Trump supports British nazis, stop his state visit

This 29 November 2017 video from England is called Londoners respond To Donald Trump Retweeting Britain First Videos.

How those anti-Islam videos probably ended up in Trump’s Twitter feed, and a look at how the State Department warned they could endanger embassies.

British Conservative Damian Green: ‘Thousands’ of pornographic images found by ‘shocked’ police, former officer says. Officer who examined the computer used by Theresa May‘s deputy said it would be ‘ridiculous to suggest anybody else’ could have stored the pornographic content: here.

By Lamiat Sabin in Britain:

Pressure grows to stop Trump’s state visit

Friday 1st December 2017

MPs across House show fury at US leader’s public support for the far right

THERESA MAY should be true to her word and cancel Donald Trump’s invitation for a state visit, having declared that peddlers of hate should be banned from Britain, MPs said yesterday.

Labour’s Paul Flynn was one of many who suggested that the US president be charged with inciting racial hatred on arrival to Britain after he retweeted a series of posts by far-right activist Jayda Fransen.

Widespread condemnation both in and out of Parliament has followed Mr Trump’s sharing of anti-Muslim videos posted by Ms Fransen, deputy leader of Britain First.

Her group, best-known for social media bigotry and videoing its members harassing mosque-goers, was a major influence on Thomas Mair, who killed MP Jo Cox in June 2016.

Mr Flynn said of Mr Trump: “He has disgraced himself again and again and he worries us, because his impulsive finger is on the nuclear button.

“If he’s allowed to come to this country now, he should be treated as anyone else who breaks the law and charged with inciting racial hatred.

“The government should withdraw the invitation.”

Labour former minister Chris Bryant agreed that the US president was “a repeat offender”.

He added: “You cannot stand up to this kind of action, you cannot stand up to horrible racism, or pretend to do so, and invite the man in through the front door.

“The Prime Minister, when she was home secretary, said homophobes and racists who will stir up hatred in this country will not be allowed in and, if they come to this country, they’ll be arrested.

“That’s what should happen in this case and the Home Secretary [Amber Rudd] knows it.”

Tory MP Peter Bone asked Ms Rudd if the PM could make “the world be a better place” by persuading Mr Trump to shut down his Twitter account, which has 44 million followers.

Ms Rudd appeared to back the suggestion by replying: “It’s interesting to note [Mr Bone’s] advice regarding Twitter accounts — I’m sure many of us might share his view.”

Labour MP Naz Shah said Ms May, when she was home secretary, had banned people from Britain for having “promoted organisations peddling the hate-filled ideology of fascism.”

She added: “Not only has the commander in tweet done this, he has defended it, publicly chastising the British Prime Minister for her comments.”

Shadow home secretary Diane Abbott said that Mr Trump’s online activities were “offensive to all decent British people.”

London Mayor Sadiq Khan also said Ms May should withdraw the invitation and demand an apology on behalf of the British people.

An invitation for Mr Trump’s state visit had been extended and accepted but the dates are yet to be agreed, Ms Rudd said.

Ms May stated that the president was “wrong” to retweet the videos — purportedly showing violent acts by Muslims.

At a press conference during a visit to Jordan, Ms May said: “Britain First is a hateful organisation. It seeks to spread division and mistrust among our communities.

“It stands in fundamental opposition to the values we share as a nation — values of respect, tolerance and common British decency.”

Mr Trump responded by berating the Prime Minister about British domestic policy, again via Tweet, saying: “Don’t focus on me, focus on the destructive Radical Islamic Terrorism that is taking place within the United Kingdom. We are doing just fine!”

The US leader has also received criticism from the Lords with Labour former cabinet minister Lord Hain saying there could be no question of a state visit until Mr Trump at least expressed some remorse.

He described Britain First as a “nazi group with a vicious record of attacks, racism, Islamophobia and anti-semitism.”

This video from the British Parliment says about itself:

30 November 2017

House of Commons discuss Donald Trump’s tweets

UK Parliament discusses Donald J. Trump’s re-tweeting of inflammatory videos from British far-right account rife with anti-Muslim content.

Conservative MPs call on Donald Trump to delete his Twitter account.

From daily The Morning Star in Britain:

Islamophobia didn’t emerge from nowhere

Friday 1st December 2017

THERESA MAY appears to imagine that, while she’s on her Middle East trip, she can afford to ignore online abuse thrown at her by her ex-bestie Donald Trump.

Her strongest remark is that the US president was “wrong” to share three videos designed to foster hatred against Muslims.

“The fact that we work together does not mean that we are afraid to say when we think that the United States have got it wrong and to be very clear with them,” she asserted.

The problem is that May regards telling Trump he’s wrong as the end of the matter, even when the US president responds that she should “focus on the destructive radical Islamic terrorism that is taking place within the United Kingdom” rather than on his championing of the ravings of the Britain First fascist group.

The Tory leader is transfixed by Trump’s status as US president and the convention of British prime ministers playing second fiddle to White House residents.

Labour shadow foreign secretary Emily Thornberry demands that Britain should “stand up to Trump”, which would be a novel development, although British subservience to Washington goes far beyond one single president.

Islamophobia has not emerged from a vacuum. This virulent phenomenon was spawned by a philosophy developed in tandem with wars of conquest waged by successive US presidents and backed by British prime ministers.

Nor is it specific to far-right groups such as Britain First, upon which May concentrated her fire.

