Blair, other British politicians, money grabbers

This music video is called Bush and Blair at the Gay Bar.

From British daily News Line:

Saturday, 5 April 2008


Local government workers lobbying over their pay last month – facing Labour imposed wage cuts and inflation – while Labour MPs live off the fat of the land

Former Deputy Prime Minister Prescott claimed £4,000 in a year expenses to purchase food, while his former boss Blair even claimed £116 for his TV licence, MPs’ expenses claims revealed to the BBC show.

Details of the expenses claims of six senior MPs were requested in 2005 by the BBC under the Freedom of Information (FoI) Act.

They were finally released yesterday.

Also revealed in the FoI request was that current premier Brown and former Tory leader Michael Howard had council tax bills for their second homes paid for in 2003-04.

Blair, Brown, Prescott and Howard, as well as former Liberal Democrat leader Charles Kennedy and former Tory MP Jonathan Sayeed, all claimed large sums of money to pay mortgages.

See also here.

And here.