CIA spy Anne Sacoolas killed English teenager

Charlotte Charles

From daily The Morning Star in Britain:

Sunday, February 9, 2020

Charlotte Charles: How could they do this to us?

THE mother of teenage motorcyclist Harry Dunn criticised the government today following reports that her son’s alleged killer had served as a spy with the CIA.

Somewhat like this blog already suspected.

According to the conservative Daily Mail, Ms Sacoolas held a higher rank than her NSA spy husband.

Sacoolas was a senior CIA spy. At last, says PETER FROST, the Mail on Sunday has caught up with the Morning Star.

Charlotte Charles said that she and the rest of Mr Dunn’s family were “full of anger” after hearing of Anne Sacoolas’s alleged past and asked of the British government: “How could they do this to us?”

She said that the fresh reports took her back to the early days following her son’s death when she claims that the government “were trying to kick all this under the carpet.”

Dunn family spokesman Radd Seiger has called for a public inquiry into the matter, saying that Foreign Secretary Dominic Raab did not mention the suspect’s reported past as a CIA officer herself.

He said: “Something has clearly gone very badly wrong and it is no wonder that Boris Johnson has not seen it fit to meet with the parents and I.”

It is understood that the family have since written to the Foreign Office asking for an explanation as to what they knew about Ms Sacoolas’s history with the CIA.

Mr Dunn was killed when his motorbike crashed into a car outside a US military base in Northamptonshire on August 27 last year.

Ms Sacoolas, 42, the wife of an intelligence official based at RAF Croughton, claimed diplomatic immunity following the crash and was able to return to her home country, sparking an international controversy.

She was charged with causing Mr Dunn’s death by dangerous driving in December but US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo rejected an extradition request last month.

The US State Department said that the request would render the invocation of diplomatic immunity a practical nullity and would set an extraordinarily troubling precedent.

A spokeswoman for the Foreign Office said: “Anne Sacoolas was notified to us as a spouse with no official role.”

Spying causes injustice for killed English teenager

The crash location at Croughton spy base in England, where Anne Sacoolas killed teenager Harry Dunn

By Laura Tiernan in Britain:

US protects NSA spy’s wife wanted in UK over teenager’s death

9 October 2019

The Trump administration is refusing to waive immunity for the wife of a senior US spy, who fled the UK after she was involved in a head-on collision more than a month ago that killed 19-year-old Harry Dunn.

Anne Sacoolas, 42, is wanted by police over the death of the young motorcyclist in Northamptonshire on August 27. She was reportedly travelling on the wrong side of the road for up to 400 metres and collided head-on with Dunn, who suffered horrific multiple injuries.

The accident took place near the RAF base at Croughton, a US Airforce spy base otherwise known as the Joint Intelligence Analysis Centre.

Sacoolas, a former US State Department employee, has been widely described in the press as the wife of a diplomat, but in fact her husband Jonathan Sacoolas is a National Security Agency (NSA) spy.

Describing Anne Sacoolas as a ‘diplomat’s wife’ is indeed a euphemism. However, describing her as a ‘spy’s wife’ may also not say enough. As she may well be, like her husband, a senior NSA spook, not some stay-at-home housewife.

As she came in her Volvo car out of the Croughton spy base when she killed Harry Dunn.

As the couple owns not only an expensive Volvo car, but also an expensive $770,000 home in the USA. Their children went to an expensive private school in Brackley.

I am not sure whether just Jonathan Sacoolas’ NSA salary would be enough for all that if Anne would be a stay-at-home housewife.

Also, what was Ms Sacoolas’ State Department job? That remains vague. State Department jobs sometimes are covers for NSA, CIA etc. spies.

According to the Seattle Times in the USA:

The State Department allows hundreds of its positions in embassies around the world to be occupied by CIA officers representing themselves as diplomats.

The US Embassy in Britain previously said that “security considerations” precluded it from naming Ms Sacoolas.

These ‘security considerations’, once again, suggest that Ms Sacoolas is not some stay-at-home housewife.

It might be more like the Trump administration was scared that Ms Sacoolas might get questions, by police, or at a manslaughter trial, like: ‘Why did you drive on the wrong side of the road when leaving the spy base, and why did you not notice Harry Dunn before you killed him?’

Anne Sacoolas: ‘I was still thinking about the important NSA meeting at the spy base I had just left’.

Question: ‘What was that important meeting about?’

