World’s oldest embryo discovered in 380 million year old fish

This is a video of a Dunkleosteus [big placoderm fish] eating a shark.

From Nature:

The oldest pregnant mum

Devonian fossilized fish contains an embryo.

Carina Dennis

Researchers in Australia have uncovered the oldest record of live birth — viviparity — in any vertebrate (see page 650). The discovery of embryos in fossils of placoderms (ancient, armoured, jawed fish) indicates that vertebrates have been copulating and giving birth to live young for at least 380 million years.

“We’ve discovered the world’s oldest [pregnant] mother,” says palaeontologist John Long at Museum Victoria in Melbourne, Australia, who led the study. Previously, the earliest records of viviparity were from marine reptiles from the Jurassic period that date back to around 180 million years ago, he says.

The fossils are from the Gogo Formation, a one-time coral reef in northwest Australia that is renowned for its remarkably well-preserved fish from the Devonian period, some 380 million years ago. The region is tectonically stable, so specimens have been spared the movements of Earth’s plates that often distort fossils. “Gogo fish are three-dimensional, uncrushed, perfect specimens — as if they died yesterday,” says Long. Soft tissues, including muscle and nerve structures, have been reported in Gogo specimens (K. Trinajstic et al. Biol. Lett. 3, 197–200; 2007).

The researchers identified a single embryo in a new Gogo fish genus, and three embryos in a previously described specimen. “When you find a little fish inside a big fish, you tend to think it was dinner,” Long says. But the researchers concluded that the bones were those of embryos, not ingested remains, because they were not crushed or etched by digestive acids. What nailed it, according to Long, was the identification of an umbilical structure and a putative yolk sac.

Palaeontologists will be excited but not completely surprised by the findings, because many suspected that some placoderms fertilized internally. The males of a sub-group of placoderms, called ptyctodontids, have clasper-like appendages dangling from their pelvic fins — these are reminiscent of the claspers of modern sharks that are used to inseminate females.

See also here.

And here.

Devonian actinopterygian phylogeny and evolution based on a redescription of Stegotrachelus finlayi: here.

Helicoprion was a shark-like fish that arose in the oceans of the late Carboniferous 280 million years ago, and eventually went extinct during the early Triassic some 225 million years ago: here.

US diplomats sent forcibly to Iraq war zone

This video from the USA is called Dahr Jamail – Beyond the Green Zone.

From Associated Press:

Diplomats eyed for possible forced service in Iraq


The Associated Press

May 27, 2008

The State Department has begun to identify diplomats who could be forced to serve in Iraq next year unless enough volunteers come forward to fill about 300 positions, The Associated Press has learned.

A department-wide notice issued Tuesday says officials have looked through the files of all foreign service officers who will be applying or ‘bidding’ for new jobs in 2009 and compiled a roster of candidates who are ‘particularly well-qualified’ to work at the American Embassy in Baghdad and in outlying provinces. …

A similar move late last year for 48 vacant jobs in Iraq caused an uproar when some foreign service officers objected to forced tours in a war zone in what would have been the largest diplomatic call-up since the Vietnam War.

See also here.

Bush’s ex press secretary McClellan on Iraq war lies

This video from the USA is called Scott McClellan turns on Bush Administration and Rove.

From The Swamp in the USA:

Bush’s ‘Culture of Deception’: McClellan

The book of the former press secretary accuses the White House of intentionally misleading the public in pursuit of an elusive goal: Peace in the Middle East. It even accuses Bush of misleading himself.

by Mark Silva

Scott McClellan, one of the Texans who came to Washington with President George W. Bush, spent a long time defending the administration but now has concluded this his longtime employer misled the nation into an unneeded war in Iraq.

“History appears poised to confirm what most Americans today have decided — that the decision to invade Iraq was a serious strategic blunder,” Scott McClellan, the former White House press secretary, writes in his book, What Happened, which will be released on Monday. Subtitle: Washington’s Culture of Deception.

“No one, including me, can know with absolute certainty how the war will be viewed decades from now when we can more fully understand its impact,” he writes in the preface of the book. “What I do know is that war should only be waged when necessary, and the Iraq war was not necessary.”

