NATO’s Afghan war ‘unwise’, Karzai says

This video is called Afghanistan: demonstration against the killings of civilians in Kunar province.

From Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty:

Tuesday, March 19, 2013


Karzai Spokesman Calls NATO War ‘Unwise, Aimless’

A spokesman for the Afghan presidency has described the NATO-led military mission in the country as “aimless and unwise.”

“The people of Afghanistan ask NATO to define the purpose and aim of the so-called war on terror, as they question why after a decade, this war in their country has failed to achieve its stated goals,” Aimal Faizi said in a statement on March 19.

Faizi’s remarks followed claims by Afghan President Hamid Karzai that the United States is colluding with the Taliban to keep Afghanistan unstable and give foreign forces an excuse to stay beyond 2014.

Cruel Harvest: US Intervention In The Afghan Drug Trade: here.

NATO kills Afghan children again

This video is called Afghanistan villagers say NATO strike killed 18 civilians.

Another similar video, no longer on YouTube, used to say about itself:

June 9, 2012 by afghandaily

18 Civilians Killed In Logar, Were Attending a Wedding.

A morning NATO airstrike in eastern Afghanistan has left at least 18 people dead, including women and children – according to local officials. People living nearby say all those killed were celebrating a wedding.

By Bill Van Auken in the USA:

Four Afghan children killed in US raid

24 October 2012

The killing of four children in a US raid and the disappearance and murder of civilians at the hands of occupation troops have provoked growing anger and protests among the people of Afghanistan.

With the US-led war now in its twelfth year, violence against the country’s population continues to mount. The latest incidents were confirmed by the office of Afghanistan’s puppet president, Hamid Karzai, on Tuesday. The worst of them took place on Sunday in the eastern province of Logar, just south of Kabul.

Citing a report from the provincial governor, Mohammad Iqbal Azizi, a statement from Karzai’s office recounted: “NATO forces carried out an operation on Sunday afternoon to detain two armed militants, but resulted in killing four innocent children who were just grazing animals.”

NATO’s International Security Assistance Force (ISAF) acknowledged Tuesday that civilians may have been killed in the raid. Gen. John Allen, the top US commander in Afghanistan, offered “condolences to the families” and said officers would be sent out to “offer a condolence payment and express our deep regret.”

The slaughter of the children in Logar comes just one week after ISAF issued a formal apology for the killing of three other children in an air strike conducted in southern Helmand province’s Nawa district. A teenage girl and two young boys were killed in the October 14 strike, which the occupation command claimed had been directed against “insurgents” planting improvised explosive devises (IED). Witnesses, however, said that only the bodies of the children, who had been collecting firewood, were found at the scene.

According to estimates by the United Nations, the war in Afghanistan killed or wounded more than 578 children in the first six months of 2012. A UN report issued in August found that during the first half of this year, two-thirds of the victims of US and NATO air strikes in Afghanistan were women and children.

In his debate with Republican challenger Mitt Romney Monday night, President Barack Obama spoke of the US intervention as a “nation-building experiment.” In fact, the war has left the country devastated, exacting its greatest toll upon Afghanistan’s children.

While Washington has poured hundreds of billions of dollars into the country since the 2001 invasion, Afghanistan still has the world’s highest infant mortality rate, with one out of four children dying before reaching the age of five.

In his statement Tuesday, Karzai declared, “Despite repeated pledges by NATO to avoid civilian casualties, innocent lives, including children, are still being lost.”

The second incident condemned by Karzai was a joint military operation carried out by US troops and Afghan puppet forces in southern Zabul province, near the Pakistan border, on October 13. In the midnight raid, four civilians were taken away, according to the Afghan president’s statement, and three of them have since disappeared.

Nearly 1,000 people demonstrated Monday in Qalat, the capital of Zabul province, blocking the Kandahar-Kabul highway to protest against the operation and continuing US-led night raids. These raids, which, after air strikes, are the leading cause of civilian casualties inflicted by occupation forces, are deeply unpopular in Afghanistan.

According to Pajhwok Afghan News, the demonstration in Qalat was sparked by a more recent raid in which two tailors were arrested. It quoted one of the organizers of the protest, Abdul Qadir Qalatwal, a member of the local parliament, as saying that the “beheaded bodies of the tailors were dumped in a desert before being blown up.”

The news agency reported that the Zabul governor’s office had confirmed the deaths of the two men and “had sought clarity from the NATO-led force.”

ISAF confirmed that civilians had been detained in both raids, but claimed that in the October 13 incident they had been released, while in the October 20 operation, they had been “turned over to Afghan police.”

The obvious question raised by the two incidents is whether US forces are detaining individuals suspected of supporting the resistance to foreign occupation and then turning them over to an Afghan death squad for elimination.

In their debate Monday night, both Obama and Romney insisted that the “surge” that tripled the number of US troops deployed in Afghanistan under Obama was a success, and that a “transition” to Afghan responsibility for security in the country would be completed in December 2014, with US troops coming home.

Both men know that this is a lie. Obama administration officials are currently negotiating the terms of a Strategic Partnership Agreement with the Karzai regime that would see an estimated 25,000 US troops, largely Green Berets and other Special Operations units, stay behind for another decade or more.

Both parties are committed to pursing the aims that drove the invasion to begin with, along with the subsequent war in Iraq: the use of military force to assert US hegemony over the strategic energy reserves of the Caspian Basin and the Persian Gulf.