Anne Sacoolas: ‘About ruining the British Labour party … and about having more United States drone assassinations from British soil.’

The NSA, Trump’s Secretary of State Mike Pompeo and Donald Trump may have wanted to prevent conversations like that; and that is why they spirited her out of Britain as a fugitive from justice.

TRUMP DEFENDS WIFE OF U.S. DIPLOMAT Trump addressed the transatlantic controversy over a U.S. diplomat’s wife who police say was driving on the wrong side of the road when she hit a teenage British motorcyclist, who was killed. The woman subsequently fled the U.K.  [HuffPost]

The Laura Tiernan article continues:

A lawyer acting for Dunn’s family told the Mail on Sunday that Jonathan Sacoolas “was working with intelligence which is, I guess, why it has been handled in the way that it has.”

Northamptonshire police have confirmed that “diplomatic immunity had been raised as an issue” when they met with Anne Sacoolas the day after the crash. No further details surrounding this initial claim have been divulged.

According to the Guardian’s Diplomatic Editor Patrick Wintour, “US staff, including civilian staff and their dependents, at designated military bases in the UK, including RAF Croughton, are protected under the Visiting Forces Act 1952, reinforced by further legislation in 1964. They are able to claim some legal immunity in the UK.”

After news of Sacoolas’s flight broke over the weekend, the British media highlighted police claims that the suspect had “engaged fully” following the incident. Police Superintendent Sarah Johnson said Sacoolas “had previously confirmed… that she had no plans to leave the country in the near future.”

Police accepted the suspect’s empty assurances of full cooperation, concluding she was not a “flight risk”. This defies innocent explanation. If Sacoolas was “fully engaged” in helping the investigation, why was she dangling the threat of diplomatic immunity the day after the crash?

The official timeline surrounding these events is deliberately murky.

Northamptonshire police responded to Sacoolas’s assertion of diplomatic immunity by applying to the US embassy for a waiver to arrest and formally interview the suspect. But US embassy officials later—at an unreported date—told police the waiver had been refused and that Sacoolas had already left the country.

According to Tuesday’s Daily Mail, “Government sources said Mrs. Sacoolas and her family were ‘put on a plane’ within hours of learning she may face charges. Harry’s family believe she flew out quickly as her husband is a spy and US authorities wanted to ensure his identity was not compromised.”

Police were preparing to charge Sacoolas with dangerous driving causing death and had reportedly prepared a file for the Crown Prosecution Service. On Tuesday, Northamptonshire Chief Constable Nick Adderley said he had written to the US embassy “in the strongest terms, urging them to apply the diplomatic immunity waiver.”

Harry Dunn’s parents, Charlotte and Tim, have spoken out publicly, calling on Sacoolas to return to the UK and face questioning over their son’s death. Harry Dunn told SkyNews on Tuesday, “Our understanding is that she was compliant with police and admitted at the time she was in the wrong. We know from police she was going to stay in the country and committed to being here for three years. So, to hear the news from police [that she had fled the UK] a few weeks after the funeral was devastating.”

Harry Dunn's parents speaking out this week

Charlotte said, “She’s left a family in complete ruin. We’re broken inside and out… We’re just utterly shocked and appalled that somebody is allowed to get on a plane and go home and avoid our justice system. We’re not a horrible family, we’re just a usual UK family who just need to put a face to what we now have as a name and talk to her, find out how she’s feeling. She’s got to be suffering as well, you know, she’s a mum.”

The stand taken by Dunn’s parents met with immediate public sympathy. A GoFundMe appeal raised more than £10,000 towards legal costs in just a few days and #Justice4Harry was trending yesterday on social media. The family has said it will pursue matters legally in the US.

Public fury over what amounts to a hit-and-run by a protected US asset forced Conservative Prime Minister Boris Johnson’s government into damage control. On Tuesday, a grim-faced Johnson told the press that UK officials would speak to the US ambassador that day and “if we can’t resolve it then… I will be raising it myself with the White House.”

UK Foreign Secretary Dominic Raab has urged the US Embassy to issue the necessary diplomatic waiver. He later spoke with US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo, by telephone Monday night, with a spokesman saying that Raab “reiterated his disappointment with the US decision and urged them to reconsider.”

The US State Department has refused to answer any questions on the matter, merely stating that “immunity is rarely waived.” Media and legal experts have claimed the incident is “a huge test of the UK-US special relationship”, but the relationship is working as intended. Since the head-on collision on August 27, US and UK authorities have clearly worked together to facilitate the Sacoolas family’s illegal departure from the country.

