Bush’s ‘new’ Iraq: girls do not go to school anymore

This video is called The Battle For Haditha.

From Women’s enews:

One-fifth of Iraqi girls in the primary level failed to enroll in 2004.

Baghdad, along with the south central region of Iraq, has seen a sharp decline in enrollment since 2006.

In George W Bush’s brave new Iraq, there is talk about democracy.

There is … er … was talk about building schools and hospitals.

But, as the US government says now, the only buildings built in fact are prisons.

Dictator Saddam Hussein, with all his prison cells, apparently had not yet built enough of those …

3 thoughts on “Bush’s ‘new’ Iraq: girls do not go to school anymore

  1. Pingback: Bush’s ‘new’ Afghanistan: starving people sell girls of eight as brides | Dear Kitty. Some blog

  2. Pingback: ‘Reconstruction’ of Iraq a sham | Dear Kitty. Some blog

  3. Pingback: More prisoners than ever, torture, in jails in Iraq | Dear Kitty. Some blog

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