Meanwhile, the rosy projections about the readiness of the Afghan troops and police to assume responsibility for security continue to be denied by those most involved in training them.

Quoting US military officers and officials, the Washington Post reported Saturday that claims Afghanistan’s 352,000-strong security forces are prepared to take over from the US-led occupation are patently false. According to the Post: “No Afghan army battalion is capable of operating without US advisers. Many policemen spend more time shaking down people for bribes than patrolling. Front-line units often do not receive the fuel, food and spare parts they need to function. Intelligence, aviation and medical services remain embryonic. And perhaps most alarming, an increasing number of Afghan soldiers and policemen are turning their weapons on their US and NATO partners.”

The article, based on interviews with a dozen active-duty officers involved in the training of Afghan forces, makes it clear that in the rush to build the number of Afghan troops and police up to 352,000, Washington has failed to provide adequate training or sufficiently vet the security forces for sympathizers of the Taliban and other armed opposition groups.

“The army is so hollow that some of those units are just going to collapse,” a Special Forces major involved in the training program told the Post.

Britain: Four-month-old baby whose soldier father was killed in Afghanistan is denied compensation because paternity cannot be proved: here.

Afghans fear being left out in the cold. Spectre of hunger and death looms as Central Asian nation prepares for harsh winter in the months ahead: here.

Survival and Dignity in an Afghan Winter: here.

Afghan massacre, more than one ‘bad apple’, Karzai says

This video from the USA is called Afghanistan Massacre Fallout.

By Ben Chacko:

Karzai backs claim of US massacre cover-up

Friday 16 March 2012

Afghan President Hamid Karzai today backed claims that more than one person had conducted the massacre of 16 civilians which US forces have blamed on a single soldier.

At a meeting with relatives of the nine children, four men and three women who were slain Mr Karzai said villagers’ accounts of the atrocity were “widely different from the scenario depicted by US military officials.”

The president pointed to a villager at the meeting and said: “In his family people were killed in four rooms and then they were brought together in one room and set on fire. That one man cannot do.”

He also blasted the US for refusing to share information from its investigation into the outrage, which was conducted in two separate villages.

A government delegation sent to Kandahar to investigate had “not received the expected co-operation of the United States,” he said, adding that he would raise the issue with the occupying army “very loudly.”

Back at the presidential palace in Kabul Mr Karzai said the ever-escalating civilian death toll by Nato occupiers was intolerable and repeated calls made a day earlier for total withdrawal from rural areas.

“This has been going on for too long,” he said. “You have heard me before. It is the end of the rope here. This form of activity, this behaviour cannot be tolerated. It is past, past, past the time.”

The United Nations has found that 2011 was the bloodiest year yet in Afghanistan, with over 3,000 civilian deaths.

The president said he had received a phone call from his US counterpart Barack Obama asking if he meant what he said about withdrawing from the countryside and that he had replied: “Yes, I announced this.”

But the US military said it did not believe he meant it should withdraw from such areas immediately and refused to comment on his criticism of its investigation into the Kandahar massacre.

Mr Karzai has limited leverage with the occupying powers who enthroned him in 2004 and who gauge that his government has little chance of remaining in office once they are gone.

A Turkish military helicopter crashed into a house near Kabul yesterday, killing 12 soldiers on board and two children who were in the building.

Four Afghan civilians and 12 Turkish soldiers were killed in a crash involving a NATO-operated Turkish chopper. The vehicle came down on a house and burst into flames in the Bagrami district, close to the capital Kabul: here.

Afghanistan: Doubts cast on US massacre account: here.

Afghan Probe Finds 15-20 US Soldiers Involved In Kandahar Killings: here.

Within 48 hours of the Pentagon’s confirming the identity of the US soldier arrested for the massacre of 16 Afghan civilians, including nine children, there are mounting questions about the official explanation of the bloody events of March 11: here.

After Bales‘ Arrest, Military Tried to Delete Him From Web. David Goldstein and Matthew Schofield, McClatchy Newspapers: “Besides waiting nearly a week before identifying the Army staff sergeant who’s accused of killing 16 Afghan villagers, the US military scrubbed its websites of references to his combat service. Gone were photographs of the suspect, Staff Sgt. Robert Bales, as well as a recounting in his base’s newspaper of a 2007 battle in Iraq involving his unit that quoted him extensively. But not really”: here.

In wake of Afghan massacre, tensions mount between US and its puppet Karzai: here.

Afghan Massacre: Pattern Of Savage U.S.-NATO Acts In Several Nations: here.

US troops are still sending Afghan people to prisons where they are likely to be tortured despite official promises that they would stop: here.

War Is Brain-Damaging: here.

Since the naming last Friday of the soldier charged with massacring 16 Afghan civilians, the media has sought to make this horrific crime comprehensible by delving into the history and personal problems of Staff Sgt. Robert Bales, while studiously ignoring the criminal nature of the war itself: here.

Former Guantanamo Psychiatrist Promotes Dubious Drug Theory on Afghan Killings. Jeffrey Kaye, Truthout: “Using false information; faulty interpretation of documents and innuendo; and in one case, withholding key disclosures regarding their background, these authors took a serious issue – the dangerous psychiatric and neurotoxic effects of mefloquine on some people and the history of the use of this drug by the military – and twisted it to further an agenda that just happened to match US interests in limiting speculation about the Kandahar massacre to Bales”: here.

US Military Holding Kandahar Massacre Wounded Incommunicado: here.

Civilian Deaths In U.S. Wars: When Will They End? Here.