Former UK diplomat Craig Murray pointed out yesterday that Sacoolas was not on the official Diplomatic List and “Neither Sacoolas nor his wife has any right to claim diplomatic immunity under the Vienna Convention”. Citing the relevant Articles of the Vienna Convention, Murray concluded, “Jonathan Sacoolas does not have, and has never had, any entitlement to diplomatic immunity in international law.”

The Sacoolas incident exposes once again the criminality that dominates imperialist diplomacy. When protecting the wife of an NSA spy, the US Embassy and the Trump Administration cite Vienna Convention rights to immunity for “diplomatic” staff. The British media and political establishment obediently comply, describing James Sacoolas as a diplomat to assist their flight from the law.

International law is, in reality, determined by the geostrategic interests of US imperialism and its allies. On Monday, WikiLeaks tweeted on the Sacoolas case asking, “Will the UK charge US diplomat’s wife and request her extradition? Interesting to follow how UK balances death of a teenager on its own soil, immunity of the wife of a US diplomat, ‘special relationship’ with Trump’s administration, US trade post-Brexit.”

The state protection afforded Sacoolas forms a brutal counterpoint to the illegal detention and persecution of WikiLeaks publisher and journalist Julian Assange.

On April 11, 2019 the US Department of Justice demonstrated its real attitude to the Vienna Convention when it ordered a UK police snatch-squad to storm the Ecuadorian Embassy and illegally seize Assange, a political asylee.

While police declared Sacoolas was not a “flight risk” despite a prior conviction in the US for dangerous driving and clear indications she would pursue diplomatic immunity to avoid prosecution, Assange has encountered no such leniency. Jailed on a trumped-up bail infringement charge, the courts refused to release him even after his sentence was served, with Judge Vanessa Baraitser declaring he was at “risk of absconding”.

Meanwhile, the same British press that has relentlessly smeared, defamed and psychologically tortured Assange has politely recycled false claims that Sacoolas’s NSA spy husband is a diplomat, failing to even report the filthy incident for more than six weeks.

It is, of course, really good news that Anne Sacoolas has been charged with causing death by dangerous driving after 19-year-old motorcyclist Harry Dunn was killed when his bike was hit by a car being driven on the wrong side of the road at the exit of RAF Croughton near Brackley in Northamptonshire: here.

Harry Dunn’s family call on UN to review ‘outdated’ diplomatic immunity conventions. Anne Sacoolas claimed diplomatic immunity after Mr Dunn was killed when his motorbike collided with a car outside RAF Croughton: here.

U.S. DECLINES TO EXTRADITE DIPLOMAT’S WIFE IN FATAL UK CRASH The United States refused to extradite a diplomat’s wife whose wrong-way driving killed a teenage motorcyclist in England. Anne Sacoolas and her family retreated to the U.S. just weeks after the Aug. 27 crash that left 19-year-old Harry Dunn dead. She faces charges in the U.K. if she’s forced to return. [HuffPost]

USA helps English teenager’s killer flee from justice

Harry Dunn and his mother

This is an undated family photo of Harry Dunn, the teenager killed by United States alleged spy Anne Sacoolas, and his mother.

From daily The Morning Star in Britain:

Monday, October 7, 2019

Secret agreement gives US diplomats at Northamptonshire spy base immunity from prosecution

The agreement has only come to light following a hit-and-run scandal involving the wife of a US diplomat at the base in Croughton

US DIPLOMATS stationed at a shadowy spy base in rural Northamptonshire have immunity from prosecution under a secret agreement — even though they work more than 50 miles away from the US embassy in London, it has emerged.

The agreement, which stretches back a quarter-century to 1994, has only come to light following a hit-and-run scandal involving the wife of a US diplomat from the base in Croughton.

Anne Sacoolas, 42, is alleged to have killed local teenager Harry Dunn when she drove out of the spy base on the wrong side of the road on August 27.

The fatal crash has left Mr Dunn’s family heartbroken and demanding justice.

Ms Sacoolas told Northamptonshire police that she held diplomatic immunity because of her husband’s job, and returned to the US soon after the accident.

The prime minister has come under intense pressure to raise the issue with the US authorities, and Boris Johnson claims he will now urge Washington to review diplomatic immunity in this case.

