a chunk out of senior Scotland Yard officers on Thursday who had taken “imprudent decisions” and shown “poor judgement” in their dealings with a former News of the World executive.

Study: Watching Fox News Makes You Less Informed Than Watching No News: here.

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New carnivorous plant discovered

This video says about itself:

Dr. Peter Fritsch, Curator, Department of Botany at the California Academy of Sciences, describes how over the period of 10 years he and colleagues discovered the first carnivorous plant species known to trap and digest worms underground using adhesive leaves. This species, Philcoxia minensis, is part of the family Plantaginaceae, which is not believed to be otherwise carnivorous at all.

Global warming does not benefit plants: new study: here.

Meat-eating plant digests insects using ants: here.

Live fast, die young – plant species living in urban backyards are closer related to each other and live shorter than plant species in the countryside: here.

Belgian transport workers keep fighting

This 31 May 2016 video is called Public sector workers strike against austerity in Belgium.

From daily The Morning Star in Britain today:

Transport strike enters day four

BELGIUM: Trains, trams and buses in Brussels remained at a standstill on Tuesday as transport workers extended a strike into its fourth day.

Transport chiefs admitted: “Not a single metro, tram or bus is going.”

Staff are on strike for better protection from violent customers following the fatal beating of a supervisor when he was called to the site of an accident on Saturday.

Authorities have promised 400 extra police for the transport network but staff say it is not enough.

Greece‘s Panhellenic Seamen’s Federation (PNO) called a 48-hour strike on Tuesday in protest at lack of payment and benefit cuts: here.