Clipping Britain First round the ear may be gratifying, but the impact of this tiny group’s hate-spewing efforts are minuscule compared with those of one of the most powerful and unpredictable elected politicians in the world, who has forwarded their videos to his 43.7 million Twitter followers.

After Trump provided the oxygen of publicity to Britain First, why did BBC and Channel 4 TV programmes feel the need also to offer its deputy leader broadcast time to state her case?

Trump has previous form in his Islamophobic immigration policy, his slanderous comments directed against London Mayor Sadiq Khan and a stream of crass observations that confuse jihadist death cults with Muslims in general.

May has previously threatened to ban from Britain or prosecute anyone guilty of hate crimes. Trump cannot be exempt from that.

Home Secretary Amber Rudd’s attempt to avoid the logic of the Prime Minister’s words by drawing attention to joint US-British intelligence work to monitor and disrupt terrorist plots misses the point entirely.

Such co-operation would continue regardless. It need not be accompanied by a grovelling welcome to Britain whenever this Islamophobic oaf chooses to visit.

The Tory government too has to clean up its own act in light of the refusal of both May, when she was home secretary, and her predecessor as prime minister, David Cameron, to condemn the vile attempt by Tory London mayoral candidate Zac Goldsmith to ape Trump’s smearing of Khan.

The House of Commons debate was necessary to highlight widespread public revulsion, but it leaves a nagging fear that an atmosphere of moral superiority for Britain’s political class might prevail.

Much remains to be done in Britain too when, for instance, the Ofsted school inspectorate still includes guidance that Muslim schoolgirls of four or five should be questioned over wearing the hijab as this “could be interpreted as sexualisation” of children.

Now is not the time for mutual back-slapping but for serious organisation to confront the scourge of Islamophobia.

This video from the USA says about itself:

Neo-Nazis explain why they like Donald Trump

8 November 2016

Four days before the US presidential election, white supremacists gathered for a rally in Pennsylvania.

From daily The Morning Star in Britain:

Theresa May is appeasing an apologist for fascism in the White House

Thursday 30th November 2017

THERESA MAY’S acknowledgement that it was “wrong” of US President Donald Trump to share online Islamophobic videos posted by the Britain First fascist group marks a step forward — but only a baby step.

It provides some clarification after Brexit Minister Lord Callanan danced on eggshells, trying to distinguish between Trump and the office he holds.

Callanan’s response boiled down to condemnation of Britain First while drawing a veil over presidential responsibility for spreading its hatred to his 43.6 million Twitter followers.

Even his cack-handed attempt to square the circle of government desire to woo the Trump administration despite awareness of the president’s support for white supremacy and Islamophobia was too much for Home Secretary Amber Rudd.

She simply had nothing to say in the absence of guidance from the Prime Minister.

Callanan suggested that Trump might not have heard of Britain First as though his ignorance justified his action, but this doesn’t diminish his culpability for watching the provocative — and probably falsified — videos and choosing to disseminate them.

Doing so is fully in line with his consistent record of spreading hatred against minorities in US society — Muslims and Mexicans — and defending white supremacists as good people.

Britain First leaders are largely irrelevant in this saga. Trump’s virulent national, racial and religious prejudices and our government’s willingness to treat them as trivial to avoid unpleasantness with the White House are what count.

Brendan Cox, whose MP wife Jo Cox was murdered by Britain First advocate Thomas Mair, is spot on to denounce Trump for having “legitimised the far right in his own country, now he’s trying to do it in ours.”

May insists that Trump’s planned visit to Britain next year will proceed as normal.

Proceed it might but not as normal, since all anti-racists must mobilise to tell this bigoted clown that he is not welcome here.

By Ed Mazza in the USA:

11/30/2017 10:30 pm ET

Sen. Lindsey Graham (Republican-S.C.) seemed to struggle with his memory Thursday as he defended President Donald Trump.

“What concerns me about the American press is this endless, endless attempt to label the guy as some kind of kook not fit to be president,” Graham told CNN this week.

Just one problem: The “kook” and “unfit” label didn’t necessarily come from the American press.

It came from Sen. Graham.

Trump supports British racist columnist Katie Hopkins: here.

49 thoughts on “Trump supports British nazis, stop his state visit

  1. Dear Friends and Activists,

    Today, UN Ambassador Nikki Haley expressly threatened that the US
    would take action to IMPOSE a cutoff of oil supplies from China to
    North Korea, unless China did so on its own. Like we’re in a position
    to bully China or anything like that.

    What’s that supposed to mean, except a military attack on the
    infrastructure and/or resources of both countries, at the very least
    a military embargo, in short, an aggressive act of war against BOTH
    China and North Korea?

    Meanwhile, Trump continues to escalate his juvenile insulting taunts
    against the leader of North Korea. And while Rex Tillerson continues
    to decimate the state department so that we don’t even have a
    diplomatic option.

    At the same time, the Republicans in Congress won’t say a damn word
    against the lunatic in chief because they are too busy salivating
    about their greedy tax cuts for the wealthy, the ones they want to
    jam through without even a hearing or a debate on the merits, the
    final big payoff for their corrupt donors.

    Call your members of Congress now. We’re not going to tell you to
    yell at them, but we have no doubt that many of you want to. Here is
    the main number again.


    The most important thing you can do is to demonstrate your opposition
    to all this in every way possible. And a great way to do so is with
    any of our Trump resistance message gifts. Request some now for
    yourself and your friends and family in this holiday gift giving

    Lock Him Up/Impeach Trump popcorn boxes:


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