Chicago demonstrates against NATO’s wars

This video from the USA is called Journalists’ Car Raided by Police at NATO Summit Chicago.

Hundreds of Protesters Head to Chicago Mayor’s House to Oppose Health Clinic Closures. Allison Kilkenny, Truthout in the USA: “As hundreds of protesters slowly marched to Mayor Rahm Emanuel’s neighborhood in Chicago … the marching protesters were angry and disappointed. Some feared the media’s attention would focus solely on the act of three young men [the NATO 3] instead of the acts of hundreds who were marching to oppose the closings of six mental health facilities all across the city. Hosting NATO will likely cost the city $55 million, and health advocates claim only $2-3 million is needed to keep these facilities open”: here.

Terrorism Plot” or Entrapment? The Case of the NATO 3. Yana Kunichoff and Steve Horn, Truthout: “NATO 3 has become the moniker for three activists who arrived in Chicago to protest the NATO Summit. They now face charges of ‘conspiring to commit domestic terrorism during the NATO summit.’ Michael Deutsch of the National Lawyers Guild has alleged entrapment and possibly more as the activists charged with terrorism see their first day in court on May 22″: here.

Occupying Different Worlds: NATO and Its Citizens. J.A. Myerson, Truthout: “[Author] Michael Hastings [said]: ‘We’re spending $700 billion a year on defense … We spent $120 billion in 2011 in Afghanistan. The takeaway I got from the protesters was that this money could be better spent at home than on these different foreign policy adventures. The adventures have turned out not to be very beneficial for most Americans or most Afghans either'”: here.

US Veterans to Return Medals as NATO Protesters March: here.

US war veterans tossing medals back at Nato was a heroic act. Nato summit leaders should have been forced to watch the moving protest of the former troops chucking their medals away: here.