This from a son of Austin who served Bush as governor of Texas, campaigned with him through two elections and served as press secretary into the second term.

Ex-Bush spokesman: White House fed war propaganda to a “complicit” media: here.

See also here.

And here.

Did George Bush Authorize Plame Leak? Here.

Scott McClellan, a former White House press spokesman, has criticised Condoleezza Rice, the US secretary of state, for not questioning her colleagues or George Bush on foreign policy: here.

Karl Rove: here. And here.

Global warming brings rare bird to Machu Picchu, Peru

This video is called Mountain Caracara (Phalcoboenus megalopterus).

From Living in Peru:

Peru: Global Warming brings rare bird to Machu Picchu

Israel J. Ruiz

The Mountain Caracara, a species of bird of prey in the Falconidae family, has shown changes in its behavior pattern which indicate it is being affected by Peru’s change of climate in the highlands.

The caracara, a bird that usually lives between 3,500 – 5,000 meters (11,482 – 16,404 feet) above sea level, was venerated by the Incas.

Such was the respect the Incas had for the bird that its feathers were used in the headdress if Inca kings.

The Mountain Caracara has recently been found living at much lower altitudes and specialists are asking themselves what has brought the high-Andes bird closer to humans.

According to biologists in Peru, the majestic bird is relocating because of weather alterations and abrupt changes in the climate.

Specialists have noted that more of these birds can be seen at the Inca Citadel atop Machu Picchu, which is 2,400 meters (7,875 ft) above sea level.

Julio Ochoa, a biologist at Machu Picchu Archaeological Park has questioned why the Mountain Caracara (Phalcoboenus megalopterus), a bird that lives 3,500 – 5,000 meters above sea level is seen so frequently at Machu Picchu.

“These are visible consequence of climate change,” said Ochoa.

“Many speak of this phenomenon as if it were something distant. This is a concrete case of the changes that are taking place.”

The ancient Incan sanctuary of Machu Picchu is considered one of humanity’s greatest architectural achievements. Built in a remote Andean setting atop a narrow ridge high above a precipitous river canyon, the site is renowned for its perfect integration with the spectacular landscape. But the sanctuary’s location has long puzzled scientists: Why did the Incas build their masterpiece in such an inaccessible place? Research suggests the answer may be related to the geological faults that lie beneath the site: here.

Egyptian divers discover temple in Nile

This video is called Philae Temple Aswan Egypt.

From Egyptology News blog:

There have been various bits of news trickling out of Egypt about underwater discoveries in the Nile at Aswan. Here’s the latest.

“Archaeologists have discovered a portico, or covered entryway, of an ancient Egyptian temple beneath the surface of the Nile River.

The entryway once led to the temple of the ram-headed fertility god Khnum, experts say.

A team of Egyptian archaeologist-divers found the portico in Aswan while conducting the first-ever underwater surveys of the Nile, which began earlier this year.

“The Nile has shifted, and this part of the temple began to be a part of [the river],” said Zahi Hawass, Secretary General of Egypt’s Supreme Council of Antiquities. . . .

Today’s Nile obscures many objects from ancient times, and archaeologists believe the underwater excavations will reveal other significant artifacts.

The massive portico is too large to be removed during the current excavation, but archaeologists removed a one-ton stone with inscriptions that could date from the 22nd dynasty (945-712 B.C.) to 26th dynasty (664-525 B.C.).

The stone itself could be much older, however, because like many objects throughout Egyptian history, the original materials of the Temple of Khnum were reused to construct newer buildings.”

See this page for the full story, which is accompanied by a photograph of the one-ton stone with its inscriptions.

Iraqi trade unions against US occupation

This video from the USA says about itself:

At a rally, on June 5, 2007, in front of the office of BearingPoint, Inc., in Washington, D.C., two distinguished labor leaders spoke out against the scheme to privatize Iraq’s Oil. They were Ms. Denice Lombard, who is with US Labor Against the War (USLAW), and Mrs. Hashmeya Muhsin Hussein. She is the President of the Electrical Utility Workers Union (General Federation of Iraqi Workers). The latter spoke, via an interpreter, Zein El-Amine. BearingPoint, Inc. is the contractor who wrote the proposed Iraqi law, “The Hydrocarbon Act.” Its office is located in a huge building, without any identifying logo, near the Navy Yard. After the speeches, the demonstrators, pro-Labor and antiwar activists combined, marched about 3/4 of a mile north to Capitol Hill. At that site, a press conference was held, which featured Rep. Dennis J. Kucinich (D-OH).

