Anti Iraq war demonstration in London

This is a video of British MP George Galloway’s speech at the anti Iraq war demonstration in London on 15th March 2008.

Photos of the anti Iraq war demonstration in London are here.

BBC report: here.

See also here. And here.

Glasgow demonstration report: here.

London and Glasgow reports: here.

Protesters across the world condemn Iraq war: here.

Imperial Life in the Emerald City: Inside Baghdad’s Green Zone by Rajiv Chandrasekaran: book review here.

McCain vs. Brown on Iraq war: here, And here.

New torture scandal revealed in Guantanamo

This video is about Omar Khadr & Guantanamo Bay.

From the Canadian Press:

Omar Khadr‘s early interrogators linked to detainee abuse in Afghanistan

Beth Gorham

March 14, 2008

– Human rights groups are incensed about a startling revelation this week that one of Canadian Omar Khadr‘s chief interrogators was a U.S. soldier involved in the horrific case of an Afghan prisoner who was tortured to death.

Sgt. Joshua Claus’s name came out in a Guantanamo Bay courtroom on Thursday, a slip by the judge in Khadr’s case that fuelled defence assertions he may have been coerced during interrogation sessions after his July 2002 capture in Afghanistan.

Fifteen soldiers from two different U.S. army units, including Claus, would later be charged after two prisoners died that December.

One was a young taxi driver, thought by most of the Americans to be innocent of terrorism, who was beaten so severely he couldn’t bend his legs any more before he died.

Claus pleaded guilty in September 2005 to maltreatment and assault of the man, known only as Dilawar, at the Bagram airfield detention centre outside Kabul. He was sentenced to five months in jail.

“With each new revelation, it becomes increasingly clear why the United States insists on prosecuting these cases in a system that permits convictions on the basis of evidence extracted through coercion and abuse,” said Ben Wizner, a staff attorney with the American Civil Liberties Union who attended Khadr’s hearing.

Torture is at the very centre of these prosecutions. Unless these trials are moved to a system with traditional due process protections, we face the shameful possibility that Khadr and others will be convicted with statements that were literally beaten out of them.”

Claus’s involvement with Khadr is doubly troubling, said defence lawyer Lt.-Cmdr. William Kuebler, because the Canadian was just 15 years old and severely wounded in the firefight in which a U.S. Special Forces soldier was killed.

Update 8 May 2008: here.

30 May 2008: here.

CIA transfers another detainee from secret prison system to Guantánamo: here.