Spoonbill, buzzard, and parakeets

This is a video of common shelducks in Toledo, Spain.

Today, to the nature reserve.

Lapwings and oystercatchers on the eastern meadow. Black-headed and common gulls. Four shelducks. Coots, moorhens, and mallards. A carrion crow. A grey heron. And a spoonbill.

A buzzard flying overhead.

A great crested grebe in the water.

From the trees, sounds of chiffchaff, chaffinch, and great tit. Jackdaws.

Three ring-necked parakeets fly past, screaming.

Wood anemones flowering.

As I leave the reserve, a white stork flies over the exit/entrance.

A bit later, both white storks are on their nest.

New Mark Fiore animation on McCain and Iraq war

This video is called John McCain vs. John McCain, about this politician‘s flip flopping.

There is a new animation by Mark Fiore from the USA on the Internet.

It is here.

It is called McCain Iraq 2008. It is about the pro Iraq war policies of the Republican presidential candidate.

See also here.

And here.

Oliver Stone makes film about George W. Bush

This video is the trailer of the film Fahrenheit 9/11 by Michael Moore.

From British daily The Guardian:

Oliver Stone rushes to finish Bush film

Script asks: ‘How did an alcoholic bum become most powerful leader in world?’

Ed Pilkington in New York

Thursday April 3, 2008

How different the world might look now if the US president and his advisers had settled on the phrase Axis of Unbearably Odious, or Axis of Hatred. But they rejected that and instead plumped for Axis of Evil, and the rest is history.

So begins the script to Oliver Stone’s new movie, W, on the life of George W Bush, which begins filming this month and will be produced at speed. Stone, a director with a keen eye for publicity, is thought to want to get the film into cinemas before the November presidential election, and certainly before Bush quits the White House on January 20.

See also here.

British dockers support US colleagues’ anti Iraq war strike

This video from the USA is called Union Solidarity / Military Materials Resistance at US Ports.

From the Transport Workers Solidarity Committee site:

Support from Europe for ILWU’s May Day Antiwar Action from Unite the Union (Europe)

Dear Brother McEllrath

No Peace No Work May Day Action

I have been informed by the sacked Liverpool Dockworkers of ILWU’S decision to stop work at all of Americas West Coast Ports on the 1st May in protest against the ongoing wars in Iraq and Afghanistan.

On behalf of my Union can I send a message of thanks and support to the ILWU and all the Longshoremen and women, who will be participating in this historic and significant action.

Without a doubt the ILWU’S action is in the very best traditions of the Labour and Trade Union Movement; and should act as a clarion call to governments the world over that the time has come to end these divisive wars once and for all.

The 1st of May is International Workers’ Day when working-class men and women remember, commemorate and celebrate the past industrial and political struggles of our forefathers and mothers.

The decision of the ILWU to use this May Day as an anti-war protest will go down in the annals of Workers’ History, and I congratulate you, your Union and all the members for making such a stand.

In Solidarity,
Len McCluskey
Assistant General Secretary