Trump to Davos, Switzerland billionaires meeting

World Economic Forum, cartoon

From The Local in Switzerland:

11 January 2018

Opposition to Trump’s visit to Davos grows

The announcement that US President Trump is to visit Switzerland later this month to attend the annual meeting of the World Economic Forum has prompted mixed reactions.

While a spokesman for the Swiss government said it was “delighted” that President Trump was coming to the mountain resort of Davos, centre-left politicians have made their displeasure clear.

Details of the visit would be worked out between the two sides in the coming days …

Meanwhile, the youth wing of the Social-Democratic Party SP is calling on the government to prevent the visit and has begun collecting signatures to a letter to the Federal Council, Blick reported.

It said the Social Democrats had also launched a Facebook campaign to oppose the visit.

It was calling on “all those who see Trump’s policies as posing a danger to progress, security and the environment” to sign the online petition.

The Graubünden branch of the SP said in a statement that the US president was free to visit, but this did not mean he was welcome.

A left-wing protest group, Campax, has also launched a petition against the visit and is planning to stage a demonstration, Blick said.