US bombs kill Afghan children

This video from the USA is called US army whistleblower Bradley [later: Chelsea] Manning sentenced to 35 years in jail.

From Seoul News.Net in South Korea:

Film of the bombing of Afghan children to be Wiki leaked

Wednesday 16th June, 2010

The whistleblower website, WikiLeaks, plans to release a video of a US air strike in Afghanistan, which killed many children.

WikiLeaks, in announcing its intention in an email to news organisations, said it was working to release secret military footage of the bombing of the Afghan village of Garani in May 2009.

Garani was one of the deadliest US air strikes in Afghanistan, in which 92 children were killed, along with other civilians and some insurgents.

After the Afghan government put the number of dead at 140, American officials admitted mistakes were made during the attack.

The US commander in Afghanistan, General David Petraeus, said a year ago that the military’s video of the Garani attack would be made public, as evidence of a justifiable military assault.

It was not released.

WikiLeaks founder, Julian Assange, has been on the run from US authorities, who have said they are searching for him to press him not to publish information that could endanger US national security.

Assange is known to travel widely in order to avoid confrontation with government representatives.

Recently US authorities arrested a US soldier accused of leaking the Afghanistan video and another of a US attack in Baghdad in which civilians were killed.

See also here.

4 thoughts on “US bombs kill Afghan children

  1. Five soldiers face murder charges

    United States: Military prosecutors have revealed that five US soldiers are to be charged with premeditated murder over the killings of three Afghan civilians in the province of Kandahar earlier this year.

    Gul Mudin, Marach Agha and Mullah Adahdad were killed in separate attacks that Afghan police said included shootings and grenade attacks by occupation soldiers in January and February.

    If convicted the US soldiers face a maximum sentence of life in prison or the death penalty.


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