First female African American rabbi interviewed

From British daily The Guardian:

Another first for a black American: the female rabbi breaking down barriers

Ed Pilkington in Cincinnati

Monday 15 June 2009

In 2001, three years before Barack Obama came to national prominence, Alysa Stanton embarked on her own audacious journey. She spoke about breaking barriers, building bridges and providing, calling on people to focus on their similarities rather than differences.

Now that stage of her journey has reached its end, with Stanton attaining the distinction of being the first black woman in America to become a mainstream Jewish rabbi. History was made last week at her ordination in the Plum Street temple in Cincinnati, one of the oldest synagogues in the US.

Parallels leap out between her journey and Obama’s. She is 45, he 47. They both straddled racial and communal lines. They both faced hurdles and brickbats along the way.

In her case, her decision to enter rabbinical school in 2001 broke multiple taboos. On top of the age-old tensions between Christian — the religion of her birth — and Jew, were the bubbling hostilities between African Americans and largely white American Jews.

Even at the ordination ceremony the tensions were on display. Her adopted daughter Shana was reduced to tears by a group of white Christian protesters outside the temple taunting her and making disparaging remarks.

Last week Stanton received a letter. Inside was a tract that read “Last rite” above a picture of a coffin. “There are some sick puppies out there,” Stanton said, speaking at the Hebrew Union College in Cincinnati where she took her rabbinical studies. “But my God is bigger. I will not be boxed in.”

She spent the first 11 years of her life in the midwestern state of Ohio, then moved to Colorado. Her parents were Pentecostal Christians but from the age of nine she can remember looking for something else. “I was a seeker, a different kind of kid. I knew it, my family knew it.”

She experimented with many religions — Catholicism, eastern practices, Messianic Christianity where congregants speak in tongues. Though she spent some of her childhood living in a white Jewish neighbourhood in Cleveland Heights, her discovery of the religion came later.

She was attracted to it she says because Judaism encompasses not just religion but also spiritualism, social justice and community. She began converting to the faith in 1987, driving 144 miles every week to a synagogue in Denver.

The late 80s and early 90s were a period of great tension between Jews and black people. The two communities had a history of working together, particularly in the civil rights period when many young Jews campaigned alongside black protesters. Some 20,000 marriages between Jews and African-Americans grew out of the movement.

But by the late 80s relations had soured. … Stanton found herself in the middle of much distrust on both sides. On the black side, America has a long tradition of black Judaism, with its own synagogues serving almost exclusively black worshippers. Indeed, Michelle Obama’s cousin Capers Funnye is a rabbi in one such temple in Chicago.

But Stanton was making a different statement, by entering mainstream — for which read white — Judaism in mainstream America. “A lot of my African American friends think I have sold out. At the time in my circle there weren’t any blacks who were Jews so I think it was startling for some people and unnerving.” On the Jewish side, the frostiness could be felt the minute she walked into her first synagogue in Colorado. “As a Jew of colour, in the initial days there were comments and stares and isolation.”

Some of the most ugly rejection came, paradoxically, when she lived for a year in Israel. She applied for an extension to her student visa and unusually it was rebuffed. She had to threaten legal action before it was granted.

Her daughter was beaten up at school. The child became so stressed by the racist taunting she developed shingles.

“They would call her ugly and tell her she’s not beautiful. She would say I’m black and I’m beautiful and good. It still brings tears to my eyes, as we are not talking about a dog, we are talking about a seven-year-old child.”

The Israeli episode hurt Stanton. “Here I was in Israel having left everything I knew to devote my life to serve our people, and not only was I told I wasn’t a Jew, I wasn’t wanted.”

She came close then to giving it all up. But just when she was at her lowest point there was a knock on her door and a neighbour with a little girl stood there saying “Shalom” and asking to be friends. “So there was pain and there was joy, and during the depths whenever I’m tired – I’m not talking about physical tiredness – I’ll receive a card or a visit, something that will keep me going on this long journey.”

The next stage of the journey starts in August when she takes up her post as rabbi of the Bayt Shalom temple in Greenville, North Carolina. She knows that her challenges are not over.

“It hasn’t changed. There’s still negativity across racial lines from Anglos and Jews and African-Americans. But I’m still here to serve regardless.”

She believes she represents the new face of diversity in American Judaism, pointing to the little known statistic that up to 400,000 people, about one in five American Jews, are from racial and ethnic minorities.

Her new congregation will be largely white. But she sees that as besides the point. “When I said I would become a rabbi it wasn’t to be a rabbi for only polka dotted people or green or white or black. I’m a rabbi and proud to be that.”

Ms Stanton is a Reform rabbi. In Orthodox Judaism, women usually cannot become rabbis; though there seems to be some change.

Opinion: Pioneer Rabba Sara Hurwitz: Orthodox women rabbis are here to stay: here.

