More prisoners than ever, torture, in jails in Iraq

This is a video of Abu Ghraib, Iraq, torture photos.

As I wrote before: NO schools, hospitals, etc. were built in Iraq since Bush’s March 2003 invasion.

Bush’s Iraq war was officially about weapons of mass destruction in Iraq.

When that turned out to be lies, the Bush administration flip-flopped to talk about ‘rebuilding’ Iraq, about building houses, schools, hospitals.

Only talk, as the only things built in Iraq, as the US government says, are prisons (apparently, dictator Saddam Hussein had not built enough of those).

Oh yes, and the gigantic new US colonial governor’s building embassy in Baghdad (see also here).

And now, a wall to keep people apart who had been living together for centuries, but were set against each other in Bush’s and Blair‘s ‘divide and rule strategy‘.

Even all those new prison cellls, added to Saddam Hussein’s old ones, now turn out to be not enough for the occupation’s needs, the Washington Post from the USA writes:

New detainees strain Iraq’s jails

Sharp rise follows start of security plan; suspects housed with convicts

By Joshua Partlow

Updated: 4:21 a.m. ET May 15, 2007

BAGHDAD – The capture of thousands of new suspects under the three-month-old Baghdad security plan has overwhelmed the Iraqi government’s detention system, forcing hundreds of people into overcrowded facilities, according to Iraqi and Western officials.

Nearly 20,000 people were in Iraqi-run prisons, detention camps, police stations and other holding cells as of the end of March, according to a U.N. report issued last month, an increase of more than 3,500 from the end of January.

The U.S. military said late last week that it was holding about 19,500 detainees, up more than 3,000 since the U.S. and Iraqi governments began implementing the security plan in mid-February.

Estimates of those inside Iraqi facilities, where reports of beatings and torture are common, vary widely because detainees are dispersed among hundreds of locations run by different ministries.

The U.S. military holds detainees at two main centers, Camp Bucca in southern Iraq and Camp Cropper near Baghdad, and officials say they are committed to avoiding the abuses that occurred at the Abu Ghraib prison following the 2003 U.S.-led invasion.

Yes, they say so; whether they are doing so is a very different question …

In particular, several officials raised concerns about a detention center in Kadhimiyah, a predominantly Shiite neighborhood of northern Baghdad.

The center, built to hold about 400 people, is said to house more than 1,000, with juveniles mixed into the population, officials said.

Some former inmates at Kadhimiyah have told human rights officials that they were tortured.

“They described routine ill treatment or abuse while they were there,” said a U.N. official in Baghdad who spoke on condition of anonymity because of the sensitivity of the issue.

Botero, Abu Ghraib

“Routine beatings, suspension by limbs for long periods, electric shock treatment to sensitive parts of the body, threats of ill treatment of close relatives.

In one case, one of the detainees said that he was forced to sit on a sharp object which caused an injury.” …

A government legal committee, created under the security plan to monitor prisons, was denied access to Kadhimiyah when it requested an inspection, said Jasim al-Bahadeli, who heads the committee. …

Ahmed Kadhum Latif, 20, said he was imprisoned a year ago at Muthana air base on suspicion of planting a roadside bomb. …

Soon after he was arrested, Latif said, guards demanded he confess. For a while, he refused.

“They hung me in the air by my legs and beat me with a stick,” he said in a telephone interview.

“They beat me with pipes on my back and my stomach. They said, ‘Will you be confessing now or not?’ ”

Latif said the guards, who were drinking alcohol, used electric shocks to burn his hands and held him for three days without food.

“I finally said, ‘Yes, I have planted the explosives.’ I didn’t do it, but because of the beating, I confessed.”

“No detainee goes in that doesn’t get beaten,” said Shimmari. “They take confessions by force.” …

“application of electric shocks, fingernail extractions, and other severe beatings.

In some cases, police threatened and sexually abused detainees and visiting family members,” the [U.S. State Department] report said.

Torture in Iraq, Human Rights Watch report: here.

United Nations: torture in Iraq under Bush worse than under Saddam Hussein: here.

Media censored in Iraq war: here.

‘Stab in the back’ legends of the Right on lost wars, from Hitler and World War I to US Bushists and Iraq: here.

Iraq war and the money value of victims’ lives: here.