From: Hassan Juma’a Awad, President, Iraqi Federation of Oil Unions (IFOU):

To: The Shareholders of ExxonMobil and Chevron Corporations and All Peace Loving People of the World

We call upon the governments, corporations and other institutions behind the ongoing occupation of Iraq to respond to our demands for real democracy, true sovereignty and self-determination, free of all foreign interference.

Five years of invasion, war and occupation have brought nothing but death, destruction, misery and suffering to our people. In the name of our “liberation,” more than a million of our citizens have been killed or wounded, our nation’s schools, hospitals and other infrastructure have been destroyed, our neighbourhoods have been bombed, our homes have been broken into, our children have been traumatized, many of our family members and neighbours have been assaulted and arrested, our national treasures have been looted, and nearly twenty percent of our people have been turned into refugees.

The continued occupation fuels the violence in Iraq rather than alleviating it. The occupation has helped to foment and then exploit sectarian divisions and terror attacks where there had been none.

The Ba’athist legislation of 1987, which banned trade unions in the public sector and public enterprises (80% of all workers), is still in effect and continues to be enforced against us. Our union offices have been raided. Union property has been seized and destroyed. Our bank accounts have been frozen. Our leaders have been beaten, arrested, abducted and assassinated. Our rights as workers are routinely violated. This is an attack on our rights and the basic precepts of a democratic society. It is a grim reminder of the shadow of dictatorship still stalking our country.

We call upon you and all the world’s peace-loving peoples to help us to end the nightmare of occupation and restore our sovereignty and national independence so that we can chart our own course to the future.

1. We demand an immediate withdrawal of all foreign troops from our country, and utterly reject the agreement being negotiated with the USA for long-term bases and a military presence. Iraq must be returned to full sovereignty.

2. We demand the passage of a labour law promised by our Constitution, that adheres to ILO principles to protect the rights of workers to organize, bargain and strike, independent of state control and interference and on which Iraqi trade unionists have been fully consulted.

3. We demand an end to meddling in our sovereign economic affairs by the International Monetary Fund, the USA and UK, and multinational energy corporations, and recognition that no major economic decisions concerning our services and resources can be made while foreign troops occupy our country.

4. We demand that the US government, oil companies and others immediately cease lobbying for the oil law which would fracture the country and hand control over our oil to multinational companies like ExxonMobil and Chevron. We demand that all oil companies be prevented from entering into any long-term agreement concerning oil while Iraq remains occupied. The Iraqi government must tear up the current draft of the oil law, and begin to develop a legitimate oil policy based on full and genuine consultation with the Iraqi people. Only after all occupation forces are gone should a long term plan for the development of our oil resources be adopted.

We seek your support and solidarity to help us end the military and economic occupation of our country.

We look forward to the day when we have a world based on co-operation and solidarity. We look forward to a world free from war, sectarianism, competition and exploitation.

May 28, 2008

Contact: Michael Eisenscher 510-698-6276 or 510-693-7314

Government ban on Iraq oil workers’ union withdrawn: here.

US Bush administration blocks anti female genital mutilation measures

This is a video about Ousmane Sembène‘s film Mooladé, against female genital mutilation.

Translated rom Dutch daily NRC Handelsblad, 22 May 2008, paper edition:

Female circumcision and the godson of George H.W. Bush


By our correspondent Caroline de Gruyter

[William] Steiger is the godson of George H.W. Bush, the father of the present President. He is 38 years old; however, for seven years he has been running the United States Office of Global Health Affairs. …

All World Health Organization member countries during the annual general meeting this week wanted to pass an anti female circumcision resolution, except for one country: the USA.

See also here.

US cuts funding for condoms in Marie Stopes’ African clinics: here.