Women ought not to serve in the Israel Defense Forces, IDF Chief Rabbi Avichai Ronski said at a conference two weeks ago: here.

Italian Americans: here.

British parents of Iraq dead denounce ‘whitewash’

This video from the USA is called Veterans for Peace White House Civil Disobedience to End War.

From British daily The Guardian:

Parents of Iraq dead denounce ‘whitewash’

* Audrey Gillan

*Monday 15 June 2009 19.26 BST

The families of British servicemen who died in Iraq were disappointed and angered to learn that the inquiry into the war will be held in secret.

Reg Keys, whose son Thomas, a military policeman, was killed by an Iraqi mob alongside five of his colleagues in the town of Majar al-Kabir in June 2003, said that the fact the inquiry would be “held behind closed doors” smacked of a whitewash.

“It is an inquiry by mandarins. There are no senior military figures on the panel,” he said. “I am not happy that it is behind closed doors. It will not have any credibility. … I would have liked to have sat in the public inquiry and hear Tony Blair give his evidence.”

Keys said that he was disappointed, though not surprised, that no blame would be apportioned. However, he was pleased that the inquiry would go back to 2001.

He said: “I didn’t think they would go back to 2001 and into the run-up to the war and how intelligence was gathered. I thought they would skirt around that and say ‘that was covered in the Butler report‘.”

Rose Gentle, whose 19-year-old son Gordon was killed when a roadside bomb exploded beside his Snatch Land Rover in Basra in the summer of 2004, said it was “predictable” that the inquiry would not be public.

“I think we all know what it will say. I think it is going to be a whitewash. They tell you what they want you to know and that’s it,” she said. “Families are not going to find out the truth. The families and the country have a right to know why they did go. If there were any mistakes, lessons should be learned. I think those that have lost someone have a right to know.”

Gentle, a founder of the campaign group Military Families Against the War, said that had the inquiry been public she would have attended every day.

“Why are MPs not allowed to go into it either?” she said. “It will be one big whitewash and we all know that. What they say will be no surprise to anyone.”

Skewed and in secret, this Iraq inquiry is a scandal: here.

Senior military and intelligence officers have condemned Gordon Brown‘s decision to hold the Iraq war inquiry in secret, warning that it looks like a cover-up: here.

While Prime Minister Gordon Brown has announced yet another inquiry into the Iraq war, what is called for is the convening of a war crimes tribunal against those who launched this unprovoked act of aggression: here.

Orson Welles’ biographer interviewed

This 2014 video is called Magician: The Astonishing Life and Work of Orson Welles. Trailer.

By David Walsh and Joanne Laurier, from The World Socialist Web Site in the USA:

An interview with Joseph McBride, author of What Ever Happened to Orson Welles?

Orson Welles, the blacklist and Hollywood filmmaking—Part 1

16 June 2009

While in the Bay Area for the recent San Francisco Film Festival, David Walsh and Joanne Laurier had a lengthy conversation with Joseph McBride, author of What Ever Happened to Orson Welles? A Portrait of an Independent Career (2006), an unusual and valuable book.

McBride, an assistant professor at San Francisco State University, is a former screenwriter, a former critic and reporter for Daily Variety in Hollywood, and one of the foremost experts on American filmmaker Orson Welles. He has also written or edited works on John Ford, Howard Hawks, Frank Capra, Steven Spielberg and Kirk Douglas.

What Ever Happened to Orson Welles? is significant for a number of reasons. The title refers sardonically to the attitude of numerous critics toward Welles’s last years, the two decades, more or less, before his death in 1985 at the age of 70. In their complacency and indifference, such commentators choose to view Welles as a victim of his own unfortunate career choices or a supposed inability to finish projects, or, worse still, they paint him as a lazy, overweight “has-been” who had tragically squandered his undeniable talent.

According to this theory. Welles’s career following the making of Citizen Kane when he was 25, in 1941, consisted of a series of self-inflicted disasters that resulted in his becoming, more or less deservedly, something of a pariah.

McBride works diligently to dispel such myths. He knew Welles during the last 15 years of the latter’s life and participated in one of the filmmaker’s major unfinished projects, The Other Side of the Wind, about an aging Hollywood director, with John Huston in the lead role.

The author makes clear that Welles was willing and eager to work, virtually to the last day of his life. The fundamental sources of his difficulties remained what they had been throughout his career: the financial and artistic constraints bound up with working in the American film industry,

Part 2 of the interview is here.

Letters on Orson Welles: here.

Orson Welles’s The Other Side of the Wind: A film 48 years in the making: here.

Six pre-Production Code films from William Wellman: an uneven but welcome collection: here.

Karl Malden: a serious actor: here.

The Eyes of Orson Welles: A markedly political approach to the American filmmaker: here.