However, it is not publicly known which agreement grants US personnel at the Croughton base immunity from prosecution.

US forces operate from Croughton under a Status of Forces Agreement (Sofa) from the 1950s.

The Pentagon has similar Sofa deals with countries around the world, to maintain its sprawling network of foreign military bases.

In 2016, the Pentagon had to amend its Sofa agreement with Japan to reduce the number of personnel eligible for immunity.

The move followed outrage at the rape and murder of a 20-year-old woman in Okinawa by a US army contractor.

British Conservatives waste taxpayers’ money on canal to nowhere

This video from the USA says about itself:

Palin was for ‘Bridge to Nowhere’

2 September 2008

McCain’s VP did not reject Congressional funds for infrastructure projects in Alaska.

After the bridge to nowhere of Alaska’s conservative Republican governor, vice presidential candidate, Donald Trump supporter and believer in dinosaurs living at the same time as humans, Sarah Palin, now …

By Peter Frost in England:

Daventry‘s Tory canal to nowhere

Wednesday 26th July 2017

PETER FROST loves the English canals but is worried about adding a single extra mile at a cost of £8.7 million

TOMORROW Daventry District Council (DDC) will vote to spend almost £9 million pounds on building less than a mile of canal that, like many Tory projects, doesn’t go anywhere.

If you want to move or moor a boat on this short stretch of canal, you will have to load the boat on a low-loader and have it craned off into this new canal-shaped pond in the middle of Daventry town.

Perhaps I need to declare an interest. I pay my council tax to that council in Northamptonshire. I am a member of the Daventry Labour Party. Indeed, I have chaired the party in the past. The local council has 30 councillors who are Tories and just six who aren’t. Three are Labour, two Ukip, one Liberal Democrat.

I don’t like our local Tories. I’d like to see them swept from office but strangely they still retain the power to shock and horrify me with their short-sighted policies and stupid decisions.

To find the real origins of this crazy canal scheme you will need to travel back in history. The Romans built Britain’s very first canals. Much later Dutch engineers built canalised rivers to drain our fens.

The first true canal for carrying goods was built in 1761 by engineer James Brindley. A transport revolution followed with many miles of canals being built as part of the rapid industrialisation of England.

At the height of canal use there were nearly 3,000 miles of these arteries of the industrial revolution carrying all sorts of cargo to all sorts of destinations.

The Oxford Canal, completed in 1790, was difficult to navigate. The need for a quicker, more direct waterway to link the capital with the Midlands led to the construction of the Grand Junction Canal.

The Grand Junction joins with the Oxford at Braunston just a couple of miles from Daventry. The canal bypassed Daventry but, even when the canal was built in 1793, the company planned a three-mile arm from the mainline to Daventry town centre. But that arm was never built.

More than two centuries later, in austerity Britain, for reasons not clear to anyone, the Tory Daventry council thought it would be a good idea to finally build that canal arm.

Initial costing was £10m but as the project grew in size and complication that more than doubled.

No problem, cried the council. It won’t be local people who pay the bill but investors who will be desperate to put money into the new Daventry canal arm. No local or community money would be spent on the harebrained scheme they promised.

Tory MP Chris Heaton-Harris promised local people “that this should never be paid for by taxpayers.”

Despite its own MP’s advice, DDC is now proposing to build a new canal link from the existing Grand Union Canal to the town centre, terminating in a series of mooring basins with shops, housing, restaurants and perhaps even a pub.

From the initial concept, dreamed up in 2002, the dream got bigger, more expensive and even more unbelievable.

The scheme proposed up to seven canal locks and perhaps a canal boat lift replacing four of the locks. The total bill reached £24m.

Boat lifts are impressive, and unbelievably expensive. Restored historic boat lifts and a new lift built in Falkirk have proved real tourist attractions.

The logic was that what’s good enough for Falkirk could do miracles for Daventry’s tourism.

Not only did most local people oppose the plan but nobody seemed to want to invest in it; most people thought that without local public support or any private investment that the scheme would simply be forgotten, but no.

The council decided, despite all its previous assurances, that it would use council money to fund the plan.

The council realised it could not afford the entire £24m but declared it would spend £8.7m on a three-quarter of a mile length from the town centre and not actually joining the original mainline of the canal.

The new tiny length of canal would have moorings but to reach them you would need to crane your boat onto a low-loader and drive to the canal.