Indian play, Operation Flush, on Abu Ghraib: here.

Camp Bucca: here.

2005: The U.S. military said Monday it plans to expand its prisons across Iraq to hold as many as 16,000 detainees, as the relentless insurgency shows no sign of letup one year after the transfer of sovereignty to Iraqi authorities: here.

41 thoughts on “More prisoners than ever, torture, in jails in Iraq

  1. A Draft Proposal from the Troops Out Now Coalition–
    From Protest to Resistance

    Troops Out Now!
    Put the Antiwar Movement Back on the Streets

    September 29 — March on Washington D.C.
    Assemble at the Capitol — March on the White House

    September 22 – 29 –Encampment in Washington D.C.

    Stop the War Abroad and at Home

    In the spirit of unity, and for the purposes of taking the movement away from politicians and putting it back into the streets, the Troops Out Now Coalition submits this proposal to all antiwar forces:

    Our proposal is for an Encampment to Stop the War at Home & Abroad, starting on Saturday, September 22 in Washington D.C., culminating in a mass march in Washington on Saturday, September 29.

    This proposal is open to change. TONC welcomes and encourages discussion and suggestions for modifying and improving this proposal. Please endorse the proposal if you are in agreement. All are invited to an Antiwar Strategy meeting in New York City on Saturday, June 16 where there will be more discussion of this proposal, as well as others.

    In the fall, (and summer) we must all be focused on jump-starting the mass movement against the war again. Our movement will not be a factor unless we:

    * demonstrate our independence from the major political parties;
    * make every effort to connect the fight against the wars abroad with the war on the people here in the U.S.; and
    * continue to shift from protest to resistance.

    Can we not only have a march on Washington, but also occupy the occupiers for a week? The time has come to try it, and that is why our proposal is not only for a march but also for an encampment prior to the march.

    It was always clear to some of us, and it’s becoming more and more clear to all of us that Congress is not going to stop the criminal war and occupation in Iraq. Congressional calls for phased withdrawals have done little more than provide a cover for Congress to continue funding the war.

    The greater problem is that the political posturing between Bush and Congress has reduced the demand for immediate and unconditional withdrawal of all troops from Iraq to arguing about establishing “benchmarks”. The phony antiwar politicking in Congress has to a large degree diverted and usurped the mass movement on the streets.

    It’s absolutely critical that we take the struggle against the war out of the halls of Congress and put it where it needs to be — back on the streets.

    Congress is giving Bush and his generals until September to succeed in Iraq. The Pentagon should not be given another hour to wage their criminal, colonial war and occupation. The only significance that time should have for the movement is the time that it will take to organize so that the next phase of the antiwar struggle will be massive, militant and decisive.

    It is essential that we acknowledge and fight Bush’s plans to expand the war into Iran. It’s also critical that we call for an end to the occupation of Afghanistan and an end to the Pentagon’s plans for endless war against the peoples of Asia, Africa, Caribbean and Latin America. We must demand an end to the occupation of Palestine, and support the Palestinian people — including their right to return.

    However, it is just as critical that our movement against the war fully embrace the struggle against racism right here in the U.S. Where undocumented immigrant workers are under attack, we must be with them fighting back. Whether fighting for the freedom of Mumia Abu-Jamal, or marching in New York City against the murder of Sean Bell, we must fight racist police and judicial terror.

    The Troops Out Now Coalition encourages all of the antiwar coalitions on the local and national level to engage each other and where communication has broken down, to open new lines of communication so that our combined efforts will make us stronger.

    Let us join forces with the movements struggling for:

    * No War against Iran
    * End all occupations now – from Iraq to Palestine, the Philippines, Haiti, Puerto Rico, and Afghanistan
    * No to U.S. intervention – Hands off Cuba, Venezuela, Zimbabwe, and the Sudan
    * Stop the raids against immigrant workers — Full rights for undocumented workers
    * Justice for Katrina survivors – End racist police terror
    * Free Mumia Abu-Jamal and all political prisoners
    * Money for health care, jobs and education, not endless war

    Together let’s unite to demand:

    * Immediate withdrawal of all troops
    * Cut off ALL war funding’

    Endorse the call for Sept 22 – 29 :

    Volunteer :

    Become an Organizing Center :


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