No wonder popular Daventry Labour Councillor Wendy Randall branded the scheme a “ludicrous idea” at a recent council strategy meeting.

Funding for the long-standing project was backed by the Tory majority of strategy group members on July 6, despite much noisy opposition from a picket outside the meeting and from the public gallery.

Randall didn’t just call the canal arm a ludicrous idea, she also expressed her concerns over broken assurances that the project would never be funded with public money.

She said: “Every time we have discussed this it’s always been about investors coming on board.

“Never have I heard it mentioned about us using any of our budget. Our local MP, Chris Heaton-Harris, is president of the Canal Trust. He has always maintained that this canal would never, ever be funded by public money.”

At the meeting Tory Colin Poole opened the discussion listing the potential benefits to the town.

He was about as convincing to local people as his council had been attracting private investor money to the hare-brained scheme.

You can join the protest outside the council offices tomorrow evening at 5.45pm The meeting is open to public from 6.15pm onwards. You can email your views to the chief executive

Purple emperor butterflies in England

This is a video about a purple emperor butterfly feeding in France.

By Peter Frost in England:

Emperor brought down to earth by shrimp paste

Friday 8th August 2014

Peter Frost reveals a secret ritual designed to enhance the survival chances of the rarest of butterflies

At the end of July and for the early days of August something really unusual is happening in Fermyn Woods in the Rockingham Forest between Corby and Kettering in Northamptonshire.

Beneath the high trees, members of a quaintly named organisation called the Purple Empire arrange a special breakfast for some exotic and beautiful inhabitants.

Chief item on the menu will be shrimp paste and members of the Empire have scoured oriental supermarkets and food shops seeking out the most pungent and malodorous varieties.

So who is guest of honour at this morning feast? Why no one less than Britain’s second largest, and most spectacular butterfly — the aptly named Purple Emperor (Apatura iris). Only male butterflies are invited to the feast.

Spectacular the emperor might be, but it is also spectacularly difficult to observe. The colourful males flit high in the tree tops waiting to lure a dull female virgin to mate.

Generations of amateur but skilful lepidopterists have discovered the gloriously coloured male butterflies can be lured down, into camera range by, of all things, smelly and tasty shrimp paste.

There are several reasons why the Fermyn Woods are one of the best places to see this spectacular insect.

The woods are marshy and full of Goat Willow (Salix caprea) and Grey Willow (Salix cinerea) trees, the favourite food plants of the purple emperor’s caterpillars.

The other reason is the pioneering work by one of our greatest countryside writers and illustrators, Denys Watkins-Pitchford, who wrote wonderfully evocative country and children’s books under the pen-name BB.

Like many other wildlife writers BB had realised the huge dangers of excessive usage of DDT and other insecticide sprays so common in the ’60s and ’70s.

He realised they were destroying species like the purple emperor as well as other insects, birds and animals further up the food chain.

Watkins-Pitchford had another far more intensely personal reason for his attitude to agricultural chemical abuse.

In 1974 his wife Cecily became unwell after working in their garden while a farmer was spraying his fields next door. She died a few weeks later.

In the very garden the couple had shared the writer built huge muslin cages where he bred the purple emperor, nicknamed “His Majesty” by butterfly fans. He bought the species back from the edge of extinction.

A male emperor is without doubt one of the most elegant of all our butterflies. From some angles the wings look black with white bands — then as the sunlight catches the wing scales they light up with an amazing regal purple sheen.

The female is a deep brown and does not have any of the showy colour of the male.

If you want to spot an emperor the best time is early morning or in late afternoon. It is then that the males will occasionally flutter down to feed on animal dung, carrion, or even that tempting shrimp paste. This extra diet provides the emperor with much needed salts and minerals.

Males will sometimes spend over an hour feeding in the same place.

They are often found in woodland car parks landing on wet muddy cars.

Strangely they also enjoy sweaty humans and can often land on thrilled watchers to drink beads of salty perspiration.

Most of the time, however, they will be out of sight high in tree canopy feeding on aphid honeydew.

The males tend to congregate in very large oak trees they have used for generations. From such a high point, perhaps on the top of a hill, the males wait to pounce on passing females.

The males vying for the best and highest perches battle it out with purple wings flashing in the sun. It is a wildlife spectacular you will never forget.

When a dowdy virgin female flits by the pair fly off and settle high in the canopy to mate.

Mating over, she flies down to earth while he returns to his high emperor’s throne ready for another chance to pass on his DNA.